Latest Ride with Honda Steering Damper


Nov 13, 2008
I just got back from a 20-mile ride on my river-bottom trails. The HPSD on the KDX was set at one click out from full hard for this ride.
I could not detect any significant improvement in the handling of the bike once I got off the sand road and onto the trails. (It does help on the sand roads.)
This is pretty much the same that I found with the Scotts damper installed on my other Kawasaki: not enough improvement to be worth the $$.
Oh, well, it was a great idea and lots of fun.



Oct 27, 2008
have you tried adjusting on the scotts??
I had somthing today knock me straight down on my left I dont know what!! but I did not even have 1 millisecond to correct one second I'm riding in third and the next im on the ground wondering wtf.

your telling me the scotts does not take the fast hits and keep your bars centered??

I'm so sore.......I got my wifes crutghes out and adjusted them!!!
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