Listen to The Doctor!


Mar 2, 2003
Well, I learned two things, one, it's safer to crash a KDX than it is to fall out of a tree and two, listen to your doctor. Oh yes, I have crashed many times but never got as hurt from falling out of a tree. Yes, while climbing a tree (picking apples) I fell hard. Yes, you can laugh, like everyone else, to include me but it's true and I learned a valuable lesson that I would like to share.

I broke two ribs and injured my leg, just below my knee, shin bone area, which swelled up real bad. The doctor said to stay off my leg for two days, well I only stayed off it for one day and off to work I went. By Friday my ankle was swollen up real bad and my leg was very black and blue. I did not hurt my ankle but for some reason it was in bad shape,so off to the doctor I went. My doctor took one look and made an appointment at the emergency room thinking I had "compartment syndrome" My doctor would not even let me drive. I went to the emergency room and I was told I had to stay over for a few days.

In a nutshell, I did not have Compartment Syndrome but was very close. Why was I in such bad shape, because I did not stay off my leg for two full days. Basically, if you smack your leg and get a real bad bruise, the blood can get clogged causing some serious problems. Do a goggle for Compartment Syndrome which can explain a lot better than me. If you do get compartment Syndrome" The area has to be cut open and left open for several days for the "stuff" to drain. This procedure, by the way, requires a long recovery time!

Again, listen to the doctor and read those little do's and don'ts on the bottom of the emergency room papers.

I'm sorry if this post does not belong under the "KDX Forum" but I don't want anyone else going through what I did and I think smacking a shin bone is a popular woods injury.

Oh, by the way....... sitting on a milk crate and cleaning my KDX was not considered "Staying off my leg" for two days. Sitting back with my leg up and above my heart is what I was supposed to do.
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Mar 31, 2003
Wow! Take care of yourself and heal up quick! I hope those were some really good apples. :-)



Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Like riding gear, you should always wear your apple tree climbing gear when engaged in the sport. In your case, an apple a day didn't keep the doctor away.
P.S. Get well soon!
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