I live south of Pittsburgh for another 2 weeks and I am looking for some people to ride with before I move to DC. I have no problem driving somewhere if you are definately going to ride that day. I have a lot of friends who are not motivated go out and ride like we did in hs and I never lost the itch.
sounds good...we'll have some fun either glassport or isabella you name and and i can get there. you might need to go on google and get me a location to drive to.
Hi guys! New the site hear and I'm from Houston (PA), glad to find some other Pittsburgh locals on here. Tough to find people to ride with these days. I've never been to Finelyville , don't they call it Green Man? Where you guys from, we gotta ride here at Meadowlands or show me some new stuff.
maddog yz, i'm originally from s.park-greenmans was about 5 minutes from house. only way to ride greenmans now is if you know someone that can let you park at their place.it was a really great place to ride and from i hear locals still ride it. recently moved to fayette county and have heard about isabella dumps and somewhere in brownsville but have yet to find a place to park and unload without pissin someone off, so i've been going to glassport to at least get dirty. so where you ride at the meadowlands?
if anyone needs a place to park for glassport or clairton dumps lemme know.. im right at the trail head for clairton and about 5 minutes from glassport
In the isabella dump post I have a location on that map to that you can park and unload. It will take you right down to the dumps and you can park the truck and trailer and unload without someone complaining. I'll be out to ride 7 october and you guys want to get my contact info then shoot me an e-mail at jrfuzz@hotmail.com . When I am home my house is in Republic, PA. I ride Isabella, Brownsville, Greene county, Crucible dumps, and anything else close enough.
will try to hook up and ride with you in oct. just depends on work.i'll email you later in month once i figure out what their doing at work.also, thanks for the directions for parking for isabella, i'm hoping to check it out this weekend sometime.
there are always locals there riding. Lots of good guys and a ton of guys on utility quads that hang out in big groups and drink beer. There are two sets to the dump. One that you will first enter are the lower set and along the river. these have a few hills and what not but arent really crazy unless you go down the hills next to the train tracks. The dump pile up the washed out vehicle road is the main dump with the big hills and tons of places to dink around. If you cant find it for some reason just shut off the bikes on the lower dump and listen for more bikes in the distance in the opposite direction of the river. I know I know I confused the **** out of you but I'm just trying to get you out to some good riding. Hope you have a blast.
Theres some trails and hill climbs at Meadowlands/Houston. It's enough to hack around on for a little while and there's some tough single track. Theres a couple local Washington GNCC A class riders that frequent there and burn in some deep lines. It's good practice for harescramble racing and learning to ride ruts and tree roots. Theres parking along Johnson Rd and nobody says anything and nobody gets pissed. All of the trails and hills are on powerline and gas line rightaways. I'm probably up for a ride during the week next if anyone wants to get together somewhere.
maddogyz, could you go to google maps and drag out location for us to drive to along johnson rd? I have never been to Houston to ride. I have been there to the school and pass through on my way to the airport but that is all.