Looped out, hit ground, lost hearing.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Last night me and my buddy got his Yz 250 running. We decided to take it around his shop parking lot for some kicks. When I got on I wasn't really thinking clearly and pulled a massive wheelie. Cool, I thought, so I tried it again and looped it out. I hit the blacktop hard on my butt and held onto the bike so it wouldn't start bouncing on the blacktop. I managed to save the bike (except the rear fender) from any damage but my body was another story. After about 5 minutes standing in the shop my hearing started to fade. I got extremely dizzy and started to get tunnel vision. After another 5 minutes I had lost my hearing totaly and could barly see anything. I thought I was is shock so I laid on the floor and started covering up with coats and fender covers. After about a half hour my senses returned to normal but my butt was numb on the surface and extremly painfull in the bone.

Does this loss of hearing and sight make any sense? It's not like I hit my head and had a concushion. I've never experienced anything like this and don't want to ever again. A word of advise, 1997 Yz 250's are nothing like 1997 Kx 125's. Ride SAFE! :(


Sep 22, 2000

Never heard of anything like that before , but you need to be checked out by a doctor.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
After my last crash (unconscious for 10 minutes, sme swelling behind one eye, etc) my hearing was messed up for 3-4 weeks, but never that bad...only like listening in a well with pillows over my ears.

What you've got sounds *very* serious. Have someone get you to a doctor QUICK!


N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
I agree. Get to a doctor. Just to give you something to forward to, after doing basically the same thing you did without the loss of my senses I had a really bad pain in my tailbone that faded after a couple of days. No big deal. Until about 1year later when a cyst formed on my tailbone and I had to have surgery. The doc says it was due to the sharp trauma to the bone and he sees it quite often. Couldn't bend, sit, or sleep on my back for three weeks. Definitely not the most pleasant thing to endure. Thank god for my wonderful wife. She still laughs at me though. Better get checked out.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, 20 hours later and my senses are perfect. My tail bone hurts like never before. I bet I'll get one of those sists things because I hit the same spot every time I wreck snow skiing and dirtbiking. I am pretty sure that I went into shock after the wreck. After I started warming up I felt good except for the tail bone thing. Thanks for the replies and the concern but I don't have insurance right now because I just started a new job after a 3 month unemployment session. I got about 40 more days and I'll be set.

Any doctors in the house that can explain this weird occurance?


Jan 15, 2002

Go to a Doctor. If you won't go to a Doctor read the information at these links:

It is likely that you injured your spinal cord or brain. Do not drink alcohol for several days. Be very suspicious of any seemingly unrelated symptoms such as increased fatigue, mood swings, loss of coordination, cognitive functions etc.

Repeat. See a doctor. This is the serious stuff. You would be better off fixing a broken arm without a doctor than trying to tough guy a spinal or head injury. A $200 emergency visit isn't going to kill you. The lack of one could. Repeat. Go see a doctor.

Jeff Allen

Sep 23, 1999
Please see a doctor Jewell!!! Your tail bone is in direct line with you knogging. Any sharp impact down low could spike up top also!


Jan 17, 2001
Jewell, Call a Dr. up and tell him you would like to get him to examine you but you will be paying for it out of your pocket and do not have insurance. When they know you don't have insurance most likely they will give you a total discounted price right up front. I have done this before and my brother has done this before. It works. They usually charge much more to patients with insurance because the insurance companies make it so difficult to get any $$$ that the Dr.s increase their fee to cover the wasted time. My wife had to get some Physical therapy one time and the fee was $191... When I called the Billing Department and talked to the therapist to explain my situation he said he thought insurance would cover it all. When I told him that wasn't the case, he lowered the price to $90. My bro does it all the time with the dentist also.

You MUST see a Doctor. What happens if you are riding (or living) with a condition that the next time you aggravate it, instead of your hearing not working, how about your diaphragm so you stop breathing. Then you'll die!



Jan 17, 2002
Here's an idea...

...if you don't have the cash to go see a doctor, call one up and ask their opinion of the situation. If they think it's serious, you can quit kidding yourself and get it checked out. If they don't, you can stop worrrying about it. I really doubt they'd tell you not to worry about it though, and generally when something hurts there's a reason for it. Just call 'em up and see what an expert has to say.


Nov 26, 2000

I am nowhere close to a doctor, but seeing that none have replied, I will give my $.02 worth.

I am a 20 year Firefighter and Paramedic in Atlanta. I'm throwing that out there to say that I have seen a few banged up folks. I is POSSIBLE that you sustained a concussion from the get off.

What we see a lot in most any type or motor vehicle accidents (including dirt bikes) is that your body is traveling at a given speed. All your organs are traveling at the same given speed. When your body suddenly stops, your organs (including your brain) continue in motion. This causes torn nerves and vessels (veins and arteries) when they are stretched beyond their limits. As for as your brain, it slams itself into the inside of the skull and in mild cases as this sounds, causes bruising of the brain tissue. At worst, this movement of the brain can sever the brain stem and death will result.

Even though the side effects of the injury are gone, It does not mean that the effected area of the brain is not weakened, and a re-injury of the same area could be devistating. Just ask Travis Pastrana. When you hit on the ol' butt, the shock could have traveled up the spine, and basically knocked the hell out of your brain. Again, I am no doctor, but this is the only explination that makes sense.

I may be wrong, but I don't think you went into shock after the accident. I think it is possible that you confused the symptoms of a concussion going into shock.

Lastly, the insurance issue. Any federally funded hospital is required to treat you regardless of insurance or financial situation. It will be cheaper to pay this bill over time than the next bill after an uninformed re-injury and you are in ICU for about two weeks. You can pay $5.00 or $10.00 per month until you pay it off, and it won't show up on your credit report as long as you make the payments. And as a taxpayer, I personally had rather support the medical expenses of a fellow worker as yourself, than the local crackhead of "corner worker" (no offense intended to anyone that has just had their toes stepped on).

Bottom line, you need to go to the doctor and find out what happened. It may be that you need to lay off riding for a couple of weeks. But without the doctor's exam, you will never know.

I hope this helped a little.:(


Nov 4, 2000
I had the same symptoms when I got a concussion during a desert race in 99. I did not think I hit my head, either, weird. Like Firegod states, I think it is the sudden stop that does the trick. I had mine checked out and it was definitely a mild concussion. I could hardly hear, or focus with my eyes for a few minutes, and then everything came back.

I kind of agree - lack of insurance is no reason to not see a doctor if you have any doubt you health is at risk.;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Tons of great advise as usual. Most of it I have already told myself. Hearing it from people I respect just reinforces it. I went to the doc last night and was give the thumbs up to continue with daily activity. Prognosis was a shattered tail bone at worse. I was give prednison, a steroidal anti-inflametory. As far as permanent damage, she said that as long as I'm not numb anywhere else besides the impacted tissue, there is no nerve damage. The hearing and sight problems were atributed to almost passing out over and over.

All in all I saved 30 bucks on the visit over regular price and I feel much better knowing I'm not hurt permanently.

Thanks alot for the support, I really do appreciate it. No were else but DRN!

(Maybe I should change my singature:confused: )


Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by Jewell

All in all I saved 30 bucks on the visit over regular price and I feel much better knowing I'm not hurt permanently.

See, I told you!!!! Being a member of DRN just saved you $30.00. Where else are you going to get that? I'm glad you saw a Doctor. :D


Dec 2, 2001

You are not the only one with this problem, same thing happens to me...2 times. I was wearing a helmet both times and had not sustained any head injuries, my head feels fine until about 2 minutes after I wreck. Then my hearing gets willy nilly...just like you described...I felt dizzy both times and one time after an espically bad wreck (from 15 feet in the air) I just laid belly down on the ground and....breathed. I was nowhere near going unconcius (I know how that one feels like) And I have no Idea what happeded. The first time It was on a lill climb an the bike stalled on the hill and I went backwards. and rolled down the hlill and into some rocks. My hip was badly bruised both times. My friends had gotten my bike off the hill and had it resting on its kick when it happened. the hearing issues went away after about 2-3 minutes and I was fine. I dont think I hit my posterior or my head in a way that my spine would hit my brain..My head barely touched the ground the 2nd time, but i landed on my back


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
I really can't thank you guys enough for the laugh. It's the best I've had in a long time.:)

What happens if you are riding (or living) with a condition that the next time you aggravate it, instead of your hearing not working, how about your diaphragm so you stop breathing. Then you'll die!

"The 'ol hearin' bone's kunnected to tha' ---diaphragm bone. The diaphragm bone's connected to tha'....":p

I'll tell you, I've heard some fairly concerning things about injuries and people smacking off like it's no big deal & "don't go see a doctor" blaah,...., but this is not one of those. Transient low flow occuring shortly after a painful & frightening experience. It's all vagal. Ever heard of "fainting"? That's all that's happened here.

And no, you can't get a major brain injury from falling on your ass off the back of a YZ250 at 10 mph. And if you CAN, then I'll burn my license TODAY.:silly:


Oct 14, 2001
i don't have any advice, but i have a similar situation.

my friend was going down a hill on a bmx bike and a car pulled out of an intersection right in front of him so he had to ride it down into a ditch causing him to flip over the bars. he wasn't wearing a helmet or any pads and ended up hitting his head and lost his vision out of his left eye. he was freaking out thinking he had gone blind in one eye, luckily, when he got home and got in the shower his vision came back. to this day i have no idea of the scientific reasons behind this, but it is scary.


Sep 22, 2000
I may be wrong----

But I would be willing to wager that someday medical science will prove me right that there is a tendon connecting the head bone with the foot bone. :silly:

Originally posted by nephron
"The 'ol hearin' bone's kunnected to tha' ---diaphragm bone. The diaphragm bone's connected to tha'....":p

Ever notice that when there is a nasty wreck on the highway, how when people turn their head to look at the road carnage, the tendon I mentioned causes their foot to lift off the accelerator pedal and they slow down and traffic backs up for miles and miles! :eek: :think
Last edited:


Nov 12, 2001
I'm not a physician, but would you agree that a sharp blow to the sacrum could create a shearing motion in the skull that would cause a subdural hematoma. I know an epidural hematoma requires quite a blow to the side of the head, but just a shear force will lacerate the veins in the subdural space, causing a subdural hematoma. Of course, it isn't a subdural, but I think that it could happen. We are just finishing up neuro in my second year. I totally agree with the vagal symptoms though, and I'm just a student (none of us know very much).
KWjams: In a way the skull is connected to the foot, just by more than one tendon.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
By any chance does this mean your brain is in your Gluteaus Maximus area?;)
Now that I know you didn't sustain more serious injury couldn't resist:p


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001

Where you going to school? Are you at KU Med? I can pull strings.:)

Maybe I'll have you out here for a Nephrology rotation thru KU. We'll just ride--just don't tell Greenberger. He'll kill me.

Anyway--sure, I suppose in the farthest reaches of the universe of possibilities, you could sustain a shear-force related SDH from direct sacral trauma. But that would have to occur at tremendous forces/speeds & with the spine soaking up most of the trauma, you'd be dealing with a lot worse than an SDH, which can be drained & fixed. ie, multiple collapsed vertebral bodies & visceral/organ trauma, such as splenic/liver trauma/lacs. We're not talking about a fall off the back of a YZ250.

Most SDH's occur in drunks that fall & hit their heads, or old people with minor head trauma. Most young folks have to have an hellacious head injury to sustain something like that. Of course, shaken baby syndrome is essentially multiple SDH's.:mad:

You'll see all this soon. Good luck & let me know where you're at.

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