Jul 30, 2004
how loud would a powercore 2 be on a 2004 kdx 220. i want some volume but not anything like the shorty which is to loud .i might get the tubine core but would rather have the powercore 2.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
If your riding areas include any that require a U.S. Forestry approved spark arrester, then the powercore may not pass an examination and could result in a fine levied. In some cases, California for one, I've seen law enforcement require the bike not be operated until an arrester is installed. Could be a long ways back to the staging area. Also, California has a maximum noise level established and they do check. Check the requirements for your riding area before spending money or you might have problems later.


Dec 31, 1969
Jul 22, 2004
Okiewan said:

why not? i like the sounds of engines...chevy 350 straight pipes with glasspacks...hell yes :aj: expecially a 2 stroke motor with a pipe..i love that :eek:


Sep 22, 2003
The "WHY NOT" attitude is a threat to all riding areas. More noise usually does not mean more power. Show consideration for other users and help keep riding areas open. Kevin your comments imply that you are short of a few other things, not just money.
BTW straight pipes are just that, no muffler or "glass packs.
Jul 22, 2004
uhm... okay i live way out in the country man.. we dont have "riding areas" around here. no one cares how loud your stuff is. im not telling him to cut his muffler off and go ride in a state park, it just depends on were you live man. yea and um, my buddy has straight pipes...with glasspacks... and it sounds sweet. its all custom, if you wanna argue about it, argue with him, not me.

and yea.. i am stupid, i am iggnorant, and i am careless....


Sep 22, 2003
Ten years ago there were no land use issues in my area either. Unfortunately years of no regulation or education seems to have left a whole generation with no respect for the land or others. Eventually everyone will be affected by land use issues even if you live way out in the country. Don't give overzealous LEAF LICKERS any more ammo. Most enviro groups don't care where you ride, they just want to stop it. If I insulted your intelligence Kevin, I apologize.
Jul 22, 2004
i also apologize. i have a temper. well anyways dude, i never really thought of it that way, but i love loud pipes so much!..heh i kind of always thought that if it wasnt loud enough to piss the neighbors off..it wasnt loud enough. but maybe i'll think about those hippies next time i think about pissing off my neighbors


Apr 15, 2000
We're up against the noise level thing here in New Zealand as well. People moving in next door to commercial forests are moaning about the noise of chainsaws so you can imagine how they feel about dirt bikes.
From another ngle, loud pipes don't make more power, in a lot of cases they make less, especially two stroke mufflers that are in sad need of repacking. Also a loud bike makes you tired faster, I'm not sure why but it does, this might not be an issue if you are a casual trail rider but it makes a difference during a 3 hour plus race. Some of the fast guys here wear earplugs for that very reason. Another bonus of a quiet bike is that the goon in front of you doesn't know you are passing him till he sees your front wheel.
Quiet bikes are good.
Jul 30, 2004
oh no i dont want to piss people off thats why im asking. it that the stock pipe us so quite that when i ride with other people (on 4 stroke) i cant even hear my bike.


Aug 21, 2003
here in new zealand i ride where i wont when i wont and no body cares. the only time i need a spark arrester is when i go on trail rides and all it is is a bit of mesh that u put over then end of your pipe held on with a pipe clamp.
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