
Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Been a CRAZY few days here!! Last week my wife and I come home from a business trip to find our dog in pretty rough shape. He stood out front and was howling in pain.. He had been suffering from some kind of growth in his bowels… He could no longer even lay down comfortably – was obviously in total misery.. I ended up having to do what every pet owner who LOVES pets has nightmares over.
“CHANCE” was a good dog and a GREAT friend for 13 years! He was a lousy pickpocket and a mischievous character that stole my heart! He EARNED his name and was proud of it!! I MISS stumbling over him in the garage and MANY people will no longer find his hair in their car from visiting us!
Of course I didn’t sleep at all that night and was up the night before that taking care of business. Then THE worst nightmare of all began….
My nephew, Kyle (who I loving call Dancer) was in a TERRIBLE car accident! Kyle is C.W.’s brother (some of you have ridden with C-Dub and Ted knows him because of the heater in his garage) and a VERY Dear friend/companion of mine!
He was traveling on I-96 and rolled his Bravado near Coopersville. Somehow he flew out of the vehicle and, thankfully a truck driver found him! He is still in a Coma at Spectrum. Of course, family and friends have been gathering down there by countless numbers.
His injuries (known) at the time I arrived there early Friday morning were skull fracture, shoulder/arm fracture, multiple rib fractures, crushed lungs, Hip fractures. They had him on life support (I CRIED my eyes out to see him like that) and still do. They also had a suction tube hooked up to his chest to ventilate the fluid/blood from between his rib cage and lungs.. Later they found a BASKETBALL size tear in his diaphragm that was allowing his internal organs to enter the chest cavity. They did surgery and have now got that closed up.
EVERY minute of Dancers life right now is a HUGE blessing and milestone.. The docs say that this period is crucial as every minute that goes by is a PLUS and a STRONG indicator that he will make it!!
PLEASE pray for Kyle and our family as we deal with this… And THANKS from all of us for doing so!!


Aug 31, 2005
Will add him to my prayers..

God Bless



Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Woody - So very sorry to hear about Chance and Kyle. I wish the very best for you and your family, and you will be in my thoughts.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
Sorry to hear about your loss of your good friend Chance Scott. My family will be praying for your family.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Woodsy, we're praying for Kyle's recovery, and for comfort to his family as well as yours'. Sorry to hear about Chance, my 12 year old yellow lab Abbey isn't too far behind.

If you need a place to hange while visiting Kyle, I'm only a few short miles away, just call.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
THANKS to everyone for all the support!! Here is a quick update.
The Neuro Surgeon said that as of today he is back out of the picture. NO brain swell that needed shunt work at this time - WHEW!! It appears that the diaphram repair job is doing its thing and they are now preparing him for surgery on his hip tomorrow. His hip is fractured is several places and they said they are not sure there is enough places left to pin it back together.. They will know more when they open it up. He is in and out of a coma at this time but they believe that we are thru the roughest part - EVERY step is a step further away from..... cant even say it....
That Kyle is JUST like his brother C-DUB - HE IS NO QUITTER!!
ANyway, this is going to be a lonnnnnggggg process but we are in it for the long haul!! THats what family's are for!!!
Thanks again for the support, I am going to print this out in a couple days and take it up there to post on his picture board. Once this thing gets under control and he is stablized I will let you all know his room # - maybe send a card (he is a brother biker) or stop by and say hi if your able... THey are talking months in the hospital and as I recall, I about lost it completely after just a couple days when I was in...
ANyway, thanks you guys - YOU ARE THE GREATEST friends a Woodsy could have! :cool:


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Dang woodsy - just found this thread. Having been through the experience we went through together you must know I consider you a great and priceless buddy. You better believe everyone affected by this will be in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and be there for everyone bro - I know you will.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
You and your family are in our prayers to! Hang in there buddy!


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002

Kyle and his family will be in my family's thoughts and prayers for sure. Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a pet is a difficult situation. I had that horrible decision to make with my puppy of 14 years a couple of weeks ago. At least they're not in pain anymore...



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
As an update....
The doctors removed Kyles breathing tube today and he is ON HIS OWN!!!!! He has been slipping on and off Comatose and opening his eyes AND recognising people!! He is slowly but surely coming back!! They did re-constructive surgery to his hip and were able to find enough pieces to pin/plate it back so NO artificial joint at this time.
He does have Newmonia BUT the Doctors have identified the bug and are treating him accordingly..
Kyles Mom (my sister - lucky girl that she is) was holding his hand when he slipped back into reality. He asked who CW was (CW is Kyles brother) and she said - "thats Jon". Kyle said - do you mean Jon Tobaison (yes - they do have the same last name too) :laugh: Kyle looked at CW and said - "I thought we were gonna go buy motorcycles" :aj: ATTA BOY DANCER!!!!!!!!!
THanks to ALL of you for your prayers/concerns and compassion in my Nephews behalf!!! YOU really do make a difference!!
Woodsy and fam :ride:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
That's great news Woodsy! I'm glad Kyle's coming around.

Now I understand the fam relationship with Kyle and you.


Dec 2, 2003
Thats great news Woodsy. Sounds like he is heading in the right direction. That boy sounds like a fighter.

Make sure to let us know when he is able to have visitors. Ill make the trip to the hospital (yes I hate them places) to visit with a fellow biker.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
Im glad to hear He is doing better. Ill keep the prayers coming for a complete recovery.

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