
Sep 13, 2001
I image many of you have seen the movie Motocrossed by Disney. My question is I live in Canada and have Canadian satillie, but a girl in my class has Americian satillite with the disney channel. My question is does anyone know when the next time its on? I would love to watch it and its costing me big time to get it recorded already. so if anyone knows when please tell me.:ugg:



May 30, 2001
The only thing 'dumb' about it was the poor attitudes of the other riders she had to deal with. Not unlike the way some people put it down on this thread.

So where is your movie that puts our favorite sport on the Disney channel? Putting litterally millions of parents in the position of having Jr, beg to have a motorcycle... And the contribution to our sport from those that complained would be what??? :p
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Sep 9, 2001
I didn't sit throught the whole thing.. got bored .. I have watched way to many 'action only' dirtbike crash em, wreck em, ride em till they die bike movies to sit through this... but

For the kids.. most definitely a 'must see' - after all the future of our sport will greatly depend on the interest these little tykes show in it... WTG Disney!!!


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
Originally posted by stormer94
The only thing 'dumb' about it was the poor attitudes of the other riders she had to deal with. Not unlike the way some people put it down on this thread.

So where is your movie that puts our favorite sport on the Disney channel? Putting litterally millions of parents in the position of having Jr, beg to have a motorcycle... And the contribution to our sport from those that complained would be what??? :p

I second that! Well said! It is great exposure. We are not looking for top notch acting here! I think it is a great step forward and I hope this postive momentum keeps going for our sport. I say thanks to Disney channel for taking the time and I hope other Family focused channels follows suit.


Oct 6, 2001
I'm sorry I didn't think about little kids. I guess it would be good for little kids. It will get them interested I'm sure I have a 9 year old neighbor who saw it and now is saving for one. (I think his parents will end up payin for it though cause he don't have any money:confused: )

What I meant was for older kids and adults might not enjoy it because it isn't all that realistic to me.


May 30, 2001
Yea, but how much actual dirtbike content do we have on TV now? It's worth a watch, wether it sucks or not, to prove to the disney people and other producers that "Hey, what's up with this dirtbike thing? Maybe we should shoot more of it".

Support what we have, good or bad, and we will see more of it. That's why it's important to watch and dig it. Write in that you like it, etc...

Wouldn't it be great if every show on TV was about dirtbikes? (well, maybe it wouldn't be) but at least having some is good start.

If we as offroad enthusiasts don't want and enjoy the programming about our favorite sport, why would they make more?


Oct 7, 2001

I mailed the dude a spare copy I had. I can't understand why any of u wouldn't want to watch it. When's the last time anyone made a movie to promote our sport! Sure there are Crustys and terafirmas, but what about full length movies that everyone in the family can watch and enjoy. I only wish more diversified movies were released concerning moto/woods/trials/flat track/ whatever. Anyone ever see the old Rob Redford movie (way back) where he started as a dirt rider and ended up riding road race in CA? I'd love to get a copy. I can't remember the name but it was something like Big dude and little dude (substitute the dude for a real name). Anyhoo, any movie about our sport is better than picking the lint from our bellybuttons!!!!!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000

Originally posted by JANDERSON
. . . the old Rob Redford movie . . . something like Big dude and little dude . . .
I believe it was Little Fauss and Big Halsy(1970) Starring Robert Redford as Halsy Knox, Michael J. Pollard as Little Fauss, and Lauren Hutton as Rita Nebraska.


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Call me a whimp, loser or whatever.......
I have watched that movie start to finish mucho times. Its my grandsons favorite thing to watch on TV other than real race coverage. He will be 2 in a couple weeks and that movie excites him beyond belief. I guess its a way for me and him to spend quality time together watching something we both love "motocross".
Its not like a freestyle video, but IMO is excellent exposure for the sport.


Jan 12, 2000
I watched motocrossed with my kids a few times, I enjoyed it. I do not watch tv too often but if I find something about mx or off road racing I'm there.

Every once in a while they show Little Fauss & Big Halsy on Speedvision, It was great watching it with my 10 yr old showing him what we used to ride when we were his He got a kick out of :eek:


Jul 5, 2001
I noticed that, and yes I have watched it numerous times.Just don't stand a chance against Revelation 199 or the Crusty videos for me or live race coverage.;) :)


Sep 15, 2000
Anything with appearances from Pastrana and McGrath is good :)

I actually enjoyed it, I still haven't seen "On any Sunday"


May 24, 2001
Does anyone have this movie on tape? I'm sure my 9 year old boy and 5 year old girl (who is just getting really into riding her PW50) would love it. We don't get disney channel here, so no chance of me taping it myself. I sure would appreciate it!

Dec 20, 2000
you guys are all harshin on something that helped our sport. Who cares if everything wasn't exactly right. We really shouldn't be complaining. I mean 1st off, for the dysney channel, that was pretty danm good IMO. 2nd, its better than stuff that makes it to the big screen, i mean look at Driven. That was one of the worst movies ive seen in long time. But niether here nor there, they did a decent job.

I don't know if anyone remembers, im only 17, but i found some ancient movies on e-bay. I got Sidewinder, and Winners take all. Motocrossed was much better than those, but maybe thats cuse those movies are just old school.


Dec 26, 1999
I watch it whenever I flip through channels and happen to see it. Im with everyone else be glade that the sport is getting exposure. Hopefully it will let some people realize that ALL dirtbikers aren't looking for trouble.
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