
Sep 9, 2001
you guys are all harshin on something that helped our sport

Not true.. I actually didn't care for the story line that went along with the movie but that's me.. For kids it's a great movie.. Come to think of it when I was younger 11 or 12 they had a movie out called The Dirt Bike Kid - that was my favorite movie back then.. and even now I could probably stand to watch it again... but if I saw it for the first time this year it just wouldn't be all that appealing... but to a kid.. awww nevermind.


Jan 17, 2001
I just saw it and I thought it was pretty good. I mean you can either show all racing, which woldn't be a movie, or you can show very little racing which wouldn't be fun to watch. I think they had a good balance. I think it was a good movie and my boys LOVED it. Good thing I taped it because the first thing they said after it was over was if they could see it again. I think it was VERY GOOD FOR OUR SPORT.

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