My Son crashed bad...needs your prayers...


"Team Army"
Dec 9, 1999
if the percocet and tordol arent doin the job TELL them to use something else.there is no use suffering when there are other things available.beware though i had to hide the vicoden from my son he was taking them too quickly.which was a real trick as both arms were casted to the arm pits.had a few problems goin to the bathroom too.youll see just how tough your son is,hes tougher than you think.i remember my son telling my wife while he was still in the hospital,dont sell my bike.this might take the wind out of his hair as far as riding though.neither one of my sons ride anymore,and ive been hurt myself so many times the wife is always tryin to get me to hey motomonkey youll see this is hard to walk away from,ive quit at least 10 times.


Apr 13, 2001
Pat... another set back

Wed his pain started climbing and they couldnt
get it under control. It got real bad Thursday and today I questioned Drs... They did some tests and found 'Compartment syndrome' in the calve muscles where the muscles are swelling more than they have room for.
He was rushed into surgery again today to cut about a 6 inch open gash on both sides of his calf to allow the muscle room to swell. This has to remain open for 5 days then closed... If there isnt room to close, then
skin graphs are needed. Then tonight they cathed him because his urine showed a high level of a chemical indicating dying muscle tissue and this can plug the kidneys. So now hes in ICU for 2 days watching all this
stuff, They may need to do another surgery to remove dead muscle tissue due to the pressure.
The thing that ticks me off, is I hear that this is common in lower leg breaks... well if its so stinking common, then why did they wait so long in checking it again if it was border lined the first time... I had to insist that someone get in there and look at him. Now he has all these other problems because they waited to long to treat the swelling!!!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Stick to your guns, Awilson40. At least in ICU they pay attention. The problem with the orthopedic wards is they see it all the time and look right past the obvious, especially with younger patients. My family has learned the grab 'em by the arm and drag 'em in technique. Doesn't hurt to carry a legal pad with you either. Keep us updated, I'll keep Pat in my thoughts.

Myers Racing

Jan 24, 2002
Praying for your son

Hope and prayers go out to you and your family in this time of need. We have been where you are now. In '94 I got cross ruted on a 30' step up and lost it on the landing. When the dust settled I had hit my left thigh on a rock about the size of a basketball. Fractured my femur about mid-thigh. had a rod and 3 screws in and wife tried to convince me to quit. I raced the following year and had more fun than ever, gave me a new attitude and appreciation for what I was able to do. The end of that season I had the rod and screws removed and that is when my problems started. When they removed the rod my blood wouldn't clot and about 4 or 5 hours after surgery in the recovery I noticed it and about freaked. The whole bed was soaked because it wouldn't stop bleeding. I got it taken care but had to quit motocross because of a back injury (work related) and miss riding and racing a ton. There is a young up and comer that I go to the races with and am helping with his training and racing. It's not the same but I just love motocross and always have & will. I have a 3 year old and looking forward to the day he gets his first bike.
I don't mean to scare you with my complications but it will give you an idea what to look for when the time comes. My surgery was done by Air Force personnel because I was active duty when it happened. My bosses weren't very happy and they even told me that I wasn't allowed to go racing anymore. That is when I decided to go back to civilian life and do whatever I want. The past six months I have been wishing I was still in the military protecting our country but I know that we are in good hands with the military watching out for us.

Again prayers go out to you and your family and also I would like every to send out a prayer to our military and their families. Pray that they all make it home safe to their loved ones. :)


"Team Army"
Dec 9, 1999
im with bswift.ask questions,pound your fist,go to the head of the department.write it down.if you dont like their answer,get another opinion.demand it.tell them you want a American doctor that was trained in an American school,and speaks english.i had a hmo so i had to go to the doctor they sent me to.i tore my right rotator cuff,broke 3 ribs, at byron,after listening to that doctor,i wouldnt let him anywhere near me with a knife.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 3, 2000
I don't have any similar experiences, but I know how I would feel if I were in your shoes and it were my son. I've watched my son with his bumped heads and scraped knees and I know how much that hurt me, so I can only imagine what it's like.

Keep your faith, God hear's yours, and everyone elses prayers, we just have to hand it over to him. God bless you and your family.


Apr 13, 2001
Pat 9 am Update

After a night in ICU, he seems to be doing better. his hemoglobin is on the low side, but is Urine output is good and the CK levels(measurement of dead muscle) are slowly dropping. The Dr's changed the dressing today and the muscle is pinking up... still a bit gray at the edges, but if thats all that dies then he wont require any more surgery.
He has been getting great care, Excellent Ortho surgeon put him back together. My only gripe is that they waited too long in catching the compartment syndrome. Maybe only 12 hrs or so, but still.
I was telling my wife... good thing they didnt send him home on Tuesday when he was doing so good and he developed this at home. He would be in a much bigger 'world of hurt'
Thanks everyone... Pat cant wait to get to a PC so he can read all
these posts.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by awilson40
. . . catching the compartment syndrome . . .
For anyone that wants to relate, think arm pump in a much much bigger muscle. :ugg: What the docs did to Pat is what these guys that get "arm pump surgery" have done.

Tell Pat to hang in there. Getting through airports in the future will take lots of explainin' though!


Jan 27, 2000

Glad to hear Pat is doing better. There was an article in our local newspaper, The Press Enterprise, last week on the power of prayer. They did a scientific study with several groups of people that were sick. The group that had people praying for them, did much better than the other groups.

I will see if I can find the article for details.

Hang in there Pat.



Aug 10, 2001
get well

Your son is in my prayers. Ive spoken with him several times via email and he is such a nice kid. I'm assuming he's at Pitt memorial, great hospital. Please keep us updated on his progress.


Apr 13, 2001
Pat... Sunday PM Update

Pat had a great day, the CK numbers are dropping quickly, I watched the dressing change today( muscles looked great) I talked to the surgeon who
did the operation to relieve pressure and he said that the way things look now, no muscle will need to be removed. Pat is improving,getting back to his joking self and has the nurses laughing. They moved him out of ICU, he's now in a nice semi priviate room with no room mate, so they have some room and its quiet.
The next big step is that the swelling goes down enough so he doesnt need skin grafts, Thats what we are praying for so all you 'prayin people'... pray for that;) Right now, it looks like he will need them, Thats another 5 days in the hospital After the grafts which would be a big bummer. Even through all this, he still wants to ride again.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Great news! We'll keep on praying on this end.


Apr 13, 2001
Pat ,Monday PM update.

He's better all the time... We were really worried about nerve damage,he couldnt move his toes sense Friday. Well, he can move them now.Pretty much off any pain meds, except when they change the dressings on the calves. His muscles look good with just a hint of damage. They are waiting 'till Thursday to close, hoping for enough reduced swelling to avoid skin grafts. Get This.... he got a card and note today from Gary Bailey !!! Man, Pat 'bout came out of the bed, Warned us all not to loose or damage that card. That was so cool!!!
Have a good one.


Jan 17, 2001
That is good news. I'm glad to hear that he can move everything. Gary Bailey.... You don't think he lurks in here do you??

Tell Pat, we will keep praying as long as he keeps healing :D

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
great news on the report. Hopefully he will have a full recovery. We'll keep him on the list. :cool:


Gone Bye-Bye
Oct 15, 2001
It'g great to hear that things are getting better. not only do you guys have a pic of pat with bailey, but now a card. they better watch the swelling in his head now.:)
Our friend crash had a nasty spill at the new hamstead track (awesome by the way, sorry he'll be missing it for a while). he fractured his radius and ulna. Not nearly as bad as pats, but it makes me be all the more careful.
Glad for the good news. Tell pat we all are asking about him.


Apr 13, 2001
hey YardPro

I'll tell him you are asking after him. He's pretty depressed, Still has a long time left in the hospital and he really wants to go home.... He wants his life back. Getting tougher on him each day:(


Apr 13, 2001
Pat Update

Pats doing a lot better, his spirits seem higher. He looks real good.
He got his staples out and tomorrow(Thursday) The will try to close
the open slits. Please pray he wont need skin grafts.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Glad to hear the progress. I had to have grafts and the surgeon did a fantastic job. I does slow down the rest of the mending however. We're with you all the way.:)


Apr 13, 2001
Pat...Bad news again.

I'm typing this through tears but i need to vent...the drs closed Pats leg today. One side with grafts and it went OK...But the other side had to have 10 - 20 % of the muscle removed and they are waiting to see if any more muscle tissue dies before they can close it with grafts. This is so hard, he's taking it much better than me. All this because they let it go so long.
How much longer is this going to go on???


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Andy, sorry to hear the bad news. :(
Keep strong. These things just make us stronger (it just doesn't seem to at the time).
Best wishes to your family.


Jan 17, 2001
We still have you in our prayers. It is good to see your son is taking it so well. It sounds as if he will make light of even the current situation. Hang in there. Look at it this way, if they are starting to close it, that means that Pat is almost out of the woods. Hang in there Andy, you can do it.:)


Oct 24, 2001

I (with another in agreement) have continued to include your son and family in prayer. Remember that healing is more than flesh and blood. We see the immediate need, God meets the eternal need. You and your family have the best possible support anyone could ask for. I have seen one young lady in a near coma (gun shot accident) praising God. Her love toward God is the greatest blessing she could have.

Healthy muscle can be built-up to replenish the lost tissue. Encourage your son to pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

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