I got quite a shock the other day when my wife was quizzing me about my plans for DirtWeek. I was saying that unless I could hookup with someone to help with the driving I probably wouldn’t go. Then she says (this is where a defibrillator would have come in handy), how about if I go with you then I could help with the driving. I was blown away. Most of the reason she offered is because we rarely are apart for more than one night, and even over night trips are rare. We enjoy each other’s company and she’ll miss that when I’m gone. I’ll miss her too so it sure would be nice to have her go with me.
The problem is, she would be bored stiff just sitting in the hotel room and just as bored being at the festivities at LTM (I may be wrong, she’s surprised me before). Is anybody else bringing their wife that has the same situation? It would make me feel better if there was someone that she could hang out with. She is into antiques, old dolls, and shopping (note to self: raise VISA limit). It would nice to have her with me but I certainly don’t want her to be miserable.
I thought there was a similar thread but I couldn’t find it.