New Asterisk Owner: Question about proper alignment of braces...


Aug 10, 2004
Hello All!

Brand new owner of a pair of Cell Braces, and I'm very excited about wearing them for the first time on the trail (note I said "wear" them, and not "use" them *laughing*) To me, saying that I "used" them means I crashed :)

Anyhow, I had a quick question which I couldn't find in the instructions or here in the forums...

When adjusting the upper and lower side pieces against the side of your legs (not the hyperextension adjustment) It only says in the instuctions to snug it up against the side of your leg, and nothing about proper alignment of the brace, if any...

I'll try to be more clear... If you were to trace a line directly from the top of your femur down to the center of your ankle, should the brace be in line exactly with that?

I ask because it seems like if I snug up the bottom side clamp against my calf in a comfortable position, it doesn;t appear as thought the centerline of the red piece is directly over my shin, its a little to the inside...

My biggest concern is that I know that the hinge joint is not simply a straight "hinge" motion and that there is some bio-mechanical component of motion in there, and if the alignment of that motion is not in line with my knee that it would cause some kind of unnatural side load on my knee as it flexes and straightens, kind of like if you put a door hinge on crooked and it torqued as you opened and closed the door *creak* :)

Am I overanalyzing this whole thing? Should the brace be centered over the knee and perfectly in line with the top of femur, to center of ankle? Can it be slightly rotated in alignment one way or the other with no problems?

Thanks in advance, just want to make sure I get this right right off the bat :)

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