
Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Well I have been at Wal-Mart for 7.5 years. I started when I was almost 17. I have ran my own department for the last 6.5yrs. Over the past year or so the company is really going down hill and the management is getting ignorant. With each management change they seem to get worse.

I wasn't really looking for anything, but this kinda fell into my lap. I got offered an assistant manager position with Advance Auto Parts. I really don't know auto parts that well. I do know retail though and I know the salesfloor very well. I just don't know the hard parts. They offered me assistant manager right away, with hopes of me running my own store within a year or two. Which I don't know if I want or not. I'll have to take it one day at a time.

I have so many emotions going right now...I'm excited to try something new. I really was getting bored with my old position. Which was department manager of Automotive. It was getting way too easy and I wasn't willing to take the next step to become an assistant.

I'm also scared and nervous at the same time. Wal-Mart is the ONLY job I have ever had. Well I did work at the roller rink at 14, but I don't really count that...

I'm going to miss all of the friends I have made in the past almost 8yrs. I am not going to miss anything else...well my Mon-Fri 7-4 shift I will miss...

The downsides are that it is slightly less pay, working 10 more hours a week. It is still hourly so I do get time and a half after 40 hours. So I will make more at the end of the week...I will have to work some Saturdays and a Sunday here and there...which sucks. I haven't worked weekends in YEARS!

I think mentally it will be good though...I won't go into work so depressed anymore..well hopefully not!

I know two of the guys who work there. One used to work with Phil and the other used to work for me.

I think I will still go back to school this fall. I want to be a dental hygienist. I don't think I want to be in retail for the next 30yrs...

Anyway...just thought I would share!
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Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
MXGirl230 said:
I think I will still go back to school this fall. I want to be a dental hygienist. I don't think I want to be in retail for the next 30yrs...

while you did not "ask" for advice - and i can't tell from your post if this is already a "done deal"

if you really want to go back to school or do something other than retail - don't you think it would be easier with a boring job that has less hours, fixed schedule, with more pay - rather than sacrificing pay and your time, not to mention intellectual energy that could be put to use in the classroom, in a job that also does not sound like your future dream job...

short term sacrifice for long term gain is the way to do it...

good luck regardless of your choice


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Yes it would..but they are finding stupid ways to get rid of people. I'm almost positive I was on the list. It's frustrating going in every morning and wondering if I have people in the shop and someone on the counter. I spend 6 of my 8hrs on the counter and not IN my department. There has been a lot of things that have led me up to want to leave. Almost everyone in the store w/ 7+ yrs wants out...

The other thing is I don't know for sure if I can get into the dental courses this fall. They fill up FAST. I have been trying for the past 3yrs...


Jan 30, 2007
Hi mx girl,
Change is good but sometimes when an opportunity comes up it turns out to be a good thing. Auto or motorcycle parts managers can make decent money I'm sure just as much as a dental hygienist. You need to think about what you would enjoy the most
- cleaning teeth:whoa: :think: or dealing with mostly men in the parts department :yikes: it's up to you.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Congrats on the new job :)

I did a Google on Dental Hygienists salaries, Looks like a great career move :)


DENTAL HYGIENISTS are part of the dental care team which includes dentists,
dental assistants and dental technicians working together to prevent and
control gum disease and the development of tooth decay.

Dental Hygienists clean and polish teeth using scaling instruments and a
rotating polisher. They apply decay preventive agents such as fluorides and
sealants, chart medical and dental histories and take and develop dental
X-ray films. They also gather all of the patient data and information for
the dentist and teach patients good oral hygiene practices.

Hygienists do not diagnose problems, but over time they have acquired more
responsibility. They can administer anesthesia for pain control and prepare
clinical and laboratory diagnostic tests for interpretation by dentists. On
occasion they may work with dentists in the capacity of dental assistant.
They are increasingly involved in periodontal therapies including root
planing, micro-ultrasonics and soft tissue curettage.

Dental Hygienists who are employed in public health such as Indian Health
Services (in the federal Health and Human Services Department) or in
community health programs help dentists assess dental care needs and plan
appropriate dental health programs. This includes supervising field
training for dental hygiene students. They also provide clinical services,
especially for children.

Dental Hygienists who work in hospitals, clinics and nursing and
convalescent homes assist dentists with oral health problems of the
patients. At colleges and universities, they engage in Research in the
field, teach dental hygiene programs and may be employed as faculty members
in dental schools.

New legislation that would allow hygienists to work independently is
currently pending. Sponsored by the California Dental Hygienists
Association (CDHA), the bill, if enacted, allows hygienists to set up their
own practice or work in a group practice.


Dental Hygienists work in pleasant modern, well-lighted, heated, and
ventilated surroundings that usually have the latest dental equipment.

While most of the time Dental Hygienists work sitting down, they can still
develop back and neck pain. Repetitive hand and wrist movements used in
their work may cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Other hazards include exposure to infectious diseases and possible overdose
of radiation from X-rays. Risks are minimized by using such safety gear as
masks, safety glasses and special aprons. Important health protection in
this occupation includes regular checkups and strict adherence to safety
procedures for the use of X-ray equipment.

The work requires good vision (may be corrected) and finger dexterity for
close attention to detail and handling of sharp instruments. Constant work
with other dental team members in a confined space is common.

Licensed Dental Hygienists are eligible to join the American Dental
Hygienists' Association and California Dental Hygienists' Association.


The following information is from the California Projections of Employment
published by the Labor Market Information Division.

Estimated number of workers in 1993 16,590
Estimated number of workers in 2005 24,240
Projected Growth 1993-2005 46%
Estimated openings due to separations by 2005 4,650

(These figures do not include self-employment or openings due to turnover.)

The employment outlook for Dental Hygienists remains good. Newly created
jobs will account for most job opportunities, but a sizable number will also
occur as workers die, retire or change careers.

A number of factors contribute to such growth: heightened awareness of the
importance of regular dental care, more people with dental insurance
coverage, and an aging population with extended dental care needs.

Other factors which will result in new jobs for hygienists include a greater
emphasis on community and public health, advances in dental hygiene
education, increased specialty areas and new dental health counseling
programs. New opportunities are also arising in Public Health Programs
sponsored by schools and federal, State, and local Health Departments.


Earnings can vary widely between areas. Education and work experience often
determine salary levels. The average range for entry Dental Hygienists is
$60 to $280 for an eight-hour day. Experienced hygienists earn an average
pay range of $100 to $330 for eight hours. Hygienists who have worked at
least three years for the same employer often earn the top wages. According
the California Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA), salaries range between
$180 and $375 a day, with temporary employment agencies paying $30 to $40

Dental Hygienists employed by the State of California earn $2,664 - $3,200 a
month; Dental Hygienists Auditors and Consultants earn $3,200 - $3,859

Fringe benefits usually include medical insurance, paid vacation and sick
leave - especially for full time employees. Many employers provide
retirement plans and discounts on dental work.

Most Dental Hygienists work part time - eight hours a day, usually two or
three days a week. They often work for more than one dentist.


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
MXGirl230 said:
Yes it would..but they are finding stupid ways to get rid of people. I'm almost positive I was on the list. It's frustrating going in every morning and wondering if I have people in the shop and someone on the counter. I spend 6 of my 8hrs on the counter and not IN my department. There has been a lot of things that have led me up to want to leave. Almost everyone in the store w/ 7+ yrs wants out...

The other thing is I don't know for sure if I can get into the dental courses this fall. They fill up FAST. I have been trying for the past 3yrs...

well, that is a bit of a different story... i can certainly understand the not liking your job. i have one that many think is a dream career/job but i am looking to get out. uncertainty is main issue for me too as well its just not a fun place to be any longer... will likely mean a significant pay cut but significantly less stress (and perhaps a longer life)!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Phil said:
"stupider"? :p

Phil what's that mean? Wait lol...guess I could ask you since you are home!


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
MXGirl230 said:
I think I will still go back to school this fall. I want to be a dental hygienist. I don't think I want to be in retail for the next 30yrs...

Go for it! Whatever you do, do not let anyone try to stop you!

I work a regular Monday through Friday 8-4:30 job like most people but I also take 3 classes per semester at the community college. I am SO busy all the time due to that, but I don't regret having taken this on. A couple more semesters and I'll have my Associates Degree in Business Management with an Accounting concentration. From there I'll go for my Bachelor's, as I want to be a CPA.

The moral of my story is this - if this is something you absolutely, positively want (the job and school) then nothing will be able to stop you from achieving your goals.

I wish you the best of luck! :cool:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Thanks everyone. I start the 12th, we'll see what happens. I am SO nervous!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
tonibaloney said:
and just think with the dental hygienist job, no late work nights, and NO WEEKENDS!!! more time to ride!!

YUP! AND if we still live in Holland, I would like to work for the dentist we have gone to for almost 10yrs. His people have the WHOLE week of Thanksgiving off AND week of Christmas off!!! 100% paid and all of the other small "holidays too".


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
Congrats on your new path, you won't regret it. And don't worry you'll do fine :nod:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
We live in Michigan, not much for the MX industry jobs here. My friend Dustin had to leave here for So. Cal. He is working as an Alpinestars rep.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Congrats and good luck. Sounds like you made the right decision- Change is often great for your well being. Besides at your advanced age you have what 30 years to make up your mind what you want to do when you grow up. I still haven't figured that out myself (of course first I would have to grow up).
Have fun at work this week learning all the new policies and inner business gossip.


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
I worked at an autoparts store when I was in college. Maybe the most fun job I ever had.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
First day didn't go too bad, actually kind of boring today. I had the fun of doing the computer based learning tests. I finished those in an hour, they are supposed to take 3. I came out of the office and asked the store manager how many he wanted done. He told me todays only. I told him all of todays were done...he was surprised that I finished them that fast. So after that I learned how to look up parts, use the safe, sign more paperwork and then spent the last half of my day putting away the truck. So it went pretty well. Tomorrow I will learn the opening routine and memorize my passwords and combinations.


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
In other words it went great :nod: Didn't break anything, didn't make yourself out to be a fool.... and got the first day out of the way. It may sound silly in type, but you accomplished a lot to day.

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