Newpiston, won't start


Dec 10, 2004
I replaced the piston in my son's '96 KDX200 and can't get it started. Spark at plug but no gas on plug. fuel is in tank, gas line connected, petcock on. What should I check next?


Dec 10, 2004
arrow pointing forward

I installed a Wiseco piston with the arrow pointing toward front of bike. Can I check it by removing the reeds?


Dec 12, 2002
If the arrow is pointing towards the front of the bike then it's in the right direction. Did you check the bore of the cylinder and make sure it was within spec? I can't imagine it would be that terribly worn, but an engine that is really low on compression will not create enough vacuum to draw the fuel/air mixture in from the carb.

Obviously if it is not getting fuel then you need to progress along the path the fuel takes and find what is preventing it from getting to the combustion chamber. Petcock actually flowing fuel? Carb jets gunked up? Reed valve stuck? Compression good?

Good luck.


Oct 14, 1999
A couple of assumptions:

1. The bike ran fine before the piston was replaced (well..relatively)?

.oh...that's only one assumption.

While it may well be something else, it's a good bet it's something related to what you did or didn't do...agreed? (a 'something else' would be the six months the bike sat while the 'rebuild' was happening. 'eh??)

Ensure your fuel is fresh. Ensure you are getting fuel too the carb bowl. It doesn't take a real long time to get a sticky float.

Is the plug wet? I presume 'no gas on plug' means it's not? Replace it on GP. If it's either have no fuel or the reeds are stuck.

Did you note that the reed block fits in only ONE way? You CAN put it in upside down just as easily as right side up. Take off the carb...look into the intake boot. The boot should transistion smoothly to the reed cage. If you're looking at a flat piece of the phenolic (the white stuff), it's upside down.

While your looking at that...make sure the reeds are NOT stuck. Stick your pinky in there and move'em around. Well..OK...not 'around'...up and DOWN...howzzat?

While you're at it...just take the reed assy out and make sure the piston isn't backwards. You should see a couple of holes in the piston skirt on the intake side. If you don't see any holes, it's backwards. Oh my...I've not SEEN a Wiseco for a KDX...they DO have holes on the intake side...right?

Did you have the carb apart? Is the nylon cable retainer seated properly (tab of nylon IN the retainer nut slot)?

Does your choke work? Does it 'stick' up when you pull on it?

If your plug is dry..there is an ingestion problem. No fuel.

Backwards piston

You're familiar with this sort of thing?

Wouldn't it be a hoot if you forgot to put in the wrist pin!!! :laugh:

...ok...that wasn't very funny.

You DO have compression? Take out the plug, have someone kick the thing while you try to plug the sparky hole with your finner. You should NOT be able to do that...the bike should blow your finger off the hole.

Post the resolution!! We all wanna know!!!


Dec 10, 2004

Started checking everything this morning and discovered that we didn't have enough gas in the tank. Turned on the reserve and it started right up. I guess that's better than forgetting to put in the wrist pin. Thanks for the help though.
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