
Mar 20, 2001
Reading some of your posts has led me to believe that there is not much legal dirt / dual sport riding in Vermont, NH, NJ, NY, PA, Maine ?? Is this true, or is there some good riding.....I would like to know before I think about moving back there from San Diego.

Please, I would love some input on this.



May 16, 2001
Not much here in NJ as far as places to ride but there are alot of enduros and dual sport rides in those states if you are willing to travel. There is an event most every weekend if you look hard enough. Check out www.ecea.org and www.netra.org


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
NETRA has a series of Turkey Runs which are basically dual sport rides.

ECEA has dual sport rides.

NYSORVA also has a list of dual sport rides in the Northeast.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
The problem is that there is no state of federal land that is available for us to ride on legally. The only land to ride on is privately held and there aren’t a lot of places set up with good trail systems. That’s not to say they don’t exist but there’s not a lot.

We had a mini spodefest in Modena, NY a month ago and we’re planning another on near Albany, NY for October 11-13. Check the thread in the race/ride fourm on the NY Spodefets for some more info.

I can’t help out on any dualsport riding. Sorry.


May 4, 2001
Dear God!, please explain why you would want to move back to the N.E. I live in Ohio , which is not one of the areas you mentioned, but where I live it is horrible riding. Lets assume for a moment that there were legal areas to ride ( some of the places you mentioned at least have 1 national forest for exxample ) The weather STILL SUCKS!!. This year for example our usable riding season has been about 2 months so far. But, hey for those people that like freezing, cold, wet weather maybe its cool up here.

I know california has a lot of overpopulation and the cost of living is high etc ... traffic etc ... but from what I see you live in the GREATEST off road state. Is it that bad? Tell us why you are moving? I am interested , because I am moving OUT of Ohio and the NE US in general specifically because of the weather and limited riding areas. (Note: the author is aware that there are some great riding areas in NE US, there just arn't any close to Cleveland. Closest legal riding is in MI, or PA , our own national forest is almost 4.5 hours away from me :( )


Damn Yankees
Sep 14, 2000
There is Some

There is plenty of legal riding in MA. Pachaug in CT. and like mentioned before a lot of Turkey Runs, Enduro, Hare Scrambles etc.. Then there's also those twist it and don't get caught rides in between:p


Mar 27, 2000
I have to agree with bills442. I don't know why anyone would want to move to the north east. Because of the weather it's a depressing place to live. If I could I would move to Texas in a heartbeat. Not that Texas doesn't have it's drawbacks but Pittsburgh only gets like 60 days of sunshine a year.

Riding in the snow is alot of fun though.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by DSsuper92
If I could I would move to Texas in a heartbeat.

I said the same thing 11 years ago. Ended up living there for seven years. You couldn't pay me enough to move back to that hell hole... unless your talking a mansion that overlooks Lake Travis and a seven figure income.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Hey guys, beats living in the midwest! (re: Illinois)

I like it up here: hills, trees, races every weekend. All four seasons.

Plus, you can actually BUY property out here, and have your own riding area. Can't say that about CA.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Originally posted by WoodsRider

...overlooks Lake Travis ...
Ahhh. Lake Travis. Nice place...to visit:p

I spent many business trips down there and that cured me of any need to actualy MOVE there:scream:


Mar 20, 2001
Move ?

Well, I grew up on Long Island, the weather never really bothered me, plus the island doesn't have extreme weather because it's surrounded by water. The reason I am even thinking about moving is because the company I used to work for has grown, and works on HVAC systems for mulit-million dollar mansions, and it is the most interesting design/project management job I could possibly have. They said the door is always open for me, and I could possibly make at least $20,000 more a year, and I would actually enjoy my job most of the time.

So, the choices are 1) Stay in San Diego, be bored with work, and maybe eventually find a better job where I'm happy. And live the riding lifestyle that I enjoy so much out here, dual sporting, street riding, road trips, etc. 2) Move back east, sacrifice SOME of the riding, but be happy with my work life. I would have to get into snowmobiling and other things like I used to hunt back there.

So, it is a tough choice. I have to think about it for awhile. From what it sounds like, there IS some decent riding back there, except not on Long Island, I'd have to travel. Also, I'd be able to afford to fly out to California for certain dual sport rides, etc.

Thanks for the input, and keep it coming......if I decide to move, at least I'll know of areas to ride.



Sep 22, 2000
I came from Pa to Georgia about ten years ago and the riding areas here are impressive. They have several ORV areas within 2 hours of Atlanta that are good rough riding areas. They also have some areas for easier riding if interested. The biggest problem here is to many bikes/4-wheelers at some areas and two way trails. We have ridden enough of the ORV's to know which ones to stay away from.
The only areas I can compare them with are Pa's, so maybe other states are comparable. Pa's trails seemed to easy and geared more towards 4-wheelers. From what I've read on these forums they are trying to ruin Marienville riding area. I don't miss the long winters either.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
20K increase?

Hey Randy,
If you move back here, and make alot more $, could you please buy a couple hundred acres so we could ALL have a nice place to ride? ;)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Re: Move ?

I would have to get into snowmobiling...

What, are you nuts? Just buy a set of studded knobbies and grip heaters to keep on trailriding through the winter. Or install a set of ice screws in your old knobbies and hit the frozen lakes and rivers. :cool:


Mar 20, 2001
Acres and Studded Knobbies

Yeah, it would be cool to buy a few hundred acres somewhere, I would definitely carve some awesome trails for riding !! I already thought about that.

OK, I've heard about these studded snow tires...where do you get them and how much do they cost ? Woods rider, do you ride thru the winter, and where do you ride ? If must be pretty fun in the snow. Can you ride on snowmobile trails ??



Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Randy - Click here for information on studded tires.

Hillary and I just moved to New York this year. Anyone know where the full-figured interns hang out? ...kidding :scream:

We moved to the Albany area in June. I'm anxious to try some winter riding this year. As far as I know it is not legal to ride on designated snowmobile trails. I belong to a club that owns 300 acres.


Jun 27, 2000
Sorry..............had to post this about Texas. Maybe a little comfort for the Northeast.

(apologize if I didn't get all the language editing completed)

> May 30th
> Just moved to Texas. Now this is a state that knows
> how to live!! Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy
> evenings. Mountains and deserts blended together.
> What a place! Watched the sunset from a park lying
> on a blanket. It was beautiful. I've finally found
> my home. I love it here.
> June 14th
> Really heating up. Got to 100 today. Not a problem.
> Live in an air-conditioned home, drive an
> air-conditioned car. What a pleasure to see the sun
> every day like this. I'm turning into a real sun
> worshipper.
> June 30th
> Had the backyard landscaped with western plants
> today. Lots of cactus and rocks. What a breeze to
> maintain. No more mowing for me. Another scorcher
> today, but I love it here.
> July 10th
> The temperature hasn't been below 100 all week. How
> do people get used to this kind of heat? At least
> it's a dry heat. Getting used to it is taking longer
> than I expected.
> July 15th
> Fell asleep by the pool. (Got 3rd degree burns over
> 60% of my body.) Missed two days of work, what a
> dumb thing to do. I learned my lesson though: got to
> respect the ol' sun in a climate like this.
> July 20th
> I missed Tabby (our cat) sneaking into the car when
> I left this morning. By the time I got out to the
> hot car for lunch, Tabby had swollen up to the size
> of a shopping bag and exploded all over $2,000
> worth of leather upholstery. I told the kids she ran
> away. The car now smells like Kibbles and xxx. No
> more pets in this heat!
> July 25th
> Dry #@*&$!% heat, my ass. Hot is hot!! The home
> air-conditioner is on the fritz and AC repairman
> charged $200 just to drive by and tell me he needed
> to order parts.
> July 30th
> Been sleeping outside by the pool for three nights
> now. $1,500 in $@# house payments and we can't even
> go inside. Why did I ever come here?
> Aug 4th
> 115 degrees. Finally got the air-conditioner fixed
> today. It cost $500 and gets the temperature down to
> about 90. Stupid repairman pissed in my pool. I hate
> this #@*&$!% state.
> Aug 8th
> If another wise ass cracks, "Hot enough for you
> today?", I'm going to tear his #@*&$!% throat out.
> $#% heat. By the time I get to work the radiator is
> boiling over, my clothes are soaking wet, and I
> smell like Roasted #@*&$!% Garfield!!
> Aug 10th
> The weather report might as well be a damn
> recording: Hot and sunny. It's been too hot to #@*&
> for two $%# months and the weatherman says it might
> really warm up next week. Doesn't it ever rain in
> this barren $@# desert?? Water rationing has been
> in effect all summer, so $1,700 worth of cactus just
> dried up and blew into the #@*&$!% pool. Even a
> cactus can't live in this heat.
> Aug 14th
> Welcome to Hell!!! Temperature got to 123 today.
> Forgot to crack the window and blew the #@*&$!%
> windshield out of the Lincoln. The installer came to
> fix it and said, "Hot enough for you today?" My wife
> had to spend the $1,500 house payment to bail me out
> of jail.
> Aug 30th
> Worst day of the damn summer. I'm not leaving the
> house. The #@*&$!% monsoon rains finally came and
> all they did is to make it muggier than hell. The
> Lincoln is now floating somewhere in Mexico with its
> new $500 windshield.
> That does it, we're moving back to Chicago for our
> health and happiness!


Mar 20, 2001
I lived in Houston for 5 years from '81 - '86.....humidity sucked, but all in all I had a good time while partying in college (too much partying, never graduated)....bought my first street bike there, which I rode 3 months later to NY when I moved back to Long Island. It wasn't bad there, just don't think I'd live there again.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
I lived in Houston for 7 years from '91 - '98.....humidity sucked, but all in all I had a good time while partying. I eventually met my wife there. It wasn't bad there, just don't think I'd live there again... just don't tell my wife. :eek:


Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
NY might not be so bad!

VirginiaXR, LMAO!
Sorry about the cat. Hope you can get those kibbles and "bits" cleaned up! :)

I had heard a few of those things about the big ol' state of Texas. I lived in AZ for about 6 years, and you know what? !&%$#@ that dry heat! Its hotter than hell!


Nov 30, 2000
Rubbin it in?

Jeez guy's I hate to rub it in but I live in what I consider trail bike heavan! (Colorado Mountains). I can ride well into December and pick back up around April. The riding here is great!!! I probably shouldn't be telling you this as you'll wanna move here now:p . I'd tell you more but I'm getting ready to go ride!;)
Mar 31, 2000
out here if you can afford to race and belong to a club than you might find some good riding. But my "family lifestyle" only has allowed me to recreational ride witch is rapidly being shutdown by state and private land owners. I can see private owners being tight A@$eS about it because people are sue happy out here and a riders stupidity seems to be in favor in a court room....
There are thousands and thousands of acres of state forests in Ma. but only a fraction of that is legal riding. And almost all of it is expert level riding and is located at the farthest end of the state. I have a 3 yr old that I wanted to get into riding but all of beginner terrain is now closed. Mass DEM officers are planning an ATV task force wich will utilize helicopters to locate hidden riding areas that have not already been patrolled by other means. from there on citations will be written and arrests will be made. It kills me to think my registration fee is paying for the tools used to bring down a great recreational sport which is very big out here.other states such as NH ( another great state for riding) is also in jeopardy if they already haven't started doing it. This information I recieved from an enviromental police officer I met in the woods. sorry for the long reply but I thought CA. was the riding capital of the country???? You didn't specify if you were recreational, race or both. I needed to vent on this one, my local performance shop has been following this enviromental issue for a while and they did a small poll which showed 5 to 1 recreational/racer ratio in their customers. We are losing to tree huggers, equestrians, mountain bikers and so on. these people contribute no money to state land other than state taxes. which everybody will pay anyhow. don't get me wrong I respect everybody's individual chosen recreation but what I do is no worse or better than what everbody else is doing, except I pay a fee every two years so I can get kicked off of the land I ride on.......uh......... sorry people maybee this should have been booted over to the flame board. I know someone out there in New England is feeling the exact pain.


Mar 20, 2001

I mostly dual sport ride for recreation, with an occassional Grand Prix, and/or roadrace. Anyway, we are fighting the same battle against the enviros out here in the west. I can imagine you guys don't have the vast open spaces back east, so whatever you have left is valuable terrain for riding, so I hope all of you are helping fight the enviros. Out here, we have organizations that are heavily into the fight against the land closures, it's a LOT of work, so it takes monetary support from members and also need to have people get involved in the fight. What organizations, besides local clubs, are fighting to keep your areas open back there ??


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Here in NY, NYSORVA does a good job getting the word out. As with everything, it takes money and time, and it's a long uphill climb.
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