
May 23, 2000
Hey All,

I recently changed the tranny oil on my "new" (to me anyway) KDX250SR. I put in a full quart, as advised... I rode around on the bike a bit and noticed a relatively significant oil leak dripping on the shop floor. It stopped after a bit, so I didn't worry too much about it. The next time I rode the bike, it began leaking again! This time I investigated more deeply...

What I found surprised me... the drain plug was tight, no problem there. But about an inch or so rearward of the drain plug, I noticed a "hole" right along the joint of the case halves! I was shocked! How did that happen? Upon further, closer investigation, it appears to me that the "hole" is supposed to be there!?!

It is a "D" shaped hole and it is only on one case half! It does not appear to have been created by accident! Can anyone confirm a similar hole on their KDX250? This is where the oil is coming from. But it seems to have stopped leaking as the level of the tranny oil came down and is now at the correct level as I view it in the sight glass (right at the top of the glass!). Is this some sort of "overflow" hole? Is it peculiar to the SR models? Can I just plug it up?

KDX250 owners... help me out here... thanks.

Also... how do you get Smilies into your posts? I've tried numerous times, but always a no go!


Jul 29, 2000
South America
Is there an air vent hose also going into the cases close by?
If not then your "hole" is where the connector for the air vent hose is supposed to be.
You can just clean it super good with carb cleaner and when very dry connect your own hose there with lots of silicone sealant. Just secure the hose well with a tie wrap or something so there won't be any stress on the new connection.
If the hole is really big and your SR doesn't have an oil injector pump, then another possibility might be that the hole is where it connects to the cases. SR's come with oil injectors with the engine oil reservoir under the gas tank.


May 23, 2000
hole location...

Hi Jaguar...

The hole on my bike is on the bottom of the engine not the top... I do have a breather on top, but this "D" shaped hole is just about an inch or so back from the drain plug!


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
There is no hole in the bottom of my cases anywhere. Do you have a skid plate? I would have to assume you have knocked a hole in the case with a rock, but that doesn't quite make sense either, because I would think all the oil would leak out. Maybe the SR engine is different than a standard US KDX ?


May 23, 2000
my thoughts exactly...

Hi spanky...

Your thoughts were indeed my thoughts, too... if the hole is into the case - at the very bottom - all the oil would leak out! But that is not the case. It only dribbled oil out when it was over filled... I can go stand the bike upright right now and the oil level is right at the top of the window! I can't figure it out...

I need to find someone else with a 250SR and look under their bike!


May 23, 2000

Hi Jaguar,

I love the KMX, it is a great street legal trail/commuter bike for jumping up curbs and avoiding the Manila traffic jams!

I had it in the province for 2 years, too and went all over Luzon on the bike. It is a good trail bike... not a KDX by any stretch of the imagination, but nevertheless the Kawasaki family heritage of dependability and performance are there! I have been in some very rugged territory with it and climbed some pretty gnarly hills with it and it never let me down.

Basically, I have done regular maintenance only... change tranny oil, clean air filter, replaced spark plug, chain and sprockets, and rear wheel bearings (too many river crossings!) and that has been it! I have 9500 kilometers on the bike (5700 miles for the Americanos) and it has been bullet proof.

It comes with a 428 chain but that has not hindered its performance... I changed the gearing from 14/48 to 13/48 and that has helped off-road performance a lot...

The motor will pull strong up to 9,500 rpm in every gear (6) and tops out at 115 kph... liquid cooled, power valve... nice trail bike and makes a great commuter, too... comes stock with Dunlop 605 dual sport tires, too... all for $1705.00 BRAND NEW! (in the Philippines) What a deal!

Try one, you'll like it...


Apr 26, 2006
kmx125r said:
Hi Jaguar,

I love the KMX, it is a great street legal trail/commuter bike for jumping up curbs and avoiding the Manila traffic jams!

I had it in the province for 2 years, too and went all over Luzon on the bike. It is a good trail bike... not a KDX by any stretch of the imagination, but nevertheless the Kawasaki family heritage of dependability and performance are there! I have been in some very rugged territory with it and climbed some pretty gnarly hills with it and it never let me down.

Basically, I have done regular maintenance only... change tranny oil, clean air filter, replaced spark plug, chain and sprockets, and rear wheel bearings (too many river crossings!) and that has been it! I have 9500 kilometers on the bike (5700 miles for the Americanos) and it has been bullet proof.

It comes with a 428 chain but that has not hindered its performance... I changed the gearing from 14/48 to 13/48 and that has helped off-road performance a lot...

The motor will pull strong up to 9,500 rpm in every gear (6) and tops out at 115 kph... liquid cooled, power valve... nice trail bike and makes a great commuter, too... comes stock with Dunlop 605 dual sport tires, too... all for $1705.00 BRAND NEW! (in the Philippines) What a deal!

Try one, you'll like it...


Apr 26, 2006
i stripped my 250sr engine today and found that there is a pathway for oil or water that has entered into the flywheel casing to escape through this d shaped hole you mention ,the oil could come from the balancer shaft seal or the crank seal ,water can only get in passed the flywheel cover gasket

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