OK one more time...KIPS


Jun 23, 2002
OK I was riding today on my KDX and realized it was time to clean out the kIPS.

It has absolutly NO power down low! When idling i crack it open a bit and nothing happens, just kind of bogs. Power is great at about 6k up, but I don't ride there much.

SO this week I will tear her down and clean out the power valve gunk, or replace or whatnot. Now what I need to know is what I am in for, how big a job it is to do this.

I will probly have to replace all the power valve gears as I'm sure they are all striped out by now, it's been at least 5 years.

So...what parts will I most likely need to replace?

Also are there any good explanation pages out there on how to do this? I could probly figure it out, but as you can tell I've never done this before on a powervalved 2 smoke!

OT when did these guys get here! :flame: :yeehaw: :thumb: :worship:
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Jul 22, 2002
Cleaning out your power valves is not a big deal. I just did mine along with a refreshed top end. First thing you need to do is get a shop manual. Also, go to the JustKDX web site (http://justkdx.dirtrider.net/) and check out the KIPS routine as posted by New Mexico KDXer Brian Kimsey, under Tech Tips.

More than likely, the valves will be carboned and spoogy. If so, you'll have to work with them a bit to get them out. Just follow your manual and Brian's suggestions -- they helped me a tonne. Another thing, make certain you keep track of everything you take out, where its supposed to go and how its supposed to go back in -- especially keep track of what subvalves go on the left vs. the right. I was lucky enough to have a riding buddy help me who knew how the system worked. If not, I might have had some problems. Before you take them out, I would suggest you manually open and close them so that you can see and fully understand how they work.

Finally, good luck. My bike ran pretty well before I did them, but its even crisper and stronger now.


Jul 22, 2002
Some other points I forgot to mention ...

If your valves are heavily carboned, you should get some oven cleaner and a stiff wire brush. Actually, mine were so bad I eventually resorted to a tiny slot-head screwdriver to chip out the carbon.

While servicing your power valves is rarely a bad idea, you should also make sure you're jetted properly. If you're experiencing trouble at low rpm, you may want to play a bit with your pilot circuit/air screw. Is your needle stock? Do you have any plug fouling problems?


Jun 23, 2002
NO probs with the plug, but all the jetting is stock and same with the needle.

I will eventually play with the air screw and pilot, but right now I am too damn busy! I know the kips has to be pretty bad, I don't think it has been cleaned in all of it's life (its an 89!) and maybe I'll freshen up the top end.

Thanks! :)


Aug 24, 2002
Hey Jaguar,
What is different in the later model ('95 & up) KIPS from these instructions?


Jul 29, 2000
South America
I really don't know. Hopefully they made it more reliable. You can expect to replace yours once a year. If more often then you can do what I did and just glue the valves in the "port closed" position which favors low end power over top end. Now my bike doesn't rev out as high as it used to but that's OK since I don't really need it. I just do trail riding and ride on the street.


Jun 23, 2002
Theres a good explanation on the 95 and up models on the JustKDX page. (justkdx.dirtrider.net) under tech and then "top end pictorial".

And I may do that, keep the valves closed! I never normally go above 6 or 7k anyhow. What did you use JB weld or something?! :thumb:
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