Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Yeah it is disturbing, But at least we live in a country that allows these kind of opinions without fear of being shot, buried alive or locked away for life.

So we can still be proud


Oct 7, 1999
The story of the two firefighters who refused to go to work (save lives/buildings) because there were American flags on their fire engine is the worst one. I'd fire those two in a second. And I'd go all the way to the Supreme Court (and win) before I'd give them one red cent. Feeding at the public trough all these years, and their hatred of our country runs that deep. Go someplace else, scum.


Jul 31, 2000
The 2 fire fighters are the worst ones.
This whole PC is a load of BS.
I am an Austrian living here in the US because I choose to do so. No one made me (...well my wife may be;) ).
I can absolutely identify myself with the flag. That does not mean I am loosing my connection to Austria, but -especially in a time of tragedy- I truly think of the US flag as a world flag.
As a matter of fact I think MOST of the world feels that way. They fly the American flag world wide and sing the US national anthem. It's a display of unity and compassion.
Screw these jerks that use every opportunity to push a personal agenda.
God bless America.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
As the old sage said:

America, Love it or Leave it!

That is one disturbing article.


Jan 21, 2000
This makes me sick. These people live in the United states of AMERICA. If you don't like it get out! I hate how PC this country has become. Why should I care if I offend a foreigner? They are in the US, reaping its benefits, but are offended if I'm proud of MY country? Screw them.

Sorry if this sounds severe or racist or whatever. I don't dislike anyone because of his or her nationality, race, or religion. I dislike someone due to ignorance and arrogance. If you are here making a living, I'll be damned if you will bad mouth it around me. Go home if you don't like it here.



Oct 7, 1999
If you follow the link to the original story of the firemen, at least you'll find that those two jerks are on supposedly pre-planned leave. While gone, they're under investigation, and may face punitive action. Also, firefighters from around the country have been blasting that station. Keep it up. Those two need to be unemployed: as, perhaps, does their captain.


Sep 9, 2001
No offense to anyone living in the USA that originated in another country and respects our country but I have to say there are way to many people here that do not appreciate what we are offering them, freedom.. of everything. The flag of our country upsets you? How can that be? What brought you here? We don't want you here. When are my feelings going to be taken into account.. I am offended by people that don't respect our flag.. PRINT THAT!


Mar 19, 2000
Did you notice that you had to go yto Fox to get this news. I wonder why The 3 major networks ar CNN, (Clinton News Network) didn't air these stories.
Jan 12, 2001
Boy yall are fast, beat me to the topic again. I agree with just about everything said so far. This would be a great time to remove the ugly veil of political correctness that we have being living under for the last 8 years. It is truly a sad day when Americans will not stand behind their country in this time of crisis. Yet, I am a little torn because as JPIVEY said, and I agree "at least we live in a country that allows these kind of opinions". I don't always agree with what the U. S. does, 'guilty until proven innocent when dealing with the IRS, over taxed while the government is buying $300.00 toilet seats, kickbacks to politicians by large corporations, sending money and aid abroad when we have homeless and hungry people in our own country'. But overall I feel that I live in the best country in the world. I fly the flag to show support not only for my country, but for the people that were killed in the terrorist attacks, and their grieving families. Originally my flag was put up at half mast, which in my eyes symbolizes a loss of lives. The U. S. is still the most unopressed country in the world, and you would be hard pressed to find another country that gave $132,000,000 (yeah, thats million) dollars to Afghanistan so far this year; a country that harbors some of the worst terrorists in the world. So in the end what does this all mean; it means I'd like to talk to one of those fire fighters and let him know that it's ok and I understand, then punch him in the mouth and tell him patriotic Americans don't take that crap.:p


Sep 9, 2001
I'd like to talk to one of those fire fighters and let him know that it's ok and I understand, then punch him in the mouth and tell him patriotic Americans don't take that crap

or we could just tie his a$$ to a SCUD missile and send him back where he came from !!!! :p


Jun 20, 2001
I think if you are an American you have the right to do as you please. I also think if you are an American and you country takes a hit such as we took last week you should stand up for America first, your rights (that are in jeopardy) second and then your self.

I cant imagine a firefighter could be so spinelessl. What if they went into a building to save someone and the guy had a flag on his wall or was a Vet. Would they just walk out? I hope not!

Side note: SCUD's are Russian, and they dont fly far enough to get these guys home.


Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000
Fortunately these cases are few & far between. There will always be a few sensationalized stories that pop up, regardless of how incredibly one-sided a situation is there will ALWAYS be a few dumb-a$$es that want to stir the pot. Anyone, including these red-blooded Americans that don't pay taxes, spread the conspiracy crap and are against our government and these folks that are so disturbed by the display of patriotism....well, how about your next vacation you spend on the West Bank. Matter of fact why don't you spend a few months over there....flag-free & tax free baby.

I think it's awesome that the flag is back and our patriotism is soaring! I always had the feeling that these "duh generation" kids, that serve you a sandwich at McDonalds with a scowl on their face, had any clue about what this world is truly all about, let alone what this country is truly all about. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was talking to a friend of mine and she said the kids don't say the Pledge of Alegiance in grade school anymore?) But, I think a lot of them are thinking long and hard about it now and what the future holds.

My son is 3 years old and I am glad he see's the flags everywhere (he has no idea about what's been going on in the news thankfully.) We stopped to see a hotair balloon last night that was inflated by a local strip mall near our house. It was dark and the balloon would light up everytime they charged-it with the burners (quit a sight to me, let alone my son.) They had these huge Flags on the side of the balloon. We stopped and walked over and sat on the curb and just watched it. A lady walked over from the balloon crew and said hi, said since the FAA grounded them that they just wanted to put it up and show the flag. I said to my son "what's that?" pointing to the flag. He said "that's the American flag!" This other guy sitting on the curb with his wife looked at him, then looked me and smiled, I think shocked, touched or both that he knew and had said it with such authority.

Sorry to ramble....


Sep 9, 2001
Side note: SCUD's are Russian, and they dont fly far enough to get these guys home.

Sorry, my missile intelligence is very lacking. OK then I would be happy with shoving a very large (Independance Day) firecracker up their asses and setting it on fire..

kids don't say the Pledge of Alegiance in grade school anymore?

Correct me if I'm wrong but it wasn't the 'duh generation' that made up this rule...
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