On-line chain letters

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
This is a simple rant. If you EVER feel the need to send out one of those cute, fuzzy, little singing e-mail/chain letters that have a bunny, bear, kitty or rodent of the week to a friend or loved one....FREAKIN DELETE IT!!!

I have a couple of sister-in laws and cousin-in-laws who insist on every dancing friggin bear being sent our way. Every day I've got the entire cast from Bambi singing and gyrating telling me to spread the joy to others. Now they are pretty cute (both the bears and sister/cousin in laws), so I keep my big ol' yap shut. But I'm tellin you, if I see one more fuzzy varmint telling me not to break the chain-I'm going to go scooters.:confused:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I hear ya Wade!

I think the worst is when a relative gets a computer or goes on line for the first time. You can bet for the next year & a half you and everyone in their address book will be getting copied in on every email they send or recieve. I get 15 a day saying "? recommends you see this" they are always some cute poem with dancing pandas or talking cats. I have blocked the sender for a week or 2 then unblock and tell them I don't know what happened:confused:

And the ones that say God wants me to send this to everyone in my address book really gets to me, I have a lot of faith but I don't think God will be sending messages in an email, please forgive me if I'm wrong.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
My old man is one of those. My brother and I call him the "Forward King"--I don't think he's ever originated an e-mail himself!

I delete 'em every time.


Jun 4, 2001
Yeah. If it's a "forward" it's almost always useless and unwanted.

Geez, I didn't know you could block someone! Gotta check it out. What kind of message does the sender get back? Will they know I blocked them? If I block my wife's friend, will my wife find out if I don't tell?

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Originally posted by FLBob
What kind of message does the sender get back? Will they know I blocked them? If I block my wife's friend, will my wife find out if I don't tell?

I'm using Outlook Express. If you click on message on the menu bar at the top one of the choices is block. What happens is the message is automatically moved to the deleted folder. The sender gets no response because as far ad they are concerened you got the message.
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