
Sep 11, 2006
Some friends locally have been telling me that since I tend to use the lower rpms on my rmx more that I should run one step hotter plug to help resist fouling.
Good idea or not.
I'm still getting the jetting dialed in so it may not be an issue. The logic I'm hearing on the one step hotter is that it's not hot enough to cause any damage, and it's almost like cheap insurance in not worrying about fouling during idle etc.

The plug on my bike feels like it's fouled right now so I need to pull it and clean it up before anything will happen. It was a bear to start and died out after a few minutes riding.


Apr 18, 2006
The first step is to decide on what gas/oil mix you are going to use, along with what brand of oil, and stick to it. If you don't get this settled first then you can't properly select anything else.

I recommend that you put the plug in that the manufacturer recommended, then get the carb dialed in. If you can read the plug yourself, or have a buddy who can, great. If not, get a couple spare plugs for this operation. Put a brand new plug in. Get out where you can go fast and hard for a reasonable spell, then pull the plug and inspect it. If you can read it, make note and put the back and have fun. If you can't read it, then set the plug aside, put another plug in and have fun, then when you are done take the saved plug to whoever is doing your jetting.

Once you get the carb dialed in for top end then ride for a while at your normal pace and read the plug again. Use that as the basis for going hotter.


Dec 2, 2001
Sometimes I run 2 steps hotter in my 500 with zero problems. Running 1 step hotter won't hurt anything. Solve the jetting issues first. Then choose the heat range of the plug.


Aug 21, 2005
For lower RPM's you should run a hotter plug. There is a great article on the NGK website, if you can find it, that explains exactly why. The short and skinny is that the plug doesnt reach it self cleaning temp at lower RPMs. If you start pushing the motor hard, go back to the stock plug.

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