Parrallel Editorial


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN I have GOT to get away from my computer now...if I miss O'Reilly I am gonna be WAY pissed off! :)


Feb 9, 2000
Irish, you have no idea - I pretty much came as a refugee, 6 bags and nothing else, a wife and a kid - I chose to come, so yes, I suck it up, in more ways than one. I got tired of friends getting killed, and falling asleep to machine gun fire (not army fire either) - Living in fear is no fun, having no future for my kids, not knowing if we would see another day, year - that's my story. I came here to make my way, I seek no charity, just a safe and better life for us. (I have yet to prosper) mind you waking up safe each day, I feel like a rich man (and don't get me wrong, I appreciate all and everything you guys (military) do for us) - might not sound like it, but that's the truth.

This is not to say, I won't have my say, or (not) know my place - I grew up in a time when respect for human dignity, respect for human rights meant little or nothing, where democracy had no place, so ideals like these are very precious to me.

I have sleepless nights thinking about being sent back - don't think for one minute I don't appreciate what I have here !


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
I rest my case.

Sweet dreams.

I will walk the lines while you sleep.

"Freedom isn't free."

Remember that! :thumb:

"I walk the lines of liberty, do you?"


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
:eek: <<<Cal enters the room...stops...thinks, O....K....., then slips out of the room...quietly closing the door behind him.>>>

BTW, I'm a bad American... :eek:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Hey Bundu,

Don't give up, man. I hope you become a citizen of our fine country. If you didn't like it you wouldn't have come here in the first place.

Now, I'm no military guy but I support our boys (and girls) in uniform, I'm baptized Catholic but I'm a heathen that don't go to church because I don't buy into the "Jesus Saves" stuff and I don't figure I gotta buy my way into heaven, I consider myself a conservative Republican but I work in government, and, while I don't agree with everything you say I'm glad you're saying it. We can't be a bunch of sycophantic suck-asses here. Someone's gotta take the other side once in a while (Like me taking Chevy against Patman's Ford), just as long as they don't take it too far like a certain "Milque-y" one did. ;)

I know you're on the right side, Bundu, and this impending sitchyayshun has a lot of people on edge.

Your bud



I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
BB, I for one will welcome you as a citizen with open arms. And as far as I am concerned, we are all just visiting planet Earth anyway so why do we just all make the best of it a knock this crap off? Irish, we know you fight for our freedom. Thank you. But you know what? The men who stole this country from the Native Americans and turned it into the great country that you defend with your life, were exactly like BB, not like Irish. They left oppression and suffering to come to a new world and seek a better life. I have great respect for both of you. Just my $.02


Who me?
Feb 4, 2001
Yeah, every Columbus day I make the statement that the Indians discovered America! If we owe anybody anything it would be the American Indian as they are the only true Americans.

I'm glad to be a U.S. citizen no mater what I dislike and in the case of countries the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by IrishEKU
I rest my case.

Sweet dreams.

I will walk the lines while you sleep.

"Freedom isn't free."

Remember that! :thumb:

"I walk the lines of liberty, do you?"

I apoligize, I was wrong to post that.



Sep 20, 2001
Well said.

In your opinion, can a person:

• Be god fearing

• Treat all people with respect and dignity

• Do unto others….you know the rest

• Believe in the principles set forth in the document above

and still be a good human being?

If not, why not?

I’m sure there must be more to it than asking to speak English when doing business in or with the public.

I think if we were to post our own interpretation for each line of the document we’d have a much better understanding of where everyone is coming from. I believe if you had experienced a lifetime of change in the US you would have a much better understanding of the other (my) perspective and possibly see that you could support the views without being a bigot. Likewise, if I had your lifetime experience I may view it differently as well.


Feb 9, 2000
Irish, no offense taken - I'd rather have you at my back anyday :thumb:


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000

Jaybird, I'll disagree with what I think you're implying here. My pops, for example (I think I've told this one here before) came down illegally in the early 60's to follow his misguided father after he left his mother. It was a case of a 13y/o boy who worshipped the father that treated him like crap. Anyway, come 1967-68 or so, his buddies start getting draft notices. He was not a citizen, yet still enlisted in the U.S. Navy (an attempt to avoid being a grunt in the Army). Believe it or not, neither the recruiter or the U.S. Navy ever asked him "Are you a U.S. citizen?". He decided ahead of time that he would not lie if asked. So off he goes for two years. Does most of his duty at Point Magoo (sp?) down in Southern Cal, with Top Secret clearance- he did message encryption stuff I think.

He's still not a citizen to this day. He pays taxes (more than most folks' gross annual income), pays into Social Security, you name it. He's been a successful entrepreneur & did his part to make a positive contribution to the economy (the two businesses he started are still going strong today with positive growth each year). He's a model "member of the community" & a great neighbor. He's passionate about politics, yet cannot vote. Every few years he has to go renew his green card & fight mile-long lines of Mexicans who don't speak a word of english. He is usually the only gringo at the INS in Watsonville, CA (big agriculture area). They start speaking to him in Spanish until he insists he does not understand a word they're saying. I'm not exactly sure why he has not applied for citizenship yet. It was only in the last 15 years that he applied for his first green card.

So you tell me- should he include himself in the "we"? I'm inclined to say yes. I say though he is not technically a citizen, he is one in spirit. Sort of like how there's the letter of the law, and the spirit of the law. Of course I'm biased. He's my daddy. But I really that his is an example of an exception to the rule. Read my sig line- I'm a firm believer in maintaining the integrity & privelage of American citizenship. But I also think that the argument between you & BB may make a case for stereotyping & profiling on a case by case basis. Honestly, there are tons of refugees who are fleeing a wretched homeland & submit to the rules of our society & try to assimilate, just as there are the rest of the immigrants who have no respect & think of this as the land of milk & honey & who gives a rats ass how you get yours (those sob's need to be deported pronto). And the Indians (from India) who do the hotel thing- makes me want to puke. There are convenience stores all over town that are run by entire families of Indians & like people. Some are nice & appear to be "Americanized" like Apu, then there are the others who you know don't ring up every sale & run every cheat they know of. Here's a stereotype that's sorry but true: go to a chinese restaurant & pay at the register. I'll bet you the transaction is rung up as "no sale", or just tallied up on a piece of paper. Nine times out of ten, they'll still charge you sales tax. :|

But I think it's not entirely fair to say whoever is here & does not have citizenship does not count.
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sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
hell bundu, you can hang around and become a citizen, tell 'em i said "you're cool" you'll be in.i think some time people confuse tolorance(bad speeling) and acceptance, therefore they look for acceptance when in fact all one can expect is tolerance. jesus was cool to, but he was here for a mission, to die. god on the other hand was not very tolerant or accepting, come to think of it, jesus could get a mean on too. so, if ya wanna live like jesus, well old buddy, that'll be a hard row to hoe. refugees?...hmm, refugees, how do i feel about them, being a second generation kraut with 5/6 kraut blood...hmm. i just don't know, i don't come from refugees, rather imagrints, maybe pilgrims. i kind wouldn't like the thought that my great grandparrents ran away from trouble, rather than fixing thier own back yard. hmmm, where do i go for refugee status? i guess nowhere, so i'd better do my best to make this america my america. i don't suffer fools lightly, i do tolerate them, but will never accept them. i will not tolerate anything that infringes upon a mans given right to freedom from opression see bundu, in my america you have the right to be all day wrong, hell, i'll even tolerate you being wrong, i won't accept your ideas tho, the ones i think wrong.i pretty much try to go by the golden rule, when i crap on the floor, go ahead and rub my nose in it and whack my fanny, i'll do the same for you.nobody on the face of this earth has a right to come to my country and sleep under the securities i have provided them, they have no right to any service that my tax dollars, which are taken from me, provide. they have no right not to be offended by my culture, they have no right to eliminate my culture because of any differences.they have no right to expect me to provide them life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, those are things a man must provide himself within the confines of any society he finds himself, the onlly right he has is the right not to be interfered with by government, not society as a whole. here is SERGEANT FIRST CLASS DICKS' #1 rule. death to all those who opose us;kill them before they gain the strength to kill you. i will apologize for none of this.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Bundu, for what it's worth, I have great respect for you and feel you deserve citizenship oh so much more than, say, I--who was born in this country and had no choice. That is to say, you took big chances, spent a lot of money, faced great uncertainty and came here with a couple of people who depended on you for a way of life. Had I not grown temporarily sick of reading the multitude of myopic, petty insults of recent time, I would have been here to support you earlier. (Like you needed it, lol :cool: )


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
For one thing, Alan, I don't know you. I was not aware of your situation. And don't get me wrong, I happen to feel that anyone who wants to come here to become an American should have the opportunity to do so under the constraints of our laws.  I will go a bit further and say that I feel there should be some major revamp of those laws, but the laws are the laws and one should be given to opportunity to enjoy freedom here in the US as long as they follow the current requirements. 

What I have more of a problem with is liberalism. And please don't think that makes me less compassionate than any other man. I have the very same feelings and love in my heart for all of the wonders of our good earth, including my fellow man. What gets my hided rashed is folks who spout their ideology in the guise of them being superior in compassion over I or anyone who would consider themselves conservative. It's a bloody sick game that the left in our country plays. I blame most of it on two entities....the media and academia.

These two forces are, for the majority, completely leftist/liberal driven and they use their pulpit to spread their ideology to our citizens in such a manner that completely demonizes the right of our society. And from what I have seen over the past few decades is a decline in our moral fabric as a result.

I could go on and on about specific points, but it would be futile to do so here.
But for the reasons, I've stated above, I find that I agree with just about everything that the author of the original article has mentioned.  This whole topic gets me fired up like nothing else these days. And, I will admit, that like many Americans I was, for many years, a complete political numbskull. I could care less who was who or what was what in the relm of politics. However, several years ago a few issues hit close to home with me and ever since I have tried to invlove myself and be as current with what is going on as I can.

From my observations about how things are in this country, I have seen the whole landscape of our being change since the 60's and most of it is not for the better. I may be wrong, and probably am from time to time, but as I see it most of our decline has been due to folks trying to, and accomplishing, change in our society. Yes, some changes have been for the better, but many, many have been for the worse. One of those changes that I've witnessed is abortion, and it absolutely amases me that it has happened the way it has in our country. And it was driven by whom?...the left.  The ever compassionate, holier than thou, left. Absolutely amazes me how the love thy brother crowd can have such disreguard for the human being. However, there is hope. And I feel that with the proper involvement by the masses, it will change. Heck, even Lady Roe herself is now an activist to have such an evil, selfish, law rescinded.

But I digress....

I want to make a formal appology to you. I happen to get very fired up when these issues come up. Especially now, when our Nation is being threatened by scum who would rather see us driven into the ocean like rats, as to get along in peace. I am for America and what it stands for. I love my neighbor like my brother until he craps in my mess kit, then he is gonna not only clean it up, but I'm going to do everything in my power to make CERTAIN he never does it again, no matter what I may look like in the proccess. I am not Jesus, nor can I live like Jesus. I can strive to live like him, and I accept that he is my savior...but I and God know that I am but a man, and a sinner. I won't use that as an excuse to do evil deeds, but I can only strive to be the best human being I can be, while making sure that my country is safe and sound so I can continue my strife. Hopefully during my time here as an evil sinner, I can better myself and try to do what God wants of me.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
holy cow correy, did ya just poke yer head in the room for that.


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
easy there trigger!


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Jaybird
Absolutely amazes me how the love thy brother crowd can have such disreguard for the human being.

i never have understood the logic of how one can be opposed to the death penalty yet in favor of abortion.

but that's a whole other topic.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by mx547
i never have understood the logic of how one can be opposed to the death penalty yet in favor of abortion. but that's a whole other topic.

Would the same apply for people opposed to abortion yet in favor of the death penalty? Looks like comparing apples and cantaloupe to me but I am curious anyway!


Dec 31, 1969
Would the same apply for people opposed to abortion yet in favor of the death penalty?
No my friend, it doesn't.

Does the unborn innocent child have a choice? No.
Did the murderer have a choice? Yes. How many killers do you suppose don't know the possible consequences?

Until unborn babies start killing people, BIG difference, IMHO.

If abortion is "a woman's body; a woman's choice", why is prostitution illegal? They can make the decision to "terminate" (another term that doesn't sound as bad as the alternative), but can't get paid for sex? That's just nuts as far as I'm concerned.

Why does the "sperm donor" (sounds better than "farther" I suppose) have no say at all in the fate of the child? Because the woman carries it? I'm pretty sure most women understand the possible result of sex, no? Is it not a responsibility they are accepting when they "do the deed"? Can he not be as emotionally attached to the child? I guess not, after all, we merely donate sperm. Why does a father, who wants the child aborted, but the woman does not, have to pay support? Is it all based on the whim of the female?

That being said, I've wrestled with the abortion thing for many years and still don't know what to feel. All I know for sure is I am apposed to abortion being used as birth control.

Why is booze legal and pot is not? Is one really worse than the other? Give the farmers a boost, let'em grow the stuff, tax it and sell it in little packs like cigarettes.

Of course there are exceptions to everything...

The war thing? Sure, I've got an opinion about that too, lol... you really didn't think I'd shut-up so soon?

I fall into that "red neck" category I suppose. I actually give my President the benefit of the doubt. Call me naive, but I don't put much weight in what the press tells me I should know, given the choice between Saddam and George Bush, sorry, but I've gotta go with the home team. I'm pissed at the Democratic candidates for playing politics during all this. Cheap shot artists, nothing more. I believe they (gov) know more than they are telling us. I believe they do what's in the best interest of this country, rather our friends on the other side of the fence (hold-outs) see it or not.

I don't give a rat's ass about France & Germany. They decided a long time ago that Americans are assholes, I for one couldn't care less. If both of those countries disappeared tomorrow, I doubt I'd know the difference (yes Alan, the people moved elsewhere :), I'm not talking about loss of life here). I enjoy the fact that I see Leno and Letterman taking shots at them. It's time for some to either join us or take a walk. Just don't call later. I'm sick of them thanking us in private and trashing us in public. Close all the bases in Germany.

They (FR & GR) are playing for the lead of the EU and nothing more. Who's going to be the new spokesman for Europe. Seems they are tired of the United Kingdom in that role? France will buckle like they always have and always will, Germany is in too deep to back out and will soon find themselves standing alone. Russia will cave as well.

Who's supposed to deal with North Korea? Why not the surrounding countries? Why do they insist on dealing only with the US? Deep blackmail pockets? Did they not violate UN resolutions/nuke treaties? They say sanctions will be considered an act of war? Sheez, they grew some big ones when no one was looking. Hey, 2 weeks in Iraq, then off to the DMZ, 2 weeks and then home. No biggie. :confused:

And by the way... screw the UN. Take it somewhere else and leave us out of it. Turn that building into rental space. They have this notion of being the new world government and don't have the nads to nail Iraq for laughing in their face. Buh bye.

Chew on that for a while :p You determine what I'm serious about and what I exaggerated a little :confused:

Wow, we've found a way to cover just about all the taboo topics haven't we? Politics, Religion and Abortion... all in one thread. A reminder; PLEASE keep it civil, we're doing well. There is some great reading in here. This has been a good expression of thought so far. I know I'm in no position to tell anyone they are wrong. Are you?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
The Emperor of this Evil Empire said:
don't give a rat's ass about France & Germany. They decided a long time ago that Americans are assholes, I for one couldn't care less.
Indeed, my good man, and I've even got some German blood in me. My family left there for a reason, I figure.

As to France, well, I wish I could take credit for the following:

Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, ya buncha frogs!


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002

:laugh: Pred truer words were never typed :worship:
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