
Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Pred I agree and disagree.... Your American flag shows you support the country you live in, the signs Eddie is talking about say "I like the freedom of living here but don't support what it takes to give me that freedom"

I do have respect for others property, but if I saw someone burning a flag and I had a bucket of water I'd put it out... even if it was their property.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Yeah, but part of that freedom, Thump, is being able to disagree.

what a tangled web we weave . . .


Dec 31, 1969
Yeah, but part of that freedom, Thump, is being able to disagree.
Yes and Thump would be disagreeing :cool:


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
I have to agree with Pred, one of the very best things about this country is that we allow our citizens to espress their opinions. I diagree with those in opposition to the coming war , but one of the freedoms we hold most dear is freedom of speech. I don't have any right to take down signs on some one else's property, even if I think they are an unpatriotic, idealistic, simpleton.


Jun 5, 2001
I disagree, if I saw someone burning a flag on their property I'd toss them a can of open gasoline so's they can take their house with it. They enjoy the freedom we provide but question the very way we provide it. They are quick to speak out against anything that has to do with the govt, no matter what it may be. Constructive disagreements do well, destructive ones don't Pred. If you choose to disagree, you do so because your heart leads you, you don't disagree just to get a reaction out of the normal population. Most of the idiots that make up the anti-this and anti-that banners don't even know the first thing about what they are protesting. They are cattle following the noisy obnoxious herd and it looks fun. They have no real opinion but are just floating in the breeze waiting for a stronger breeze to steer them.

There are things that are legal that cause just as much, if not more, medical costs and problems than drugs. What difference would it make to legalize prostitution, Nevada's STD's weren't any higher than the rest of the country. You have more costs related to alcohol than any other "legal" and non legal drugs. You don't crash a car into a group of peds because you had one too many cig's. If you legalized most of the illegal things we have going, the prices would drop and the fight for the right to bring that drug into the US would subside. People don't whack each other for milk and bread. I'm done giving my .02 cents.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by XRpredator
Y'know, as for those people who have the anti-war crap in their yard, I say let 'em have it. It just shows the rest of us who the doofuses are. I don't agree with tearing down signs or anything on someones private property. That smacks of fascism.

O-K, I can see I should have elaborated. I'm sorry that I didn't.

The sub-division where I live is your typical College Town cookie cutter conglomeration of Rentals. The owner of the properties is a vet and I know him personaly. These people that rent, sign an agreement that they will not alter the appearance of the property. I think it goes a little like, "will not be altered in anyway short of holiday decorations," or something like that. LOL nice little loop hole so he can manage the "trash" as he calls it.

When he asked me to "keep an eye out" for stuff of this nature, I asked him about political, or other signs and he told me as long as there was "nothing, that defamed, disrupted or otherwise was considered a general nusiance."

I actualy like doing it. People on this ultra liberal campus use their right to free speech when they flip me the "bird" for my uniform. I just happily toss it back at them. Sheesh, they were organizing protests about the 'Stan and there is talk of a weekly "candel light vigil." As one of organizers gushed, "In the hopes that President Bush will come to his senses about attacking a poor country like Iraq." There was even some idiot panhandeling for donations for a plane ticket to join the idiots on the bus! Didn't last long, about 15 minutes after he set up shop he was booted off campus for not having a vendors liscense. :p


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by Thump
Do you support making alcohol and cigarettes illegal? Because it would lower cost to treat and research lung cancer and all kinds of alcohol related incidents? I'm neither agreeing or disagreeing with your point...just wanting you to think about that statement too. :think:

I honestly don't know.  Alcohol is illegal in my county.  And I do know that our county has the lowest crime rate and DUI rate of any county in our area (most other counties around are wet).

It just seems strange to me to support something that will cause an increase in such things.  For example:  If legallizing prostitution (and it was taxed) would cause and increase in money to spend on treating STD's and other related illnesses...does it really help that much, when the same change (legallizing) causes the diseases and illnesses to increase as well?  I really don't know where I stand on that subject.

I see Eddie's point about people are going to do it, no matter if it's legal or illegal, so we might as well legalize it.  But where do you draw the line?  If someone wants to kill a baby, or any person for that matter, they are going to do it...right?  So let's make murder legal?  I don't think so.

I don't agree with the government mandating everything we do.  But with so many morons in the world, something has to be done.   And like slo mo said, our education system is going down hill, fast.  So unless there is a major change in educating our people, something has to be done.  Is there a happy medium?  Can we turn things around so that everything can be legal and people are smart enough and responsible enough to handle it?  I sure would like to see it that way.



Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by CAL
If someone wants to kill a baby, or any person for that matter, they are going to do it...right?  So let's make murder legal?  I don't think so.
So if my sister, mother or fiance gets raped (God forbid) and is impregnated would it then be acceptable to abort the pregnancy? How can we draw the line between what is right and wrong?


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
If our kids were taught to treat and respect their bodies as temples, we would have no need for discussion on several of these topics.
99.9% of all our problems CAN be addressed during the first 18 years of our lives, if only ALL our parents put forth the effort.

Home is the answer to it all. But then, I'm a redneck and may be wrong. :)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Originally posted by Jaybird
If our kids were taught to treat and respect their bodies as temples, we would have no need for discussion on several of these topics.
99.9% of all our problems CAN be addressed during the first 18 years of our lives, if only ALL our parents put forth the effort.

Home is the answer to it all. But then, I'm a redneck and may be wrong. :)
Jaybird you are right about that no matter what color you upper body is :eek:
I see the ruslts every day of parents who don't care or can't be bothered to look after their own children.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by Thump
So if my sister, mother or fiance gets raped (God forbid) and is impregnated would it then be acceptable to abort the pregnancy?

I'm not going to get into debating abortion here.  All I can give you is my belief on the subject:  I live my life according to the Bible.  The Bible says that no man has the right to take another man's life.  The Bible, as well as medical science says that human life is present at the time of conception.  So therefore, I have no right to kill an unborn child.  The situation you describe is rare.  I will not support the taking of a child's life.  That is because I do not want to take any chances with my soul.  Now whether or not, God would forgive that situation...I don't know.  But I don't want to take that chance.  It would not be easy and it would be a terrible situation to be in, but if it happened to my wife, the baby would be born.

Originally posted by Thump
How can we draw the line between what is right and wrong?

The Bible does a very good job of that.

Last edited:


Dec 31, 1969
But I don't want to take that chance. It would not be easy and it would be a terrible situation to be in, but if it happened to my wife, the baby would be born.
That's some serious conviction my friend. More power to ya, obviously all we can do is hope not to be out in that position.

This is one of those abortion issues where I waiver. I tend to believe it's best to leave the morality of the issue to the individual, they will deal with their god in their own way I suppose, my biggest issue is basing laws around the whole issue. The legislating morality thing.

Excellent comments 'bird.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I agree that I would be highly upset with one of my family being impregnated by a rapist, but you know what....the child had NO CHOICE. And I bet you a dime to a thousand donuts that there is a loving couple that would welcome the child into thier hearts and lives, no matter what type of apathy folks may have for the original circumstance.
I just have a very hard time with abortion, in most any instance. There are too many other options that I'm certian our creator would find more appropriate.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
I agree with your statement about things being handled at home bird... But that situation is rough.... What if my father was the one taht raped my sister? Would it be okay then? What kind of damage would be done to my sister's mental state if she were forced to carry it inside her for 9 months? Now what if she were only 14 years old.

My point is we all draw our own lines as to what is acceptable. Cal follows the bible and even in the situation I just described would probably want his daughter, neice, wife... to have the baby. I am the opposite, I believe in the right to choose, but I still respect his beliefs and would not ever try to push mine on him. We will both square up with our makers in he end... my religion is not structured around fear, it was growing up... but not any longer, I try to be a good person and make the right decissions and in my book Hell is a place for those that in their minds eye want to cause torment, pain and suffering to others. But my book may not be right for others.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
My decisions aren't based on fear.  But on hope and a promise for a better home some day. :thumb:


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