Parts Schematics for 93 CR250

gator kdx

Oct 30, 2002
I recently got a 93 cr250. I love the bike and its in pretty solid condition. It does need some replacement parts though. I checked on and they don't list the cr250 for my year (or several other older years).

I believe I could use their parts wizard to find the parts if I had the numbers - but I haven't been able to find any schematics yet. I use for my kdx200, is there a site like that for older cr's?

Thanks for the help.


Jan 30, 2002
Troy-Racing has the schematic for the 93 Cr250. Click HERE for the link. BTW, I have the actual microfiche film for that bike. I also have a bunch of spare parts for that bike. Anything I can help with, just let me know.


gator kdx

Oct 30, 2002
Thanks for the quick response Tony. I'm checking out the Troy racing website right now. I'll let you know if I need any parts. If you get a chance, check out my other post. Maybe with you having pretty much the same bike, you can shed some light on how I can get this bike running closer to 100%.



Jan 30, 2002
Did the hard starting start after the addtion of the V-Force ?



Jan 30, 2002
Also, for my bike, on a new top end the compression reading was 170-180psi.

gator kdx

Oct 30, 2002
No, the hard starting has been the same with the old reeds and reedblock and the vforce. I had hoped that the vforce would take care of the problem - thinking maybe the old reeds were worn and not sealing properly.

I thought the compression seemed somewhat high, but I haven't seen any specs in the honda service manual on the operable range. Also, from what I've read in other posts, the results of compression tests are only moderately useful (best used to indicate when compression is dropping from when top end was new).


Jan 30, 2002
I agree on the compression test. I would seem to think that your starting and performance problems are probably due to jetting. I think that our summer-time jetting would be about the same. I'm not sure of my jetting #'s off hand, but I will check them when I get home. My bike has a rad valve, PC pipe and silencer. What's your set-up and what kind of gas do you run.


gator kdx

Oct 30, 2002
Im also running the PC pipe and silencer, vforce delta 2, 93 octane at 40:1 with yamalube.

I haven't touched the jetting on this bike yet....It doesn't seem to exhibit any of the symptoms of incorrect jetting. No boowaaaa sound or excessive smoking (heavy smoke when started cold but disappears once warmed up). When wicking the throttle wide open the motor doesn't bog, but the bike does seem to take a second to return to idle.

I assumed that I would probably have to tweak the jetting after putting in the vforce - I thought it would require slightly leaner jetting. But like I said, after the install the bike didnt seem to run any differenly.

When I get a chance I will try and crack the carb open and see what jets and needle it has in there. Also, is there any easy way to get the carb off on this bike??? It is way more of a pain in the ass than the kdx. On the cr the reed block manifold and air intake boot offer virtually no clearance for pulling the carb out and putting it back in.

gator kdx

Oct 30, 2002
As far as I know the previous owners never installed a flywheel weight - course that doesnt mean they didn't.

I don't know much about flywheel weights, am I correct in assuming that I can visually check if one is installed by removing the left side cover by the countershaft sprocket?
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