Just need some quick advice.
I'm selling one of my dirt bikes, and have someone who's come to see it and wants to buy it. We've agreed on price and everything. He's supposed to come by tomorrow to pay for and take the bike. Thing is he wants to pay by cheque. Now nothing else in this deal is setting off alarms, no I'll give you an extra 1000 and you give me it back etc, so I'm probably just being paranoid. Should Iaccept the cheque? I mean is there anything he can do to royaly screw me out of my money? I'd plan on photocopying a few peices of ID to be sure I can find him again, and have him sign a quick contract, but would really hate to loose my money. I'm asking cause I honestly have no experience with cheques. My personal checkbook is onto cheque number 6, and I've had it for like 8 years now :|
Anyways, Let me know what you think please :)
Just need some quick advice.
I'm selling one of my dirt bikes, and have someone who's come to see it and wants to buy it. We've agreed on price and everything. He's supposed to come by tomorrow to pay for and take the bike. Thing is he wants to pay by cheque. Now nothing else in this deal is setting off alarms, no I'll give you an extra 1000 and you give me it back etc, so I'm probably just being paranoid. Should Iaccept the cheque? I mean is there anything he can do to royaly screw me out of my money? I'd plan on photocopying a few peices of ID to be sure I can find him again, and have him sign a quick contract, but would really hate to loose my money. I'm asking cause I honestly have no experience with cheques. My personal checkbook is onto cheque number 6, and I've had it for like 8 years now :|
Anyways, Let me know what you think please :)