Pipe Install For 220


Jul 28, 2002
1998 220,basically stock except for some 1/2" holes drilled into the airbox lid.My question is I am planning on installing a PC Platinum pipe soon and was wondering if I will have to rejet.I live in Delaware which is basically sea level.I have no problems doing just curious.Also is it worth installing boysen power reeds? I ride mainly woods trails.


die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
The best bet is to install the pipe and reeds and re-jet to optimize the performance of both. But no, you don't have to, unless the jetting nazi's catch you and then you are sunk for sure! ;)

BTW the 607 power reeds are probably the best bet.


Oct 14, 1999
What!!?? You haven't rejetted already!!??

What is your address?? Vee need to pay Yuu a veezit!!

Sieg Hiel (..or something.......)

Nah...If you're still running OEM jetting, you should still be OK with a pipe add. Still, there are huge benefits to be gained from a properly jetted bike.

That and the sea level part would concern me somewhat. My bike is a bit more modified than 'air-box'...but my bike is pretty lean with oem jetting on the coast (well...and in the sand to boot). Woods riding wouldn't be as non-forgiving as WOT-all-the-time dune hopping.
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