Please Help kdx220r

R. Phillips

Sep 10, 2002
I've got a 2001 kdx220r that's been fouling plugs since I bought it (used) 2 months ago. Plug is wet fouling. I had carb cleaned & checked. I run 32:1 mix. Clip on needle was moved to 2nd notch from top. Cyl compression is 120psi. Bike smokes (white & a little blue)when cranked, and has a sputtering miss until I crank it up thru the gears. When I put a new plug in, it runs great for about 30 minutes, then loses power and starts a little miss. If you have an idea, please let me know.
I could take it to a shop, but would like to learn to work on myself.


Aug 31, 2002
wrong heatrange plug for the riding you are doing or incorrect jetting

see this thread for more information

and follow Rich's advice and teachings


Jan 20, 2001
Try a BR8EG plug. Solved my fouling woes on my 200. I also run the clip up one position.


Apr 22, 2002
BR7ES cured my fouling problems on my '94 200, but i'd recommend against it if your bike tends to run hot. Otherwise, try one out. If you have an Advance Auto Parts near you, they sell NGKs for less than $2 each, and stock most applications.


Jun 5, 2000
Try a BR7ES plug. The OEM recommendation (BR8ES) is conservative. If that does not improve things to your liking, you’ll need get into a jetting exercise.


Oct 14, 1999
Didn't check the URL link above...but the reference to 'rich' makes it a good assumption you didn't go here:

That's CDave's site. He has specific recommendation for the KDX.

Chances of your bike being jetted correctly are about nil. Running a hotter plug to 'fix' that problem is a mistake!

You may use plug color as an indication of correct jetting, but that only works if you're using the correct plug in the first place! It's kind of a catch-22 sort of deal.

You could jet to a '7', then run an '8'. That would put you a bit on the richer side of things, but you'd still be further ahead of the game than you are now.

No reason a '8' shouldn't run in your bike. Granted, an 'EG' plug is a benefit.

The reference you make of the bike 4-stroking on a cold-choke start until you 'run through the gears' is normal. Don't scream it during that process in an effort to 'clean' something. Your bike needs to warm up.

Even if it's jetted spot on, you'll likely get some 4-stroking on a cold-choke start. No big deal.

hey! They call it 'choke' for a reason!!



Jul 22, 2002
My 97-220 fouled plugs like crazy. Then I went from the BR8ES to the BR7ES. That worked for awhile until I installed power reeds and hit hot humid riding days, then I was fouling again. Just last month I tore open the top end, cleaned the power valves and then installed one size smaller main jet (142). No more fouling but my bottom end was still fat. So I dropped two sizes on the pilot (38) and with some fine tuning of the air screw ... voila, perfection at last. Crisp bottom response and a smooth, wailing mid/top.

I don't think the top end clean up on mine did much to solve the problem but it was nice to check things out and eliminate any ???s. For me, the jetting was the key. The bike was just too rich, especially when the weather got hot and hazy.

Good luck. Tinker around with it -- you'll learn a tonne about your bike.


Jan 2, 2002
When you start it up turn the choke off after about 10 seconds. Yea I also use the BR7ES plugs too. Is your air screw around 1 1/2 turns out from fully seated. My 220R I dropped the pilot and main 1 size right after I bought it. Take the lid off the air filter box and can it, just screw the little black box onto the filter cage. I run 44/1 premix synthetic with great luck..
good luck,

R. Phillips

Sep 10, 2002
Thanks, you guys were alot of help. This web site is great. I learned alot about carbs thru the hyper links you provided.

I have called "Keihin Carb Parts Warehouse", and they are shipping me some leaner jets and needle. I'm gonna try that first before I go to a hotter plug.

I feel like owning a kdx puts me in some sort of a club. All riders I meet on the trails with Kawasaki's always wave, and often stop to talk.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Ahhhh......I'm not a KDX owner but I have ridden Moose95's enough to know that is my next bike ;) Actually it will be the 220R. BUT , jetting is imprtant and so is the plug, with a compression of 120 I would say it's time for a topend. I replaced mine on my YZ125 and I was getting #'s up around 180 + . Big guy, you can replace the jets and fuss with the mix all you want, but if your rings and piston are toast you are wasting money, BIG TIME . When yo do a comp test the pipe and carb boot should be removed and the openings sealed. My best way to do this is with covers like from a coffee can cut to fit. For the reed cage cut it to fit and flip the cage and bolt on(don't forget to remove the seal, if you cant have some cardboard ready to make a new one, manilla folders are a good one, phone book covers work well too, just match up the width) For the Exaust do the same(Cut and fit, place the peice benith the pipe and exaust gasket for the best seal and clip the springs and bolt back into place). Now you can test your compression. If your readings are sitll below 170 or so, replace you rings at the very least, that is why your plug is wet fouling, blowby from the bad rings/piston. I wold do the topend and replace all, you will find no end to the improvement you feel!

My .02,
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