
Apr 19, 2003
hows this plug look.


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Apr 19, 2003
i posted it for cc to look at i couldnt figure out how to attach pic to pm.

but bike feels best ever i think im going to leave it like it is for awhile.

as far as changes, i went to 1/2 turn out on as, went up a clip on the needle and this is the first wot plug check ive done since i put the 152 in. just didnt stay wot much before. i was wondering what would happen if i wanted to go back to say 40 or 42:1 on the premix. oh and its a b9es plug. thats what the book calls for so thats what i run.


Apr 19, 2003
as far as the pilot goes i have went from a stock 48 to a 42 and i havent had any probs with the runaway idle ive read about here on a cold motor with choke. does that mean i can go to maybe a 40? and isnt that a big jump from 48 to 40? or 42 for that matter?


Apr 19, 2003
jw i guess i wanted to know is how will i know when my pilot is too lean. will a lean pilot hurt anything? i was wondering about the runaway idle on cold start havent experienced that yet.


Apr 19, 2003
nah i didnt overlook it i just forgot it. i didnt read your old post just remembered it. i didnt bookmark it and didnt feel like searching for it. thanks btw i talked my friend into getting rid of his klx and hes getting an 04 200. if i can find a trailer we may come ride with you someday.:-)


Feb 21, 2002

I have had similar concerns. My 89 is stock except for airbox lid.
It presently is at 42 2 turns, 1173n 2nd clip and 148 main. It runs
very clean from 1/8 throttle on but still smokes, lightly and 4 strokes
at tiny throttle openings. It seems incredible that I may be going to a 40
pilot jet. I just switched recently to an from a BR9ES to a BR8Es plug.
The plug color is much better. It went from black and sooty to brown.


Oct 14, 1999
The 'tan' part isn't of note. It's not the color of the insulator tip (which would pretty much only give you an idea of plug temperature anyway) but of the mixture ring (which would turn a darker color if it was run longer).

As you say, it's still wide if it's 'correct' jetting your looking for (given a correctly run WOT plug chop test).

And, yes...a 42:1 premix will be more lean. I haven't done plug chops on different premixes to be able to say from my experience what degree of change you could expect by way of plug inspection. Considering it's a 15% drop, I would think it would make a fairly big difference.

If your carb hasn't been modified, a 1/2 turn out on the airscrew is an indication of your pilot being on the lean side already. Set the pilot circuit using throttle response as a gauge.

Plug loading at lo rpm can be resolved with a needle change. A sharper angle means a 'later' starting taper. I've had much better luck keeping the plug clean with a 'C' taper.

twocycle: Keep in mind that a plug heatrange change is not the way to 'effect' jetting (effect in '' cuz of course it doesn't 'effect' it at all).

If you do happen to get to a too-high idle on a choke-cold start, regulate it with the kill button. A bike that is lethargic when cold (boggy, poor throttle response) isn't necessarily a bad thing. If it runs OK when it warms up, it's actually a good thing.

A situation of, 'Starts first kick every time,' probably is from a too-rich bike.

re: will a lean pilot hurt anything?
It might if you have to kick it so long to start that your leg falls off. ;)
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Feb 21, 2002

I probably should have been clearer. What I was trying to say was that in
my bike an BR8ES was a better fit temperature wise than the BR9ES.


Damn Yankees
Nov 19, 2002
that plug looks weird to me. The plugs I am used to seeing look like the one in this link. http://www.mopar.com/img/maintenance/diff_plugs_main_img.jpg

notice the threads and the bendy thing that goes over the tip? why in all of thes epark plug pics do they not have it?

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by KDXFreestyle
notice the threads and the bendy thing that goes over the tip? why in all of thes epark plug pics do they not have it?

You needs to buy them speshul RACIN PLUGS to get the ones without the bendy thing in the way. :confused:


Oct 14, 1999
Mr. R is afraid to mention the brand name of those racin' plugs 'cuz he's dis'd them so many times in the past.

Yep! His friends at splitfire have made tremendous improvements in bendy thing technology!

Actually, some plugs (surface gap) don't have the bendy things, but they still have the thread thingys!
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Oct 14, 1999
Be assured the torture is all ours. ;)

There has been some discussion as to whether 'KDXFreestyle' is trolling..just trying to be irksome.

Unfortunately, I think you might be 'real'. Oh my! That's scarey!!

Do some searches on this forum and on the web (use google.com) for lots of input regarding splitfires being 'better' than ngk....or a lump of coal for that matter.

Although some people swear by 'em, anyone knowledgeable on the subjects of electrical systems and the physics of the ignition process will tell you that splitfire plugs are a silly joke, a waste of money, an idiotic idea that has no basis in fact or theory.

There is certainly a difference; ngk does have a clue as to what they are doing.


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Maybe it's my computer, but that plug looks bone white to me. Looks very lean. How long was that plug at WOT before the engine was shut down?

Nice job cutting off the bendy thingie though.
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Splitfire gives you a greater chance for disaster, attributed to bendy thing failures.

89kdx, I'm curious how you ride your bike. Are you WOT/hard brake...or do you putt around single track?

Lots of variable to consider to know if you are spot on for your type of riding, but at first thought I would want to have plug looking like yours after a proper plug check and with a ratio of at least 32:1
Simply changing from 50:1 to 40:1 may lean you out more than your engine will enjoy at WOT.


Apr 19, 2003
i'd say wot/hard brake mostly. dont have many tight trails where i ride now. mostly logging roads. i do slow down for the ocassional creek bed or drag trail.

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