Every now and then, a popular-topic-specific thread develops which seems to capture and crystalize the best and most relevent common questions, experience and expert opinons.
It seems that many of us would refer to such threads(instead of saying "yea, someone asked that... do a search...) if there were some simpler way of preserving the thread (maybe with a name, maybe "top ten answers on that topic, maybe...?).
I know the experts get tired of repeatedly answering the same questions and the "askers" aren't always good at searching. Worse, as the database of threads grows, it gets harder to find that certain thread and if the system "ages off" old threads, some really good ones are lost.
My suggestion is to somehow preserve or simplify identity and accessto those great threads and assign them a name or otherwise catagorize them, making it simpler to refer inquiring minds. This is not a FAQ type of approach, it's more like "the best thread on X-bike engine mods is the ??? thread, heres the link or look it up in the "best threads" section.