
Feb 5, 2004
ok, i just bought a used head for my bike for $40
now, from reading in some 2-stroke books, black is a good conductor of heat, and i remember some books telling you should paint your radiators flat black, but I know bare metal is also good
well the head i bought is painted black, and its not just spray paint, i really beleive it is powder coated.

now what i want is for the motor to run as cool as possible if you know what i mean, if will run cooler being bare then i will remove the paint, but if it won't really affect any thing then i will just leave it.
if any one knows if there is a big difference at all and would like to share this info that will be greatly appreciated.


Mar 1, 2006
The powder coating will insulate the cylinder a bit more, but the air outside the cylinder isn't that big of a heat sink, the oil and coolant take care of the cooling. I would not suspect the powder coating would cause any overheating in your motor.


Feb 5, 2004
i forgot to tell you it was on a two stroke, i see what you are saying, except that does the oil still cool a two stroke as much as a 4-stroke? :coocoo:

i'm wondering which produces more heat.. fast reving 2-stroke or tons of small parts moving 4-stroke? :coocoo:
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