Mar 18, 2004
Sent my 220 carb and head to RB Designs last Monday. They got them last Friday. I have them back in my hands today - MONDAY - and I live in KY and they are in OR! They even called me last Friday night to tell me I had overpaid by $4.50 so they sent me the float bowl allen screw set as a refund. Is that super service or what! I can't wait to get it all back together and test it out. Will report back then. In the meantime, kudos to RB Designs for the incredible service. :cool:
Sep 15, 2004
ya i had one of those ron is a great guy.You wont believe the diff that carb makes on a kdx.Wish i could get service like that from my local shop!!!Kudos to wont be dissapointed


Dec 14, 2004

Quiet! If you start telling everyone about Rons unbelievable customer service other companies might start following his lead! Then before you know it everyone will start doing it and then, none of us will have anything to b---h about and businesses would prosper, customers would be happy and loyal! Heck, the world as we know it would probably crumble!
Well, maybe I'm over stating it :blah: but, never the less, I have rarely been as impressed with any service as I was with Ron and RB Design. :laugh:
Mar 18, 2004
Sorry that it took me so long to get the KDX220 back together, but had to keep son's race bikes in tune.

Did an entire top end rebuild this weekend, including a thorough disassembly and cleaning of my gunked up KIPS. Installed my RB Mods carb and head in the process. Bike started on the second kick and idled better than ever. I took off after a 30 second warm up and the bike ran far smoother than ever before. I'm running an FMF rev pipe and PC2 silencer. At first I thought I'd lost low end, but then I realized that stumble while lugging is not real low end. Instead, I have amazing throttle control over a smooth, strong low end that pulls in linear fashion way past the previous sign off.

Serious bang for the buck. Best customer service, too. Thanks, Ron.


Aug 17, 2004
what part of ky do you live in..i live in richmond..i have a kdx 200 that was bored to a 240cc..hope i did the right the head mod..was a big improvement and your carb also...thats awsome!!! i was thinking about sending my carb and head to rb designs. how much did all of that run you!


Oct 28, 2008
Looks for that second sweet spot on the airscrew now! Somewhere about 2.5 turns I think? Once you find it 3rd gear will lug the bike at 1st gear speeds, or so I've been told. Haven't had the funds to do the mod yet myself, but working up to it!
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