
Apr 30, 2002
I torn my knee up back in March and am just finally getting back to a somewhat normal life. I raced for 15 years before I had a knee injury and I wondered just how much fun riding was the fist few weeks after surgery. I have a Don Joy Armor knee brace with integrated knee /shin protection. Has anyone used these or even heard of them? They say that Grant Langston uses them. I'm trying to get one for my other knee as I NEVER, EVER want this to happen again if I can help it by wearing knee braces.


Mar 19, 2000
I have a Don Joy and I don't like it much. The straps wear out too quickly compared to the CTi2 I have on the other knee. Also the Donjoy is wider and chews on my pant leg and fuel tank.

It is strong though. A lot of the comfort comes with your own riding style, maybe the Don Joy will suit you.

They gave me a neoprene type sleeve which was no good at all. Asterisk sell cloth material sleeves that protect your skin a lot better, so do CTi/Innovative Sports.

Good luck, Paul.


Mar 17, 2003
I use a DonJoy Defiance (their custom version) with the MX knee guard installed. It's worked really well so far. No discomfort from the straps, no slipping, etc. It hasn't done any damage to my pants yet, but they're pretty sturdy and it fits well underneath them. The brace has lost bits of paint, but that's from slamming it into the frame of my DH bike when I'm wearing shorts. It's saved my bad knee a few times already. I currently just have a Fox knee/shin guard for my 'good' knee, but that's getting replaced with a brace soon too.

I had surgery (just a scope - partial menisectomy this time) in early April. Took a bit for the leg to get back into shape, but it wasn't too bad. Jumping and really rough terrain took a few extra weeks to feel right. The brace hasn't bothered me at all - if anything it probably gives me extra confidence.


Jan 17, 2001
Damn, you got off cheap!! I paid about $75m total for my knee surgery, rehab, braces, etc. and did all the same damage. I had my surgery March 5 of 2002 and did not ride until the beginning of August. Even then it was WAY painful each time I rode and my knee would swell up like a balloon. It got better with each ride, but will never be "normal" again. I have 2 CTI2's and they are great. You can even get a 2nd set of straps at the 6 month mark for free, because they are pretty pricey to replace. Fortunately for me, the insurance company paid for both of them, however, the price of each is much better than having to go through that hell again! Good luck..


Apr 30, 2002
How long before you were able to ride again Anne? My doctor said that my knee is very stable and he sees no reason that with the brace I could not race next month. That will be 4 1/2 months after surgery. My knee really does not hurt anymore. I swim, bike stairmaster and lift without problems. Degrees of bend 145.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I hope this isn't too far off topic, but does anyone have experiance with the EVS WEB brace, such as fit, comfort, effectiveness, etc? Thanks!

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