This was too much space so Part 1
Reading OffRoad Riders put on a great race yesterday. I Woke up around 7:30 on Saturday, the trailer was mostly packed for the 3hr ride to Hazelton PA. I wasn't worried about being late because my race didn't start until 5:30 that afternoon. After Finising getting ready we went over the check list and left the driveway. My dad was driving and my friend Jesse came to my race with my greatly mannered puppy Haydn. We drove the regular 2 hour drive to Tower city, but instead of getting off the exit we headed farther up I-81, and after a little while we turned onto the exit and headed down Route-61 until we hit St.Clair where we turned left onto Route-209 and followed what would be a perfect street bike road through the mountains. I was thinking about signups when in a scarred vioce I said "No way!" My dad asked "No way what." I said "I think I left my wallet on the office desk that had my AMA and District 6 card in it" The truck went silent even Haydn layed his head down. I bit my fingernails and thought of anyway to prove my membership to the AMA and District 6. We pulled the truck strait to the sign up tent to see what we could do. When I opened my door my wallet hit the coal dust ground. I couldn't belive it the tenson lifted and we signed up for the race. I joined the ECEA and got my bar code. We parked and got unloaded at around 2:30. Even the Pee Wee's didn't start until 4pm.
Reading OffRoad Riders put on a great race yesterday. I Woke up around 7:30 on Saturday, the trailer was mostly packed for the 3hr ride to Hazelton PA. I wasn't worried about being late because my race didn't start until 5:30 that afternoon. After Finising getting ready we went over the check list and left the driveway. My dad was driving and my friend Jesse came to my race with my greatly mannered puppy Haydn. We drove the regular 2 hour drive to Tower city, but instead of getting off the exit we headed farther up I-81, and after a little while we turned onto the exit and headed down Route-61 until we hit St.Clair where we turned left onto Route-209 and followed what would be a perfect street bike road through the mountains. I was thinking about signups when in a scarred vioce I said "No way!" My dad asked "No way what." I said "I think I left my wallet on the office desk that had my AMA and District 6 card in it" The truck went silent even Haydn layed his head down. I bit my fingernails and thought of anyway to prove my membership to the AMA and District 6. We pulled the truck strait to the sign up tent to see what we could do. When I opened my door my wallet hit the coal dust ground. I couldn't belive it the tenson lifted and we signed up for the race. I joined the ECEA and got my bar code. We parked and got unloaded at around 2:30. Even the Pee Wee's didn't start until 4pm.