
Jul 3, 2002
Well folks, with HB1003 we've got on good piece of legislation before the Washington State House of Representatives, but unfortunately now we got a bad one submitted to the State Senate.

click here:

HB5089 is bad

This bill does two things.

The first one is to lower the max dba from 105 to 96.

The second is to ban anyone with land zoned as residential from riding within 600 feet of anyone else's house or livestock buildings regardless of how quiet might be.

My $.02 :p

Item 1, 105 is way too loud, but 96 is a big change since every 6 db is equal to doubling the sound sensation. Although I would like to have everyone's bikes that quiet, I don't know if I trust our State government with the task of enforcing that big of a change rationally.

Item 2, 600 feet from my neighbor's barn? This will ban almost every kid with a Z50 or PW from almost siliently putting about the back yard. What value does that have? Less kids will learn to ride and they will alway learn something else instead. Kids are that way and there are plenty of other things that they would be better off not learning to do instead of hanging out with their family and have fun in a responsible manner.

Additionally, the way this is written my kid can't ride within 600 feet of the neighbor's barn, but the neighbor can light up his quad anytime because I don't have a livestock barn within 600 feet of him.
Hmmm. . . .

This fine piece of work is currently before the Washington State Senate Water, Energy and Environment Committee.


Sep 10, 2003
From the KX owners manual " If improperly conducted, this sport has the potential to cause conflicts with other people - respect the rights of other people" We wouldn't be here if people would have followed that bit of advice

Seems pretty reasonable to me, this is an amendment to an existing RCW, RCW 46.09.120 & 190. An act to reduce nuisance noise from off-road vehicles

96 db should'nt be much of an issue, most production Enduro machines meet this and is already being enforced at some areas in the NW, California has been doing it for awhile now, some folks will have to invest in a Q series silencer, I can see where there would have to be workshops to get everybody on the same page as far as the agencies doing these SAE tests

The 600 feet thing concerns areas zoned as "residential" and riding in a "repetitive" manner. Sounds good to me, no big bore should be blasting around someone's house if they didn't give permission, or a competitive 65 for that matter. 600 feet is 200 paces for me, 400 if you count every step, just under an 1/8 of mile, that's nothing.

Enforcement will be by complaint, no one is going to complain about a kid learning the ropes on a quiet mini, this is all about noise - a noxious form of pollution. As the saying goes "Less sound=More ground" I am going to be there in support. :cool:


Sep 10, 2003
I agree the wording is pretty generic and some things should be worded differently but I don't think anyone is trying to ban "quiet riding" as the RCW is addressing nuisance noise - again this is only concerning residential zoning where any rider should be treading lightly and just passing through, which is not an issue, the change to the existing RCW is minor

Seems reasonable to me, with the exception of enforcing the Db limit I don't think the Law enforcement agencies are all of sudden gonna start hounding off roaders because of this.


Jul 3, 2002
again this is only concerning residential zoning

Remember, not all residentially zoned land is suburnia.
My neck of the woods is zoned as residental, but nobdy lives on less that 5 acres.

I don't think anyone is trying to ban "quiet riding"

Read up on Harvey Manning, godfather of the WTA.
According to him and his supporters, there is no reason for dirtbikes to ever even be manufactured, much less ridden.

Their lobbyists, Craig Engleking and Ken Koeingsmark (spelling is a guess) actively, and somewhat successfully push this mindset in Olympia.


Nov 13, 1999
My lawn mower will be banned by this "piece" of legislation. It is operated in a repetitive manner withing 600ft of neighbors home and is a non-highway vehicle.

Oh yeah, it's also louder than my kid's minibikes.

At least I can go riding now instead of mowing lawn.
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