
Apr 20, 2002
If I'm not at TNT tomorrow, I'll definitely be at Manchester on Sunday.

The gun range is approximately 1 1/2 miles before the trailhead on the left hand side. If it is open, you can buy a permit there.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
That's not Ken, talked to Ken on the phone yesterday and he said he hasn't jumped it yet.

Ken, Slacker, (maybe Doug) and I were also talking about going one day next week. I'll let you know which day Mark (as soon as I find out).
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Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Today's forecast for Birmingham has been changed to NO rain. :yeehaw:

Maybe we'll get lucky in NC too. SOLO is going to ride up with me, so expect us around 11 or 12.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
80% chance of Rain Sat... 60% chance on Sunday at TNT.

Not looking nice.

As for Manchester, if the gun range isn't open you have to go to the Ranger's building or something like that. It is a haul and sometimes they don't have permits out (I know, how do they expect you to follow the rules when they don't give you what you need to do it). If the permits aren't out I usually put money in the drop box wrapped in a piece of paper with a date and the serial number of the bill I put in. Then I put the serial number of the bill on another piece of paper for myself.

I know it is a hassle. I hope they make it easier and have the permits available.


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Well...Intellicast says that it should only be a 1/4", so it might not even be a problem. I'll call TNT (803-482-4759) around 11:00 and see how it is.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
I'm outta here. See you guys at TNT around 11. :thumb:


Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by Truespode
If the permits aren't out I usually put money in the drop box wrapped in a piece of paper with a date and the serial number of the bill I put in. Then I put the serial number of the bill on another piece of paper for myself.
The gun range usually doesn't open until 1-2 p.m., if then. The ranger station is hit and miss to say the least. It can be a PITA. I'd do what Ivan described above or print out the application from the site, fill it out, paper clip your money to it and leave it in the truck. Not sure the drop box is still there as I haven't seen it.

Does anyone know if the Manchester trails have been groomed in the last month? Last time there the whoops were the worst I've ever seen, all 19 miles of them. A ride after that (5-6 weeks ago, I didn't make it) a friends' son on a KX80 would disappear between the whoops. :scream:

If it has been groomed, I'll see you there. Otherwise I'm going to Francis Marion (excellent ride BTW). I wait to hear something before deciding.
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Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
We are. I am meeting Ivan at his house at 9 and I think he said we'll be there by noon. If you don't have his phone number I'll email it.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
We made. It was cold. It was raining. The trails were whooped out (but not the worst I've seen them) and it was a total BLAST!

Probably the most fun I've had in the woods since Parson's Mtn at the beginning of the year with you guys.

It was a workout and a half. I think I put James to sleep with my commentary on the way home :)

I am sore today but I did have a great time. We did the 2 mile loop once and the 9 mile loop twice. We did a little on the track but it was not in good shape.

Gomer also recruited a guy to be a part of SCORE and if things workout it is possible he will be helping to work on Manchester with some equipment he owns. I hope it works out.



Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by Truespode
The trails were whooped out (but not the worst I've seen them)
Then you've seen it really bad! :o
Gomer also recruited a guy to be a part of SCORE and if things workout it is possible he will be helping to work on Manchester with some equipment he owns. I hope it works out.]
There are 4-5 guys down here that given the proper equipment from SCORE would get those trails in shape. Who has SCORE's equipment now for trail grooming?

Glad you guys had a good time. We need to hook up soon!


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I've never seen it before and I'll admit, the first 2 mile trail was plain torture. The nine mile loop was very fun especially the second time around. It was all I could do to keep up with Ivan and Linus the first loop mostly because it takes several hours for me to wake up and I generally hate whoops anyway. But that last trip around the nine mile trail made it worth the trip. I was thinking I could hit upper 4th gear through one section and I was fast approaching Ivan (gave him some distance) and was going to make the pass....but chose not to considering I never knew which direction my back end was going. I would have loved to go another time or two, but I think we all burned too much energy on the track....which was Really whooped up.

Now I know there is a place for us to go when it is raining on Sundays.


Sep 20, 2001
It sounds as if maybe they have groomed the 9 mile loop since the last time any of our group has been there. Think I'll go take a look one day this week, can't ride it, but you can get to several sections from the road.

What are you guys up to Sunday?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by bscottr

There are 4-5 guys down here that given the proper equipment from SCORE would get those trails in shape. Who has SCORE's equipment now for trail grooming?

Getting people to work on the trail is not the issue. While the more willing to help is great the issue comes down more to the forestry commission there and funding. The equipment is in the possession of a few of the officers. I'm not sure who b/c someone else handles the equipment inventory.

One problem we have is that the SCORE equipment was bought with a grant and its use is covered in that grant. I do not know all of the specifics but I do know that we are at odds with the PRT right now b/c they will not allow us to put in for grant money to cover taxes on the equipment, gas, insurance, etc.

We have one guy who is really eager to help and all he'd like is to break even on the equipment useage (he owns his own equipment) but we are not sure that we will be able to accomplish that. It is more than fair but it is the political red tape that is being fought (and we have some good guys working to break through that red tape).

If you are interested in helping or know someone who is have them go to and have them click on the Join SCORE link. Have them sign up for the e-mail list and all they have to do is ask to help and those in charge of the equipment will do what they can to help.

If you are not already a member of SCORE I ask that you become one. It is worth it just to increase our numbers and hopefully add a person or two to the letter writing and the workdays.



Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by Truespode
the issue comes down more to the forestry commission there and funding.
What gets me is this a State forest that we are trying to improve. All of the Federal lands in SC are much better than the State lands. :flame:
Originally posted by Truespode
If you are interested in helping or know someone who is have them go to and have them click on the Join SCORE link.
Will do. :thumb:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by bscottr

What gets me is this a State forest that we are trying to improve. All of the Federal lands in SC are much better than the State lands.

Multiply your frustration by 30 and add 2 years and you know how I feel :)

Glad to see you getting in with SCORE. We can use a lot more members like you!



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999

Go to Manchester and take a look at the track tonight or tomorrow... we got someone to work it up for us today. He is not a SCORE member (yet) or a SERMA Enduro Club member so we had to get special permission for him to work on it.

He is only interested in working on the track but if your guys are interested in working the trails get in touch with Johnny MCCoy or Jimmy Aycock (contact info should be on and they'll help you get what they can to work on the trails.

Become a member of SCORE first though.

I can't promise how much you will be able to get done but if you and your friends are serious we'll put forth the effort to work with you.



Sep 20, 2001

It'll be Thursday afternoon before I can get by there (leaving town).  But I will check it out.  Thanks for the help and I'll get moving on the SCORE deal.  Hopefully we can get it shape soon.

Thanks Again,



Apr 20, 2002
Hey James, I'd love to ride this weekend but we are moving so this weekend is out. Perhaps during the holiday weekend though?

Ivan, I checked out that SETRA site and that Harescramble in Sumter is on December 1st. The Enduro is in the new year...I think you was mildly confused. :confused: :)

I don't think I'm going to do it.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I can't do it either. I'll driving home from Michigan that day.

BTW, I heard the guy scraped the MX track. He needs some help laying some saw dust down so if anyone has a 4x4 and wants to help they can show up at the Manchester trail head around 2pm today.


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