mr bojangles

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 3, 2006
ok so i went to Baja MX in millington Mi yesterday for open practice and took a few laps to get a feel for the track and it felt good. the bike was running great and i had watched people ride for about 30 min before i went out. i have jumped natural stuff a lot before but never been on a track. so i was pretty comfortable jumping the table tops and whoops and everything. but i freeze up when it comes to a double. even if the table top is twice the distance. is this normal? what can i do to overcome my fear and just go for it? what should i remember thats different for gap jumps compared to table tops or single jumps? and the other thing on the huge doubles where the takeoff is like 10 times bigger than the landing how am i ever supposed to jump that stuff?


Aug 16, 2004
You just have to do it! Sometimes it's good to follow someone that is consistantly hitting the jump so you can have your speed down right.

Which doubles are you having trouble with there? I've ridden at Baja like 40+ times, so I'm kinda familiar with it....


Apr 8, 2005
mr bojangles said:
is this normal? what can i do to overcome my fear and just go for it? what should i remember thats different for gap jumps compared to table tops or single jumps? and the other thing on the huge doubles where the takeoff is like 10 times bigger than the landing how am i ever supposed to jump that stuff?

Is it normal? YES.

What can I do to overcome it? Pick a small one, jump it further and further until you're landing right at the base of the second jump. Note which gear and RPM range you're at. Hit it at about 1/2 a gear to a gear higher (depending on size of double) and you should clear it no problem. Make sure you overjump rather than underjump (although you can also get hurt overjumping, as I recently discovered).

Also, find someone who is jumping the double already, follow them closely and hit it at the same speed. You should have no problem clearing it.

After a couple hundred hours of riding you'll be able to judge the speed necessary for the really big ones. Till then, don't try it. :laugh:

DO NOT get nose down and dive bomb into the face of a double. (Attached pic is my second attempt ever at a decent size double).


DRN's Resident Lunatic
Aug 3, 2004
Now, if you'd have been on a 250f, you'd have cleared that thing. :nener:

mr bojangles

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 3, 2006
the jump i wanted to try was the rolling double at the bottom of the big hill towards the end of the track. its right after you go through those S turns. i also wanted to try the two small sets of doubles right after that before the last corner where the entrance/exit road of the track is. i accidently flew over the really big sets in the back of the track (the 15 foot high ones) i thought they were table tops and hit them in 2nd gear and dropped straight to the bottom of the gap. i felt like i fell off a high dive. somehow i managed no to wreck tho. i dont know why i get this feeling. when i go trail riding up north i will climb any hill and jump anything i see but the moment i got onto that track i just froze when i saw a gap between the takeoff and landing. maybe you could go out there with me sometime and give me a lesson? i mean i have been riding since i was really young, just not on a track and i think its intimidating me. i just need some pointers. and also i dont think i was grabbing the bike with my legs either. i have read thats real important.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004

mr bojangles

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 3, 2006
yea those are it....both of them. i know that first one should be like the easiest one ever. but as soon as i see it i just tense up like im about to eat it. i need someone to go with me


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
sometimes when i know i should be able to jump something and am nervous it helps me to jump it in a gear too high so it doesnt seem like its as tough if the bike is nice and calm. both of those jumps are in areas where you can choose how you'd like to approach them and need no aggressiveness to clear. Baja doesnt mind much if you cut the track(smart and safely) to practice an area. i 'd say try that

mr bojangles

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 3, 2006
i know this might sound stupid...but would you wanna go to the Aug 16th (or any of the following) open practices and meet me there and show me some stuff? im thinking about taking that Tech-Care beginner course but i dont know if im that much of a beginner, seems how its open to 4 year olds. plus its $130 to do it. i definately wanna get out there again. it also kinda brought me down cuz i went by myself. so i didnt know anyone and had no one to ride with. plus some guy was a dick and cut me off in a turn on purpose and put me in the the dirt. but i think if i had someone to ride with it would help my confidence. let me know, i would really appreciate it.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
if the work schedule looks clear, we'll do it.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004


Aug 16, 2004
ellandoh said:
if you really want to practice go here im thinking of leaving after work tomorrow

I went there for the first time July 3rd. I really didn't care for it. A bunch of us drove out from Oscoda, and we all agreed it really wasn't worth the gas and the membership. I will give them the benifit of the doubt, there probably was a billion people there on the 1st and 2nd. The "expert" track was just in very rough condition, and it seemed like all the jump faces were worn way down. The intermediate track wasn't really a track at all, just a loop of whoops. It was like running Baja at the end of the day, just very beat up. I've heard good things about that place from a few other people, I just wasn't impressed when I went.

mr bojangles

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 3, 2006
i actually have been trying to plan on going to ogemaw within the next couple weeks. i just have to plan it for a whole weekend cuz its about a 2-2.5 hour drive so i would wanna stay for more than a day. but maybe we could ride there sometime too. im really glad i joined this site. you guys are really helpful. i know ill be able to do it and just start jumping them. i mean i have been riding for a while. its just a small roadblock haha. so ill definately get the 16th off and head up there again. if you cant make it just let me know and maybe we can try the 19th, 20th, or 23rd. thank you so much you guys are great. :)

mr bojangles

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 3, 2006
i just put the graphics kit on my new bike and it looks killer. ill have to post a pic. i still wanna order a pipe and reeds tho. you think the stock bridgestone tire is good enuf for the track?

mr bojangles

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 3, 2006
hey guys check out the pics i just put up of my new bike. also there is one of me at baja. im on the outside of the turn next to the yamaha. let me know what you think about the graphics i just put on

dont be a tool

Mod Ban
Jul 25, 2006
that track looks way nicer than our local track,near lafayette,in. there is a section of crash videos on there,the one that got me is the uphill double back in the woods.its just a little po-dunk track,they dont even have any whoops. and the rythem section is full of real steep humps.the one that got me looks most like the one titled 'andy crash',it may not be it either i dont know?

this thing wont let me put any links on here(spam blocker?) so this is the web address:

wild cat creek mx 'dc'

most(90%) of those videos arent
from wildcat,looks more like 'the badlands',in attica,IN.

bad lands off road 'dc'

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