Second Annual “Sick of winter” 05 Spring kick off ride @ Holten/ Horseshoe 4-10-05


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 22, 2005
The Harrington Inn is a very nice place. Would be a good place to start. Plenty of places to eat right there as well.


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 22, 2005
Marlin, Would you rather me bring cups and plates, or soda? No problem either way. :cool:

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
B/E pop & cups are fine. Who needs plates eat the dogs right off the grill.
Here's my count of riders for the Dogs & Brats.

Marlin ------------------ 2
Big Easy-------------- 1
YZ ----------------------- 2
Godzuki --------------- 9
Woodsy --------------- 1
Young Ted ----------- 1
Sparky ---------------- 2
Superbike ----------- 2
Morgan --------------- 1
3KDXXR2 ------------ 2
:ride: 23 SOW Riders
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Dec 2, 2003

Wow your right for a change :think: I dont know what I was looking at when I posted that. I could of sworn that there was a few more side roads in there. Just pulled up my strets 98 and sure enough those mysterious streets have disapeared. Just like the southbound Boon trail always seems to disapear for you. :laugh:


Sep 1, 2003
Hit him again, he's not down yet.


Sep 22, 2004
he ive got the plates already i just bought them yesterday, a 150 count of super high quality spartan paper plates. see yas tomorrow. hey do you want me to bring my ez up or not.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Sure bring her up.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
INCA said:
Hit him again, he's not down yet.

and you my friend are a TROUBLE MAKER and a ROTTEN SUCKER!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002

Plan on a few extras will you Pat? I am certain that Larry will be there and possibly his son.. I also mentioned it to my nephew (CW) and he may come up with his son.
Gonna be fun, fun, FUN!!!!!!!


Dec 2, 2003
INCA said:
Hit him again, he's not down yet.

Ok if I have to......

Ay Woodsy...Did you notice that some deviant was wippin cookies in your driveway today????

You missed out on a chance to ride today. I was beeting on your door for like hours and no answer. I rode 75 miles this morning :nener:


Oh and I have solved the re-routed cedar creek trail mystery. Woodsy I am suprised you didn't catch this one yourself. I was rollin down sweeter and I seen stapled on a pole the same strange arrows that were on the trail at Cedar.

1st off...Isn't it strange that we dirtbikers can spot a 3" orange triangle stapled to a tree as we zip past at 60mph but cant manage to see that pile of dirty cloths that we left on the floor.....

Anyways that funny squigly arrow that I spoted on Sweeter road was a dead ringer for the one in the woods. And this one had the added bonus of having "Barn Sale" writen on it. Now isn't that the name of a tire shop out that way??? Im thinking that the owner or employe of the tire barn is the culprit. :|

Nice little piece of detective work huh??? And you wonder how I seem to know every little thing....I have skills baby!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
Ay Woodsy...Did you notice that some deviant was wippin cookies in your driveway today????

You missed out on a chance to ride today. I was beeting on your door for like hours and no answer. I rode 75 miles this morning :nener:

YOu rotten sucker YZMAN!! I came home from helping a customer unload, pulled in the driveway and my wife says "don't you call that a donut?" and I said "yea and that totally burns my bananas!!!" She says, "I never thought you were sensitive about our dirt driveway" and I responded with "I'm not - but I am sensitive when I miss a perfectly good chance to go riding with a friend and these guys know it and thats why there is a donut there - its a guy thing Honey - part of the "code of the dirtbiker" to sign your buddies driveway like that!!"
Oh yea Don - I NOTICED!!!!!!!!!! :aj:


Dec 2, 2003
0 wife says "don't you call that a donut?" and I said "yea and that totally burns my bananas!!!"

Heh heh heh heh heh......... :rotfl:

but I am sensitive when I miss a perfectly good chance to go riding with a friend and these guys know it and thats why there is a donut there

:nod: :nod:


Nov 30, 2001
Thanks for the advice guys. Catcha up there in the morning. I'll be the tall skinny guy who looks like death warmed over. Black GMC ext cab with a punkin' in the back. M.


Dec 2, 2003
Well the S.O.W "Sick of winter (Woodsy)" was a huge sucess. Great turnout. Great people. Great weather. Great food. Great trails. What a great day.


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Dec 2, 2003
My 8 yr old son Digger did the photography today. He said that he was taking picts of his favorite bikes.


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Dec 2, 2003
I think everyone got a big laugh outta my kid screaming at me " Common dad I wanna to ride....COMMON!!!" as he sits there revving his little bike up to get my attention..... :blah:


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Dec 2, 2003
So thats about it.

As I was heading out of the parking lot at 6:00pm after a full day of riding we ask Woods if he and Ted need help loading there bikes....There response was "heck no we are going riding. We are heading to baldwin....." You two are an inspiration... :nod: :) :ride:


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Nov 30, 2001
Hey guys, was today a great day or what? First off I'd like to thank everyone for the food and drink. It really hit the spot after a good ride. Young Ted's cake was sure knock out too-----however I think there was some special ingredient, I saw it sponaneously combust twice while it just sat there by itself in the hot sun.

I finally got to put a face to a few names here. I just really regret not getting around to everyone. I''ll be sure to talk to everybody at the up coming fall SOS (Sick of Summer) ride though.

Again, thanks for a super ride and the hospitality. Shannon (AKA Morgan).


Sep 22, 2004
yea i noticed that to about that cake, im pretty sure i couldnt pass a breathalizer test after eating that cake. yea for me it was nice to finnaly meet alot of the drn crew to. im still kinda bummed i forgot to top off my gas tank at home before comming up i though that half a tank on my longrange tank would be enough, im sorry i had to bail out on you guys there. man those were some fun trails, so much fun i now have a list of things i need to change on my bike.
1.fill tank up before next ride
2. cut stupid full length bars down ( i have pine sap on my bark busters if you know what i mean)
3. look into one of those new fangled up auto clutches like yzmans, or duck boys, Or refuse to ride another bike equiped with that for the rest of my life.
4. remember to bring the trail tech computer this time and not leave it sitting in the tool box at home.
5. remember how we got to the trail head and not zone out wile following yzman there, then take a senic route to the russle road exit on 31.

man those were nice trails today, and excellent brats, the cake was scrumtralessent.

ill sure go to the S.O.S ride, or the SOWAWTRR. sick of waiting another week to ride ride (pronounced swatter)

and the bench racing was great to. now its time for a shower and some sleep, i almost cant wait for wolfys head cam vid.

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
Great ride yesterday Y'all. :cool: I had a great time and am looking forward to an excelent riding season this year with you guys. I have 2 hours of helmet cam footage (about 1 gigabyte of raw footage) that I have to cut down to make it a downloadable video that I can host. so it may take me a few days. I will have all my pics up tonight so I will post them then. Thanx for a great day everyone. :ride:


Mi. Trail Riders
May 7, 2001
It was my first trip Holton trail, the bike only trail was excellent.
It was good to see old friends and some new DRN’S :cool:
A big thanks to Pat (70 marlin) for the brats and dogs.
Thanks to everyone who helped with food and drinks.
Ted’s Famous Rum cake was top shelf once again.

Hope to ride again soon.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
WOW what day of FUN!! Riding with the best of the best from morning till about 1:30. Ahhhh yea, those new trails were AWESOME to say the least!! Matter of fact, I ran the troops in a couple of circles again - got us lost twice and was able to get part of the group separated fromthe rest of us for a short time - NOT BAD FAR A COUPLE HOURS OF RIDING!!!!
Hit the home front for my daughters birthday party right on time!!
Came back and talked Ted into staying for another short jaunt (didnt have to talk much - just, hey Ted wanna head to Baldwin??).
Because everyone one else WHIMPED on us (ohhh, ok, that was reasonable cause you guys did another 40 miles after I left for the party!!) so Ted and I did it alone.. We rode "cross country" to Benton Lake - ripped my favorite section of single track on the MCCCT up around Nichols again (Ted leading) and then broke out of the woods up above Nichols.. THe sled trail sign said Baldwin atta way - we headed atta way with about 45 minutes of daylight left.. I stopped Ted in the road and said "you know, with it getting as late as it is and us not knowing exaclty where we would be if you kept going corss country we have the potential for one of those "Woodsy specials tonight"! He said - sounds good and we turned around and went back in the woods :rotfl:
Few dead ends, couple of back tracks and a bunch of SWAMP land later and bingo - we came out about 4 miles (cross country) short of Baldwin :aj:
Grabbed the rail line 2-track and rode within 1 mile of Baldwin - stopped at a BP station (that was BP wasnt Ted?) to fix Ted light and headed home in the dark!!
Got back to the lot around 10ish, went to Burger King for a bowl of chili and a burger with nothing on it - 2 waters and about another hour of bench racing. Ted headed for Chicago around midnight and I got an E-Mail from him timed at 2:40 am - ahhhhhh - MY HERO!!!!!
Anyway, yea - GREAT RIDE GUYS!!!!!!!
Keep the front end lite and the rubber side down!!
Oh yea, "On Any Monday Riders" are riding Tuesday - departing Cedar at 10am bound for Boon (or WHEREVER WE END UP) - all welcome!!! Ride as much or as little with us as you'd like!!! Will be dusty but oh well, it happens when your having fun sometimes!! :moon:

For those of you who didnt make it - this is what a cake made by a true ROTTEN SUCKER who is trying to stir up a little trouble looks like!


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Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
Thanks to Pat for hosting the sow ride.It was good to see some familiar faces,Ted ,Sparkey(Brent?) and Nate,Pat and Matt,I wish I would have tried your bike Sparkey. And It was really cool to meet so many new people.Godzuki ,I was bummed when you ran out of gas I was having a blast following you.Woodsy that was so cool seeing you ride that wheelie back down the road.Ted it was a pleasure talking with you, You started me off riding for the day at a quick pace , I hope that I can ride as well as you do when I am your age ( It gives me hope for the future.) I cant believe you went out again with Woodsy To baldwin and back, You are an Ironman :aj: Nice talking with you Shanon that is a sweet looking 525 ya got.Shawn & Jeff it was fun trading places with you on and off though out the day.Brent that training program you are on must really be good you seemed to have alot left in the tank at the end when I was dying.Bigeasy nice meeting you and yzman you are ,always online. Curtis

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Thank You Sparky for a the great deal on them thar riding pants They be purdy fancy :laugh: [Billy Voice off/]

Great seeing everybody again. It was a very fun ride, chasing all you fast guys. The cook out was fun! Great cake, cold pop, fresh buns, hot dogs & brats, all I needed was a cold beer and a camp fire. "That's coming" 5-7 thru 5-8 be there be square! :nod:
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