self nomination for bone head of the month


Oct 27, 2008
I went to Ken's Motorcycle tires today to pick up my 607's and headed home with 2 24's, stopped by O'rileys for some carb cleaner got the kdx up on the stand and removed the seat tank sidecovers carb and reed cage after carefully cleaning around the cage and carb so nothing would drop into the engine...actually read the directions and installed the 607's (Boysen reeds)

Hey thats the ups truck with my RMA order sprockets socks and some jets and a but plug for the fmf silencer I took the but plug out of the package and stuck it in (kdx didn't even jump)

well this is a good day I though as I cracked a 24 open and took a few swigs

I looked over thereed cage to see if there where any gaps and everthing looked fine so back together everthing went, now about 5:30 I want to see what the reeds do for performance so I roll it out of the garage and kick then kick again ...this aways starts on the second kick... so I kick about three more times hmmm took the choke off tried some more nothing so I cracked the throttle wide open and it started then died ...WTF ...

I took the plug out and cleaned it up and stuck it back tried again same crap Hmmmm I took the carb off and cleaned it real good Idle main and choke circuits put everything back together same crap so off came the carb again with the reed block this time too fliped the reeds as intructed in the paper work put the carb back on and Crap same thing
So I took the plug out and swaped with a cr85 in for rebuild just to see same wont run.

By this time 9:15, I'm pissed off and want to go hide in the bed and sleep and started thinking what could be the problem then I looked back and saw the new but plug and said to myself no F'n way I took it out and put my plug back in and ..........Ring ding ..ding ding
so now I'm a happy bone head that has to wait till tomorrow to try out the new reeds!!!

What do you think do I win???


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Sure beats pounding potatoes in an annoying neighbors over sized exhaust tips, REALLY BIG ONES! The old butt plug got yet another. The 450's really shoot them far.


Oct 27, 2008
I wish a 2 stroke could atleast squeeze them out !!! would have saved my about 3 hrs

that reminds me of when I was 11 and balled up a gardner snake a shoved it in my mom toyota corona tail pipe!!!


Bring back the CR500
Jul 20, 2009
I did that on my KLX450 but when it would not start I figured it out before I got any tools out. I felt silly too. However! I came up with a solution so I wouldn't do it at the track and look like an idiot. Here it is, I wrap a rope loop around the throttle handgrip whenever the plug is in the exhaust. Then when I take the plug out, I take the rope off the grip and tie it to the plug (so I remember to put it back on the grip when I use the plug again). The only problem is that people often ask, "Why have you got that rope on your grip?"


Jun 10, 2009
If we are going for the bone head of the month I would like to but my self forward.
I was out working on my bike the other day when i was called away .I got back around 30 mins later and started work on it once I finished I dropped the bike off the work stand and wheeled the bike into the garage only to find the bike had locked up and refuse to move, ah must be in gear I thought but no it was in neutral.Oh god it must be the gear box , then the wife called called me in so i dragged the bike into the garage locked up and went in side. I spent the whole night looking over the work shop manual trying to think what was wrong with it and planning how best to remove the motor. The next day I put the bike on the work stand, only to find that reason that the bike had locked up was that I had placed a disk lock on the back disk when I had been called away, and had forgotten to remove it when I move the bike.Doh.


Oct 27, 2008
Just goes to show you when you get something new and change your ways, there is a new oppertunity to make mistakes.

I got a cool ktm test card/ with neck rope at the ktm days last fall when test riding all thier new bikes I have attached it to the but plug as to make it more visible.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
My CR125 will actually start with the plug in. It's really quiet, and doesn't run long.. But it will start.

The 450 will not start at all with it in. And Bob, it's so tight, it won't shoot it out of the pipe. I've tried a few times.. ;)

I surely own the title of Serious Bonehead for the time I was torquing the cases on my nephews KX85 and noticed the transmission laying next to me on the bench.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I put one in AJ's AF500 at the first DirtWeek in 2000. When he started it, the plug shot 30 or 40 feet and hit a trailer, barely missing Jeff Fredette. Ironically, AJ was able to start his 500 with the plug in but big, hulking Wardy wasn't.


Apr 3, 2009
:) Did you know that when reassembling the clutch side of the inner and outer engine covers, you can:

1) Have that plastic collar in the kickstarter spring not be seated over the part of the spring that goes in the shaft.
2) Have the kips advancer assembly mounted backwards.
3) Have the kickstarter spring slip out of the case hole that holds it.
4) Have the kickstarter spring have an odd "click" when cycled, caused by one coil snapping over another coil as it tightens, which sounds almost exactly the same as it does when the spring has slipped out of the case hole.
5) Be assembled and torqued with the washer from the outer end of the kickstarter shaft sitting on the work stand. Twice.
6) Repeat step 1 at least 4 times while fixing all the other stupid stuff you did.

It was getting pretty comical by the time I was done... I shoulda stopped and made a checklist, but at that point I was thoroughly entertaining myself trying to do it all in my head and realizing how many wrong ways there were to do it...


Oct 27, 2008
Its alot easier to do something on accident than it is to do something on purpose!!

(stuff I aways say while drinking beer)


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
How about when you just finish torquing the head on a 450, and go to find the head pipe to install next and notice the white plastic forward cam chain slider laying on the shelf next to the head pipe.

Also, speaking of kick start return springs.. If you don't seat the nylon spacer properly on a KX85, and torque the side cover bolts, it makes a very distinct "ting" sound when the side cover cracks. And while the crack looks very small and not bad, will leak a hideously large amount of oil.


May 10, 2007
Lol, I'm liking this thread.

I did the cam chain slider thing when I rebuilt the CRF.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
_JOE_ said:
Lol, I'm liking this thread.

I did the cam chain slider thing when I rebuilt the CRF.

HA! I sat there for a good hour trying to figure out a way to get it in without taking the head back off and ruining the head gasket.


Oct 27, 2008
well it a good quality to be honest and have humility sometimes we are all human and make mistakes.

after my reed job I spent all day yesterday after work trying to get my carb to stop overflowing and I think I finally got it apparently the tube on the floats that the pin goes through was slightly tweaked (not horizionaly alligned with the floats) after many times taken apart I tweaked it back in line and walla no more pissing gas!!

I think I may have gone a bit far with my sprocket changes, the 14/50 was really nice but the 50 was worn and the new srocket I got with the 14 was a 48 (I just swaped the 14 and original 13 for a quick test before putting the new chain and 48 on) I didn't test the 14/48 yet but suspect I will be wanting a new 13t front very soon.


Jul 5, 2009
Question: What noise does $300 sound like just before you spend it?
Answer: "ting"

I can dump my bike going 30 mph downhill on a rocky powerline but it is never as horrifying as hearing that "ting" sound when you are tightnening the last bolt down after the rebuild. Or trying to remove that almost-impossible-to-access bolt on the bike that then requires you to pull the engine to repair.

"The world will end, not with a bang but a whimper"???? Screw that..., not with a "whimper" but a %&*&*% "ting"


Jul 5, 2009
By the way, what the hell is the butt plug for in the pipe??? You guys got rats or something nesting in the packing???? Swallows building homes??? Afraid the horsepower might leak out????


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
KDXDen said:
By the way, what the hell is the butt plug for in the pipe??? You guys got rats or something nesting in the packing???? Swallows building homes??? Afraid the horsepower might leak out????

For keeping water out when you wash your bike..

But then again, you have to wash it to know that.. ;)


Apr 3, 2009
Put any one of my 4 kids within 10 feet of the bike and a garden hose, and it'll take about 4 minutes before one of them decides they should squirt it into the tail pipe...


Jul 5, 2009
But then again, you have to wash it to know that..

Indy!!! HAH, that is freaky that you made that statement... I was just having a conversation with my riding buddies about washing our bikes. I am not as anal retentive as they are and was making the argument for not washing the bike as all you are really doing is driving the dirt deeper into the crevices with the water pressure. Plus within 10 minutes of the ride the bikes are a mess anyway and that all you are really doing is making your garage look pretty with your clean bike.....

If I WAS prone to washing my bike (with a hose, rather than the usual way of finding a big, fairly clean puddle at the end of the ride to go through), I would probably forego the butt plug. After washing it I would simply start it up and then pull a big monster hero wheelie and dump the water out of the pipe that way. Seems less complicated...


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
The idea is to not let the water get in in the first place.

As for why I wash, it's not so much to have a pretty garage, because that ship sailed..

It's so that I can work on the bike without the danger of dirt falling into places it shouldn't.

That another "you'd have to do that to know" sort of things I guess. ;)


May 10, 2007

I prefer not dump dirt into my airbox when changing air filters.

Mud does a great job of providing the necessary moisture for corrosion as well.


Jul 19, 2009
Well I think I have one. I just finnished my rebuild yesterday and went for a ride today to break it in. Got about 1 - 1.5 miles from the house and was about to turn around when I lost my throttle... Messed around for 15 mins then had to walk my bike home!(Still outa breath!)

Turns out I didnt align the plastic washer on the slide spring the right way in my carb to hold the cable in. That will NEVER happen again


Bring back the CR500
Jul 20, 2009
I agree with INDYMX, clean your bike. And maintain it. Double your maintenance and half your maintenance costs, it's that simple. The only time to not wash your bike is when you are in hospital directly after an unscheduled high-speed parking incident. Then you will have to get your wife, son or friend to clean it and bring you the photos in hospital to show it's done :-)


Oct 28, 2008
How about puttin that fresh new top end in, buttoning everything up, taking it for a break in run and THEN noticing you forgot to put water in...

Ooops. Caught it quick enough and shut the motor off. No damage, thankfully.
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