Smacked my knee yesterday... is it OK?


Jul 4, 2002
I was training on my practice track yesterday and wobbled over a double, the track has a fence running alongside it and I saved the jump but smacked the handlebar into one of the fence posts, I went over and smacked my knee pretty bad, I think it was upon landing. Thank god I was wearing my knee braces, without those I would have mayor damage in that area.
I got up by myself, managed to lift my bike but when I tried to kick it over it just hurt too much, OUCH!

I got some ice on it immediately and after 24 hours the knee feels much better, I can walk with a slight limp but I want to know if it's OK to try to kickstart/ride again or if it's mandatory to have a doctor check it out. I live in the countryside, it's over 100 miles to the nearest reputable doctor.

Is it OK to experiment with this or could I cause more damage?


Apr 4, 2005
Years of wrestling taught me this rule of thumb.

If it feels much better within a day or two, you're probably in the clear. If the pain never lets up or gets worse, time to see the orthopedic.

I wouldn't push it. If it hurts, don't risk it. It's well worth it to skip riding for a couple days and let it heal up better than to tear it up worse.


Jul 12, 2005
2 years ago i hurt my knee. i thought that i was ok but my mum insisted i go to the hospital.... turns out i broke a bone in my knee and thore ligaments. i did the same thing early this year except it was my foot! i had to have 2 screws put in my foot and i was on crutches for 2 months!
my advise is if you can walk on it then your probably ok if not then go to hospital!
good luck...


Jul 4, 2002
Short Update:
Went to the doctor yesterday, everything's OK, hooray!!
My knee is still a bit swollen but the doc pulled, bent and pushed it around and he told me I got away cheap. Thank God for kneebraces. I'm taking some pills for the swelling, should be fine in a few days, thanks AssistSuper and monsterkx!


Jul 5, 2005
I was trail riding a few days ago. Went to pop the bike over a fallen tree that was about 8" round. I made it over the tree but blipped the throttle a little too much, bike stalled. I was on a slight hill and the bike was leaning towards the down side (right side). Went to put my foot down on another fallen tree that was parallel with the bike. Well, the tree was moss covered and my foot slipped off, my foot hit the ground in-between the bike and the parallel tree. The bike was leaning over so far, the seat and weight of the bike was pressing the inside of my upper leg putting a sideways force on my knee. I felt a pop. Pain was so bad, my buddy had to pick the bike up off of me and kick start it. My knee felt like a rubber band. I got back to the garage and put some Ice my knee. I think the popping sound/feeling was my side number plate tab popping out of the airbox from my leg pressing against it so hard. (YZ 450F). No swelling, got x-ray the next day. Nothing broken. Still a little tender. It still hurts a little when I straighten my leg out as far as I can or if I try to bend down all the way with my legs. It's progressively getting better though. I was sweating it for a while; knee injuries can be the worst. Lesson: Keep those Rs up and slip that clutch :)


Jul 12, 2005
no bother... i know what its like to be injured!... i know people say that knee injuries are harder to come back from but i found it easier to get back on the bike after my knee injury than my foot although i was off the bike about 3 months with my foot bolted together!... anyway im all better now. good luck with the knee!.....
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