Dec 2, 2003
I was at West Shore Motorsports the other day poking around. Went to leave and there was someone outside checkin out my Strom. We got to talking and turns out he was looking at a Weestrom of his own.

We got to talking about other bikes and the 950 adventure came up. I mentioned that I knew were one was and as it turns out so did he. He had already looked at Marks Adventure and sounded like he knew of Mark if not knew him.

I told him that the street is not really were my passion is it is in the dirt. And as it turns out so is he. Hes a dirtbiker from way back and has a Big KTM of his own (640 Maybe)

It just always amazes me that we bikers are all such a close knit group that you cant go too far and find someone that knows someone that you know. Ive ran into people that ride with the same people I ride with yet I have never met them before. Now thats just strange.

I could of stood there and chated with him for hours (woodsy style :nener: ) but my kid was being an impatient little brat :yell: and forced me to wrap it up and hit the road.

Anyways I just thought that was interesting meeting this guy that knew Mark.


Dec 2, 2003
Bostons is now Metric Motor Sports. Grumpy George is still there runnin the show. They are doing used bike sales and have some china bikes also.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 9, 2004
YZMAN400 said:
Bostons is now Metric Motor Sports. Grumpy George is still there runnin the show. They are doing used bike sales and have some china bikes also.

You forgot about Mr. personality Mike behind the parts counter. Still the best place in town to get shocks charged. $6

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Don - yep it is small indeed. I had a similar instance today. I am working up in Cheboygan this week, and had a package I had to ship out (some bike parts I sold), so there I am at a UPS shipping place getting the box weighed in. A guy walks in carrying a box for a MX helmet, evidently to ship it out as well. I take care of business, and the guys notices the box I am using has Dennis Kirk stickers on it (gotta recycle all those boxes!), so he comments about it and we start up a conversation. He rides a 200 EXC, has been thinking about doing some enduros (I suggested the Jackpine), we discuss some set up topics for the 200 (my sons bike is a 200 MXC)...then he comments "yeah, I rode last weekend down by Weber Lake - saw some guys there at the trail head unloading some KTMs... " hmm, I rode the Wolverine C loop Sunday evening with a buddy (CR250@winters) - green Ford Excursion with a hitch hauler, about 4:00 PM..." "was your buddy in a green Chevy truck?"

Turns out he and his buddy and their kids were sitting there taking a break as Mike and I pulled in and unloaded! We never did get a chance to talk to them before they left though.

Well, the lady behind the counter is standing there waiting (for me to pay...I had not done so yet!) listening to the conversation and says - "boy small world - what are the odds you would be here from out of town, and the two of you would walk in here at the same time, ride the same brand of bike, and rode the same trail on Sunday?" I told her us nasty dirt bikers are everywhere lurking in the shadows!

I pointed him over here to DRN MTR - hopefully he will show up sometime soon.

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