SoCa Wrecking Crew does Night Ride


Apr 11, 2001
Figuring this would be my last opportunity to desert ride before moving out of the area, Jr. & I made plans on at a minimum doing the night poker run, evening before the Frozen Deep Creek enduro, Training Wheels M/C, and what better way to go out with some of the SCWC favorite sons

We arrived way later than planned, 4pm, and it started getting dark at 4:30 - so much for jetting tweaks and a pre-dusk loop. Holeshot and daughter were already there; he was out on a loop, whilst his daughter already had completed the afternoon kid’s enduro. We used the sunlight remaining to setup our lights/wiring for the evening's festivities.

Once that was done I rode thru camp to see who all was there. My how the club grown! New faces abound. Brettr came up to say hi after getting back in from a loop.

Holeshot returned from his loop, and we discussed the poker run. Turns out he hadn’t planned on doing it - but perhaps on his daughters DS80! Now that’s do-able but I’d have to/want to see him in the doing. I told him we wouldn’t be entering the enduro tomorrow as I need to get home to pack for my move. With that we said goodbys and he went off with his daughter for some chow.

I started my usual campfire for light and warmth. Then 2strk4fun pulls up to park nearby. After hearing of his wiring efforts to rig up lights, he unloads and we settle by the fire while I assume cooking duties. Turns out the last use of my camp stove cross-threaded the propane fitting – dang! I’d get these squirts of fluid no matter what I did – now how am I going to keep a growing and hungry teenager happy without warm-over left-over ribs? Prepared foods, that’s how; we happened to bring health-food junk-food chips, which kept him occupied until I could put my two brain cells together and resolve this technical difficulty. And laying the frying pan on the perimeter of the fire did just that, the pre-cooked ribs sizzling away. But what happened to the bulk of the ribs prepared the night before? Maybe Shorty and ExtraShorty helped themselves to the kitchen unawares to the cook last night? Anyways, few samplings later and the meat finally became warm, hot to the touch with some risky pan placement. Now nibbling away at them fat-saturated bones hit the spot.

Somehow we missed the club's ice cream give away, but none of us were game with the temperatures dropping fast; it does that here in the high desert.

There was no way/time in the night to finish the firewood I brought along, and finding someone in the camp with a dying fire did us both a favor. The poor guy had trouble with his words (adult beverage intake?), nonetheless was grateful for the "warming" gift as hops don't do the same. Turns out it was brettr’s group – news was he took his girlfriend to the emerg. room for some care after a fall; hope she’s OK.

About that time the Team Knucklehead founding fathers arrive, CPTJack and The Eel in the latter’s new pick-em-up, two Gas Gas’ (is that how one spells it? Or is it Gas Gases? Seriously, now…) in the truck bed. Even with the moonlight alone they are very sharp looking machines. They went over to catch the tail end of the club meeting, only to find the night poker had been cancelled due to organizational complications, but the five of us voted for a night ride anyway, ‘jack sans (a means of) illumination. Does his GPS have a lighted display?

Whilst the crew was donning its armor, the club president came by on a quad and asked if we were going out, to which I said “most certainly”. He said he and a few others were abouit ready, and were free to join them in 5-10 minutes. This allowed us to get ready in time to follow along.

Turns out the pres. and his two other companions were on quads, a fourth on a Honda Pilot. Since they knew the course, we followed in midnight-train fashion, and it was quite a challenge to keep the ribbon and arrows in sight with the well-lit ATV dust! but fun, nonetheless. At the end of the 3-mile loop (seemed like 5), the pres. asked if we wanted another, to which a resounding “yes” was given.

On the second loop familiarity kicked in, allowed a taller gear and/or more throttle; the latter was especially helpful, as my EE grip warmers need RPM to bring forth heat. At the end of the second loop it was discovered half of the group was left behind somewhere. After contemplating their status, we backtracked and they were finally seen coming in, delayed due to a stall – things do get awfully dark without a battery real fast!

The ATVers said they had enough, and the DRNers took a vote, deciding to do another loop on our own. Upon arriving back at camp everyone said they had an outstanding time on this first SCWC casualty-free night ride.

We didn’t bring our camp gear, so after loading up and the good-bys returned from yet another unusual yet fun-filled outing. Good times and good company!

OK guys: let’s hear you perspectives…


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
One thing we do, is zip-tie a glow stick to the bike (not on the cross-bar, it makes night vision worse), so that if we fall & stall, we can at least find the bike (or the other riders can see what's happened & find where the rider came off, depending on what happens). But yip, night rides are huge fun (even in the trees). Fun when you reach the brow of a hill & can't see where the trail goes until you've started pointing down again (unless you've got a helmet light too) ;)

Glad you're having fun :)


Apr 6, 2002
I enjoyed the trip to the desert. Like Placelast, I got out there later than I had hoped. I had family obligations on Sunday that gave me a "List" on Saturday to do before leaving or completing any lighting on the bike.

I did manage to get the wireing done only to find the stock bulb out of commision. Armed with a MR11 35w bulb and some super glue I crossed my fingers and headed out.

Thanks to the directions and help from a metroguide CD, I had no problem finding the spot. I was met by Placelast and Jr. just as it was getting dark.

Placelast allready had a fire going and a good supply of wood, good thing as it was about 48 when I got there. I had also brought wood thinking that Placelast and Jr. were overnighting, so plenty of fuel for warmth. Stories were swapped at the fire as Placelast warmed up some ribs, he makes it easy to come out unprepared and the gift was very welcome, thank you.

Then the Eel and CaptainJack pulled up and we were introduced. I had never really seen the Gas Gas, so I was hoping for a little more moonlight but cloudcover revealed little detail.

This was my first night ride and wasnt to sure what to expect. CaptainJack was without a light, so I rode close to his fender to share a little of my light. After a few dusty loops, Jack and I swaped rides, my headlight seemed to be holdong up so far and I had jerry rigged my mountain bike light to my helmet, so now we both had some light, and I got to ride the Gas Gas. Nice motor on the GG and the transition from my KTM felt very natural.

After our ride Placelast loaded up to get ready to head home. He said is goodbyes and we gave him the duties of checking out new areas to ride after his move to the Central Coast so an appropriat road trip can be made.

The fire was warm and I was in no real hurry to get home, so I stayed and chatted with the Eel and CaptainJack. After a some conversations about riding SoCal in the "Old days". I decided to head home before sleep could get the best of my drive home. With that I left the fire tending duties to the Eel and Jack and went home glad I could get a little bike time in on a busy weekend and the chance to say goodbye to Placelast.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I was bummed we got there so late but that's the way it goes. At least we got in the night ride which was fun ... and got to meet Chris who was a cool dude.

John - I'm glad you found something but of course we will miss you down here in So Cal. Thanks for everything (group rides, introducing me to TWMC, wrenching tips, new riding spots, etc).

As soon as you get set up and find those new riding spots ya gotta give us a holler ... I'm sure more than a few of us would be willing to make the trek.


Apr 11, 2001

It was my 3rd time out w/2strk4fun and he will fit in well/is in good company with the Wrecking Crew, and TWMC if he can make more of those.

My pleasure on all of the rides, etc.; glad to be of benefit. I remember you coming up to me in the first SCWC ride we did at Gorman a few years ago, you saying "my friend Jack - he's only been out a few times; like, he's new to this stuff. Do you think he'd be OK?" To which I said he'd be fine as this would be an interemediate loop. And like Holeshot (doing enduros) he not only came back for more, but has improved tremendously as a rider.

As far as new spots to ride, I plan on checking out Ballinger Canyon, Pozo, and Clear Creek for you all, but not without others help first (Deano? MCassle? Farmer John? Mr. WR? Ya hear?) I will be heloing out on the Piglet and Wild Boar enduro at Clear Creek.
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