I should have also mentioned, while you can usually get your fine and/or points reduced, I also found out that hard way that in some places (MD in particular) they can raise the fine and give you jail time.
In another example of my misguided youth:
I was 18 and working at a place that froze vegetables 7 days a week, 6 am - 7 pm...91 hours a week. I had loaned my car to my brother and he had "fixed" it for me (which meant that I was having to ride a bicycle the 3 miles to town and back to get to work).
One afternoon on the way home I grabbed onto a friend's car and let him pull me through town. (Hey, I never said I was bright) We had almost made it out of town when I told him that I had better let go so he didn't get in any trouble. When he pulled away I looked over in the elementary school parking lot and both of our town cops were sitting there. They started moving, so I started pedalling faster. I was thinking Dukes of Hazard style..."If I can just make it to the town limit, they can't do anything!" I managed to make it out of town before the first car went by me and after my friend. I thought, "I'm not looking back." Soon I heard the siren and looked back to see that he was using every light he owned and his siren to pull me over on a bike. I ended up getting a $20 ticket, no points, for "Clinging to vehicle prohibitted."
I wouldn't have gone to court, but my friend couldn't talk his way out of an open door so I thought I would help him out. I showed up and found out that since a different cop had written his ticket, he had a different court date. I figured I would just go in, plead guilty, and pay my fine. As luck would have it, the week before my court date a kid had gotten killed trying to hold on to a city bus in Baltimore, so the judge was going to make an example of me.
He was the father of a girl I went to school with and liked to belittle the people that came in front of him. I wasn't too concerned, since it was only a $20 ticket with no points. He aksed me how did I plead and I said guilty. Instead of telling me to go pay my fine, he asked me if I worked or I went to school. I said , "Both, I work and I go to school at the University of Md."
"And what do you plan to be when you graduate?"
"I'm studying electrical engineering."
"And DO you plan to graduate?!?"
It was kind of obvious that he was leading up to a lecture, so I said, "Well, as long as I refrain from this type of activity in the future, I think I've got a pretty good shot at it." Bad move...people started laughing all over the court room and he got pissed.
"Do you own work gloves, Mr. Nyland? You know, the leather kind?"
"Yes sir"
"Good, I'll give you a choice, you can work eight...ah, 32 hours of community service."
He stopped there. I waited a minute and said, "And my other choice?" People started laughing again.
"Weren't you listening to me when I came in here?!?"
"Yes sir."
"What did I say?"
"You said a lot of things." (More laughter...oops)
"I said that any traffic violation you take to court in the state of Maryland can be adjusted, up or down, to a possible 30 days in jail and $500 fine!"
Disclaimer: Do not try any of this at home...these were the actions of an ignorant youth. :scream: