
Jun 5, 2001
Quit speeding you non conformer! LOL j/k :)

If you forget the speed limit down in the Anaheim area, I'll be happy to give you a slip of paper so's you can remember! :D


Dec 31, 1969
It is almost the only thing that you can do to discourage this rediculous system that we have to enforce traffic rules. Obviously, some of the rules themselves are stupid but the system is worse.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on that statement in some detail.

Elaborate a little?


Oct 11, 2001
In all seriousness regarding speeding tickets, if you get one get a LAWYER! Just shop around. My last speeding ticket
Without attorney
Increase in insurance $1000 per year for at least 3 years

Total $3085

With Attorney

Attornies fees =$90
Fine =$40 for parking violation
No points, no insurance increase


Guess which one I chose!



Dec 19, 2001
okiewan, what I meant was we have this system where rules (good and not so good ones) are arbitrarily enforced using methods of dubious legality and accuracy (instant on radar for instance; not always accurate) and a traffic court system where you are guilty until you prove otherwise usually without the possibility of a jury. The court system thinks radar is infallible. As an Engineer, I am here to tell you they are very wrong.

Tickets are often issued as a means of revenue generation with no concern about if the violation is actually unsafe or not. If by fighting a ticket, you help clog the court system and cost the "system" so much money that it is not worth them trying to get the money from you, it discourages them from issuing the ticket in the first place. Then to top it off, the insurance companies get to benefit from your misfortune by surcharging you for (in the case of MA) 6 years with no additional risk to them. I have never cost an insurance company a single penny in 24 years of driving but if I get a single ticket, I get treated as if I am likely to crash into a school bus tomorrow.

I'm just getting started, but I have to go back to work now.

By the way, LVMarc is right about lawyers. Money spent on one that you feel comfortable with and who comes recommended by someone you trust, is money well spent.


Jun 5, 2001
I have to agree with you on one of your statements. Insurance companies take advantage of a situation inorder to raise the rates. One ticket doesn't mean you're a bad driver. Maybe a pattern of bad driving should make them think, and you also, but to penalize you for one mistake isn't just. In the case of an accident for instance, here in lovely CA, if you are involved in an accident, and it's not your fault (rearended for example), it still appears on your record but states party not at fault. I feel it shouldn't appear at all if it isn't your fault. Just because your were unlucky and hit by someone with their head up their booty, doesn't make it right for them to put it against ME.

Now the statement about them just being revenue creating items, well, that would differ from city to city and officer to officer. Of course they are all human, like all engineers, they make mistakes, cut corners and sometimes have bad attitudes about the job and who they work for. Not all cites are right or just, but the message you seem to be sending is that we should just run around with no laws. Some laws are bad, and old but most of the sites issued for driving offenses are aimed at safety. Lane changes, speeding, tailgating, running red lights and stop signs for instance, serve the purpose of safety not revenue. Parking cites ARE revenue collecting.

The system has it's flaws also because it was designed by humas, the key word is human. Do you think officers enjoy going to court to testify on a ticket that the guy/gal deserved. No, like I said before, if you do something wrong, admit it and take your licks. If people were more responsible for their actions, things would be a lot better off.

Case and point: A parent sues the city because the water sprinklers make the road wet. Child crashes on that road because he lost control of a vehicle he has never driven before while being overloaded with passengers and driving over the speed limit. Are we trying to cloud the isssue or divert the blame here?

To "overload" the system, in your mind, would solve the problem and make the original problem go away, right? I don't think so. Wasting the time of the courts that are already overloaded by stupid and ridiculous lawsuits is ignorant in itself. The question is, did you do it in the first place? If the answer is yes then don't waste the time of the court and everyone else that has to hear you cry about running a red light. If you feel the ticket was unjust for other reasons (maybe the officer really couldn't see the violation clearly, or your speedometer read what the speed limit is and you think the radar gun was off) then more power to you, fight it all the way, it's your right.

You're an engineer and I assume a smart guy. You know what you do is right, borderline and what is obviously wrong. Use your best judgment, like officers do, and make the right decision as to the path you will take. Please don't take this personal, I am just responding to what you have stated.


Dec 31, 1969
The only issues I have with the whole traffic ticket thing is this; most tickets (from what I understand) are written on highways/expressways. Most accidents happen elsewhere (city streets, etc). If it is intended to make drivers think about safety and slow down, why not patrol more where the accidents are? Maybe the "value" of the ticket is higher on expressways?

If safety is the primary concern, why do some cops hide? Want people to slow down? Park a squad car on the side of the road. I recently saw a car with a dummy (in uniform!) in it parked on a Chicago expressway, should have seen the brake lights, LOL. Move the thing around, people will slow down. Would free-up officer's time to tend to more urgent matters. The "Your speed is" automated radar signs I sometimes see in neighborhoods is another good idea we need more of; better deal than me throwing shovels at the morons speeding down my street.

That being said... If I get nailed speeding, I pay the fine. I try to always claim repsonsibility for my bone-head mistakes. Go figure.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I thought I heard that, at least the CHP, are doing more in-town stuff and less on the highways of CA. Something like that. Or maybe it was more and more tickets are being written in town, like doing DUI checkpoints, etc. Elk can confirm or enlighten.

I agree with the parked car. a local municipality has been taking their old cars, or cars not currently in service, and parking them at variousl intersections around town (Capitola Police Dept). Very effective. Especially when people get used to it, then they put a real officer there from time to time. Keeps the "rollers" and cheaters to a minimum. I like it!


Dec 19, 2001
Elk, thanks for your support on the insurance company thing. In many civilized countries in Europe, only accidents that are your fault can be used to raise rates. Moving Violation tickets cannot be used since nobody has ever proved that getting more tickets makes you more likely to cause more accidents. In fact, in some cases the drivers who have better driving skills and better risk assesment skills may drive faster and get more tickets.

In my opinion, there are some traffic laws that should NEVER be broken. Running stop signs and red lights (and I am mean really red, not yellow), failing to yield, tailgating (especially), lane changing without signals etc. really are dangerous and sloppy driving behaviors and dangerous and sloppy drivers shouldn't be on the road at all. (or offroad for that matter) Driving and riding well require a certain amount of skill and practice and common sense but mostly they require a focus of attention. Sometimes I wonder how much safer a driver/rider I could be if I didn't have to watch my speedometer and the road ahead for all of the radar traps that I go through daily and instead focused ALL of my attention on what I am doing and almost more importantly, what the idiots are doing all around me. On my daily drive of less than 9 miles each way (mostly on small, empty country roads where the speed limit seldomly goes above 35MPH), there are never less than 3 speed traps each way, each day. Each uses Instant On radar (or lidar) and will ticket for 5 over the limit. (I have been a passenger for a couple of these tickets) Some tickets have been handed out for totally false radar readings. (off by 20 MPH!) Going to court to fight a ticket around here requires a lawyer or the advice of one since the Clerks office will totally obstruct any attempt to file a motion for anything. There are 7 lawyers in my immediate family and they have informed me that rights violations that take place in these traffic courts (compared to regular court) is mind blowing. All that aside, you have a good point about things varying from person to person etc. and I meant no offence to the law enforcement community and the justice system in general even though I made some gross generalizations in my haste to type the email. On rare occasions, I have done something that was illegal and a little stupid and I have paid the ticket. But, with most tickets, even if I have slightly broken the law (35 in a 30 zone, for instance), I fight and beat the ticket in court wasting a lot of the system's time and money in the process. (and some of mine too) I would hope that if enough people took this approach, the system would be overwhelmed and the police would be asked by the courts to use some discretion and stop issuing tickets for 27 in an empty and dry daylight 25 zone etc. If a ticket only meant a fine of a few hundred $s, then fine, but around here, it means a few thousand $s by the time the insurance companies are done with you and very few mistakes should cost you that much.

By the way, Thank You for assuming that I am smart. How flattering! Don't worry, I don't take much personally. Be safe out there.

Not to forget your reply okiewan, I agree about hiding police persons. Most people will behave themselves in front of the police and those who are too unobservant to notice the police or too stupid or arrogant to care if the police see them do something stupid deserve what they get. Especially after 9/11/01, there are certainly a lot of things that the police could be doing that is are a lot more important than hiding in the bushes trying to catch someone driving a little too fast. I'm glad to hear that you take responsibility for your own actions as un-American as it may be.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Me and Sammy Hagar were blasting down the road....:debil:


Jun 5, 2001
So much to reply to! OK, here goes,,,,,

First, Okie, (he's most important!). Out here, the highways are patroled by the CHP and the cites that are written are for accident causing violations, mostly. Visual deterrent is a great way to reduce most everything. I used it alot when I patroled and it was alot easier to slow down a group of 20 cars verses writing one (called the sacraficial lamb) and moving on to the next. The city PD handles their own agenda and I can't speak for them. Would benice to have more officers "visible" but unfortunately, that calls for $$.
I saw the parked car tactic used out in AZ, works pretty good I think. The hiding thing is a little cheesey in my opinion. Never used it and never had to. Trust me, people still don't see you even if you're only 3 lanes over!!

Zio you're up next cause I like the name!:)
We've always had the highways taken care of but the city thing only occurs when it's county area. And then only if the Sheriff and the CHP has an agreement as to who does what. If a traffic complaint comes in from a citizen, then more emphasis is placed on that particular complaint (stop sign, speed etc..)

Scraw, I understand your points made and I agree that there are alot of idiots out there on the road. I've always heard that if you block off your speedo so you can't see it, you'll drive at a speed that is comfortable to you. It works cept Okie is a speed demon :):) LOL. You have to understand that the speeds posted in all areas are what can traversed safely by ANY driver. Remember who is out there, YOU may be able to handle your car 10, 20 or 30 above what is posted but the unfortunately, not everyone has those skills. It's kinda like the weekest link in the chain, our roads are only as strong as the weekest idiot driver! Now when you are caught for going 5 over, that's flat out ridiculous for a cite to be written. I wish I could speak for every officer that writes cites based on his discretion but I can't. Like I said, they are human and there are some bad ones out there.

I agree that they don't make it easy to fight tickets around here. I do feel sorry for the poor sap that has to go through the process. I wish that doing what you suggest about wasting the court's time would make city police departments rethink their discretion but I don't think that would work. You are still dealing with egos and everything else that goes along with being human! Oh to be in a perfect world. :)

Alot of things have changed since 9-11 but believe it or not, that one traffic stop for some minor infraction could lead to the arrest of someone real big. :think
Thanks for the reply.


Nov 1, 2001
A funny side story this has reminded me off is when one of my close friends was in the fire department. He has an '88 Crown Victora... and he got a full barlight while he was in the department. During the day it was kinda obvious that he wasn't a cop, blue lights not red. However at night, it was always fun to sit some place, and wait till you see a car go flying past, and then take off after them. Its amazing the number of people that acutally run when they think a cop is behind them. :p


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
:think That reminds me of this once time in high school when a buddy of mine had this big Chevy "cruiser". Spotted a couple of the less bright guys from a rival school pulling out from the Beer Barn so I say "Where's your spot light?" and grab my red jacket to throw over it. My buddy figures there was no way my idea was going to work but we give it a shot. Sure enough these idiots pull over and are studdering up a storm. Mind you we're 17 but both had a bit of facial hair so I say "Good evening boys, my partner and I noticed you pulling out from the Beer Barn and thought it may be appropriate to see which one of you is of legal age to purchase alcohol. Can I see some identification please?" well they are shakin' like a couple of wet kittens now. "Gee guys it looks like nobody in the vehicle is 21. Would you mind opening the trunk?". Now the passanger pipes up with "Your not old enough to be a cop!" to which I reply "Son, I got this job because I look like a high school punk just like you. Don't you think it would be a little obvious if some gray haired desk cop was out here trying to blend in? Now let's all step outside and see what we might have in our pockets!". Now his buddies are telling to to shut up and smackin' him in the head. So we have them standing on the side of the road with the trunk open and 3 cases of ice cold beer sitting there. My buddy who is just about ready to pee his pants says "Hey Cap can I talk to ya' a second?" so we go confer and come back. He says "Boys we're gona' let ya' off this time but we need to take the beer from ya'. While the Captian writes your information down how about each of ya' grab one of them cases and put it in the back seat of our car?". Well they were MORE than happy and about fell over each other doing it while I pretended to take down their names, DL number and addresses. "OK fellas' your free to go but I'd suggest you not try to pull a stunt like this again." Well they were gone in about .5 nanoseconds and we were rolling on the grass.

I figure they're quad riders now.:p


Jun 5, 2001
Think of a good response when you are standing at the pearly gates with God tapping his foot!! Oh the stories I could tell, but only after retirement.:)


Dec 19, 2001

I'm afraid that like Okie, if I drove at the speed that I felt comfortable, I would end up in jail. After living in Germany (no speed limits some places) and doing some open wheel and sedan road racing (not Formula 1 or anything REALLY fast), I can control a car at the limits and at speeds that would make any officer and most citizens frown. Fortunately for the citizens and police officers (and myself), I have an unmodified Honda Civic (not that fast) and some brains so I don't drive as fast as I might but I do need that speedometer to keep at the very low speeds that are posted around here. (often without traffic surveys to justify them by the way (in violation of state law)) Thanks for more flattery on my driving skills though! In a perfect world, all drivers would have to take and pass an advanced driving skills course offered at some local race track before they got their license. My Son will for sure before my Wife and I let him behind the wheel.

One other thing before I go. One of the problems about some of these silly laws with ruthless enforcement, is that they make people have no respect for any traffic law or for police officers in general. People get synical about the "real" reason that some laws are created. (It's just about the money) Many people's only interaction with the Police is during a traffic stop. If the officers didn't harrass them, violate their rights and would politely treat them with respect, they would get a lot more support from those citizens when they are asked to help the police in different situations. I admit that I have been involved in more than a couple traffic stops and the police seldomly treat me appropriately and are almost never willing to answer any questions that I ask them about the infraction. (they basically just say "go to court"; what like I have nothing better to do with my time?) They get paid to go to court to discuss the infraction; I don't. Giving me a moment to explain my side of the story (like they would after responding to an accident) and considering it before a ticket is written is all I ask. That conversation should not be taking place in a court room. It just is not efficient.

Here's hoping that some traffic stops result in the arrest of some cowardly terrorists.


Jun 5, 2001
You are right about taking that extra 2 minutes and listening to someone explain what they did. Honestly I did listen and you may not believe me but I let alot of people go just because of what they had to say. I can remember stopping a guy in a Porsche going 125 mph. I walked up to the car and politely asked what the heck he was doing and if he knew how fast he was really going. He told me that he was blowing the carbon out and was probably going around 120 mph. After picking myself up off the ground, I told him thank you and have nice day. He looked at me and smiled, said thank you back and drove away. When someone is honest about what they did, they were able to leave taking only my thank you with them.

Amen on the cowardly terrorists!


Jun 16, 1999
Claiming stupidity usually doens't work, but it did once for me. I got pulled over one night for driving 42 in a 25. I thought I was toast. The cop asks me if I knew how fast I was going. In all honesty, I didn't, and I told him so. Then he asks if I knew what the speed limit was. Didn't know that, either. He goes to his car, comes back....tells me he's gonna let me go, because I've never been stopped for anything like this before. However, he did inform me that my "grace period" was over.

If all else fails, be honest. When the officer asks how fast you were going, just tell them. A guy I know was taking a little road trip, and got pulled over for going 70 in a 55. The cop asks him how fast he was going. He answers, "oh, must have been about 70." The officer says, "you're the first person who hasn't tried to BS me today.....have a good one, and drive safe."


Aug 1, 2001
ya know......if ya feel like trying to get outta it, there are a few tricks i've used that increase your odds of winning......
1)set your court date.....then about a week ahead of time, get it continued to a different date. maybe do this again. thing is, if the officer doesn't show up, then it's automatically dismissed. works REALLY well if there is a special event the day of the trial that he's working overtime for or it's scheduled on his day OFF!!! (might as well ruin HIS day too, huh??)
2)check you ticket for ANY errors. they frequently get my name wrong on the ticket.....there is a JR on the end of my name. They get all kinda pissed off when i stand up in court and tell them that my dads name is on the ticket and not mine. since he didn't commit the offense and my names not on the ticket....they either have to dismiss it or re-issue the ticket with the correct name on it and reschedule for a different date....see #1 above.
3)just remember....you pay the SAME fine whether you go to court or not. might as well make the judge and the clerks and the prosecutor and the cop WORK for your money instead of just forking it over to them.
4)some places have a "good driver program". if you haven't had a ticket in there jurisdiction in the last year or so.....you can pay the fine and request the defferment and it doesn't show up as point on your license and ur insurance company doesn't find out about it. thing is, if you get another ticket with....or a year or two...then BOTH tickets show up at the same time on your license.
just some things i've used...good luck
Last edited:


Mod Ban
Oct 26, 2001
As my uncle and I have found out the best way to get out of a ticket or lower the cost and points is to be honest. We were going down to florida with our Chevy 3500 dually with a 45foot trailer behind it. We were on I-95 I believe. I'm not framiliar with the Highways down that way but anyways we were doing 85. Not much over the 65mph speed limit compared to you others but still enough for a Georgia State polce officer to pull us over. We stopped as soon as we could. He asked us.... "how fast were you going" My uncle replied "I recall the speedometer saying 85mph" the officer said "Well your right on the dot" My uncle replied "yes, i know i was speeding and I diserve a ticket for my wrong doing" The officer said "If you know you did wrong and how fast you were going i guess I can let you by with a warning" after that we were off on our trip at 65mph.... for a little while. Be honest and the officer might let you off easily!


May 8, 2001
deferred adjudication worked for me

i got clocked on an fj1200 doing 116mph in a 50mph. it was on a safe farm to market road with no driveways or roads intersecting. i was going away from him and at one time was in the 130 range. it was night time and i knew there was a car behind me at least 3/4 of a mile anyway. i ran it up to the 130 mentioned and was coming down when i saw red/blue in my mirrors. i promptly pulled over and waited for him. he knew i could have gotten away. he asked me the standard do you have a reason question and i said no. he was irritated that i had a passenger but that passenger promptly spoke up and said he had asked me to do it. we were both dressed for the occasion ie helmets, boots, and long pants. i handed him my license and insurance and he went back to the car for a long while. i just knew he was calling a wrecker and i was going to jail. he came back with a ticket that said 116 which was bad enough but could of been worse. i did the math and freaked it was almost 400 bucks. i called the court that had jurisdiction and asked the clerk about deferred adjudication and she said to come talk to the judge and bring a letter saying why i wanted it. i went up there and didnt get to see the judge but she took the letter and called me back the next day. i went and signed it. it basically said no ticket of any kind for 90days and the ticket would be waived but the fine would not. i got a second parttime job for the spring to pay for it. needless to say the fine hurt but my record was intact. prior to that my record was clean and because of deferred adjudication it stayed clean. in my statement i said i was guilty and said running around at 115mph was not how i behaved normally. my advice is throw yourself at the mercy of the court. show up, tell the truth, and let them know that you know that you were wrong. do tell them about your plans to go back on the road. most people want to be supportive. if your record is clean then the judge will most likely offer an out to help you keep it clean. good luck!!

i just wish it was as easy to go fast on dirt as it is on pavement hehe


May 30, 2002
i was riding my rm125 and some gay dude pulled me over for ridin' without a license yet my license was on my dirtbike wich he was lookin at and he still said that i had no license!!!


Jun 25, 1999
The deferred adjudication, or "probation" has worked for me on a few occassions. On the last one, I noticed that the cost involved was about the same due to "court costs," but I was able to get the ticket deffered if I was able to go 90 days without another citation. In the end, no ticket on my record and no subsequent insurance cost. On another note, for some tickets around here on the older highways, if the ticket is under 20 mph over the limit, you can plead an "sp-9" code, which means you pay the ticket, but it doesnt go on your record.


Sep 15, 2000
I got busted doing 150km/h in a 50km/h zone. To say the least the cop wasn't impressed that I was going 3 times the legal limit. I was late for work, blah blah. This was a rural road coming into the city, so no kids, houses, stuff like that. The funny thing is, she said she was trailing me for about a mile or so. I get a instant court date, $1500 fine and a 6 month suspension. Haven't had a ticket since. Oh yeah, this was in a beater 87 Toyota Corolla.


Feb 9, 2000
speeding is a crime of passion ! :p .... dang wish we had autobahns here in the USA, and dang Montana for bringing back their speed limits. :(
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