
Apr 22, 2001
Can some one layout the sequence of steps to cornering .By this I mean if you imagine the corner as a clock face and you enter the corner at 12 oclock layout at which points you stop braking and start accelerating for 90 and 180 degree flat corners.Also the sequence of steps to cornering with the aid of small berms(low and soft).Thanks in advance.


Dec 3, 2001
poeple brake and accelerate at all kinds of different points flat- you usually try to transition from brake to gas at the midpoint-and roll the gas on for a controlled power-slide out of the turn. as for little berms-i hit the brakes slightly erlier than usual , i try to be accellerating when only slightly into the turn, this way you dont '"slam" into it and crush it ALWAYS weight the outside peg in turns


Mar 22, 2001
the points of change just very with the corner, but the secuence goes something like this: first is the approach dex, in which you go from accelerating, to braking, upon approaching the corner. (you usually want to get your braking done early, because motorcycles handle better under acceleration, than braking. you should never coast, because when you coast you are out of control) once you get your braking done, then you should go directly to accelerating this is known as the exit dex. some corners you will go from hard braking, to hard accelerating, and others from slight braking, to slight acceleration. If you are going to square up a corner, you can use the front brake, in conjunction with the throttle, to make your bike turn faster, while mantaining some momentum. also, if there is not rut, or berm to brace your tires against, you can drag your front brake, which will help your bike hold its line. ( dragging the front brake while turning will tend to pull the front end back and to the inside, adding resistance to sliding out, which allows you to carry more momentum through the corner.
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