
Mar 9, 2001
Is it morally acceptable to have some riding buddies over and "bait" a thief by leaving your bike in the back of the truck at night, then beating the bloody hell out of him (the thief) when he attempts to swipe your scooter?
I've determined that there is roughly a 100% chance that someone will try to steal your bike if you leave it out in the dark. This season my friend left his bike out ONCE and it was stolen. I left mine in my truck ONCE and someone tried to steal it, but they apparently couldn't get it out of my truck without a loading ramp. They did get my brand new five dollar meijer gas tank though!


Jun 5, 2001
Well I don't want to give you any vigilante advice but, when it does happen and someone tries to steal the bike that you ALWAYS, (get it, ALWAYS) put in the back of your truck the night before you ride, you can say just that. "Yes sir, I always put the bike in the backof truck the night before I ride because it saves time in the morning". "I heard something coming from outside my house and low and behold, there was this guy trying, what looked like, to steal the bike out of my truck". "No sir, I wasn't up drinking with my buddies prior to this, they ALWAYS spend the night prior to a ride". "Yes, I did tell him to stop that and get away from my bike but it seemed like he ignored me so my buddies and I approached him to get his attention". "He became aggitated by our questioning and started to physically assault us, all". "We tried to restain him and in the process, he cut his lip, nose, eye, head, both arms, both legs, groin and we think we heard a rib or two crack". "We then called the cops for help and you came, and we thank you for your quick response". "We love the police, they are allways there when we need them".

Feel free to cut and paste this, hang it in the garage and memorize it for future use, if needed!



Jun 1, 2000
Fill him full of holes then put a wrench in his hand or crow bar whatever.

It was dark officer I heard a noise I went out and he came after me. Make sure at lease one hole is in his front and make sure is an "Expired Thief" The make lousy defendants!

(Former Army Sgt.)


Dec 31, 1969
And then, go directly to jail.


Jun 5, 2001
Like a little school girl Keith!


Mar 9, 2001
Yes, Mr. Okiewan, i agree with you 100%. i know its not a legit solution, but i wanted to see some people vent. i'm just frustated for all the good people who've had their beloved bikes taken from them.
a better solution may be to spend a couple hundred a year on insurance. it seems like a no-brainer. someone steals your bike, you pay a small deductible, then go shopping!

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
Insurance is the best way to protect yourself from totaly being taken to the cleaners, but there must be a way to save yourself from being stolen from in the first place. As it is I am already paranoid, checking the garage door three times a night to make sure that it's closed (and I don't even have kids that will accidently leave it open) there must be a lock-up system out there that works! Anybody know of any? I read a post saying that even the Kryptonite chain can be cut through quite easily with a grinder? Then again I hope somebody would hear or see a thief spraying sparks and making a racket in the middle of the night. He would really have to have a set of balls or be under 16 to risk it :think Young offender laws:silly:


Sep 9, 2001
Big Tuna

Invest in a very large dog with big teeth and a bad attitude (Rotweilers are usually a good choice). It may help to not feed him.. put him in the garage with your beloved toys (hopefully he won't chew them).. and forget about it.

Your investment will be there in the morning along with the carcuss of any daring would-be thief.


Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
Bone-crusher (dog's name) as judge, jury, and executioner-I like it-I like it a lot:p
Would have to have his voice box removed though; as to put him on stealth mode. I would hate to spoil the surprise;) for the would be thief.


Sep 7, 2001
Texas Law is great!

Texas Law states that you have the right to protect your possessions from anyone that trespasses on your private property.

So I say let the scumbag come on to my property and try to steal my bike. One more dead bike-stealing scheisster would be just fine with me.

This way my bike insurance rate doesn't go up and I get free target practice!


Aug 2, 2001
Dogs are by far the best protection. I leave my the door to my garage from my living room open. I also make sure all the people in the neighborhood see Zuess(my lovable but not so bright and extremely huge scary looking dog) and Caesara (big black chow the coolest dog). Thieves just move on to the next house. When I leave my bike outside I make sure the dogs are right next to them. Hahaha

Funny thing about thieves, they are not afraid of cops or alarms, chains dont deter them. They dont even care if you are home sometimes, but the sound of a deep bark or growl will send them running everytime.




Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
I don't know about the dog thing. Fido takes a chunk outta ol' scum sucking thief and the next thing you know your caboose is in court being sued by the scum sucking thief! :mad: Besides that, even thought my Lucy can sound like she's going to rip your head off she's a wuss and I would fear for her safety if I were to try to use her as theft prevention. It's not like it's beyond a criminal to whack a dog to get to the goods. :ugg:


Jun 15, 2001
It helps to understand some basic facts about theives. Most theives are stupid, thats why they steal, cause they have no skills to make decent money to buy their own stuff.
Next, most theives are opurtunist, so they more or less can not pass up an opurtunity if they see it. So if your trying to catch a theif, its not to hard to bait them in and do what you will with them. I personally like to empty their pockets and take any keys they have after taking their picture and sending them on there way with no cloths on :) .
Most theives wont mess with a locked bike, even if its a cheap cable lock through the wheels and a gas tank or tool box. Being as how they are stupid, it helps to leave the bike in gear and pull the boot off the spark plug, even if they can get if off the truck they are lazy and usally not willing to push it more than a quarter mile if they cant start it.

As for the rest of us, we MUST NOT buy ANYTHING that we can not prove was not stolen. That inclueds parts. People who know us and live close to you or drive by you have seen your dirt bike collection and will try to come to you to unload hot stuff alot. Take the opurtunity to try and thwart theives if not Bust em.

No Dirt bike I had locked up has ever been stolen, but I have had 3 stolen that were not locked up. I was working on them and they were so apart I did not think anyone would fool with them,,, they did :( . I got all of them back though. :) .
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