Dave Wood

Aug 8, 2000
The USFS is requesting comments regarding motorized recreation opportunities at Stonyford and Upper Lake and invite you to attend an Open House meeting to discuss requests for State Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) funding for the 2001-2002 cooperative agreement cycle. (Green Sticker) The meeting will be held at the Forest Supervisors Office at 825 N. Humboldt Avenue, in Willows. CA from 10:00am until 1:00pm on Saturday, August 18. Copies of the draft grant proposals for the coming year will be available for the public to discuss with staff.

If you like the idea of more law enforcement, less single track trail and more machine groomed ATV routes, then you will like the grant application. I hope you can make the trip to Willows on such short notice. USFS 1(530) 934-3316. You can Email comments to [email protected] They need to hear from you no later than August 23, 2001.

Dave Wood


Jul 1, 2000
Originally posted by Dave Wood
If you like the idea of more law enforcement, less single track trail and more machine groomed ATV routes, then you will like the grant application.
Wow,not good, save our singletrack. Gotta work tomorrow, e-mail going out asap.

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