
May 24, 2000
Hey, about 6 months ago, I was having problems with pulling muscles in my legs. Gomer (I think it was him) told me to stretch every day. That helped tons, and my legs don't hurt anymore after a ride or race. Now, im having problems with my arms/shoulders. Anybody know any good stretches for this area, or a website with pics so I can see how to do them? Thanks again!

Air is great, but they put knobbies on these tires for a reason!!

Tyler #28
When in doubt, WFO

'01 KX125

[This message has been edited by Racerdude (edited 04-11-2001).]


May 24, 2000
Everybody is clueless on this one? Have I stumped DRN or something? HELP!

Air is great, but they put knobbies on these tires for a reason!!

Tyler #28
When in doubt, WFO

'01 KX125

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Sorry, wasn't me. I know I should stretch, but I don't.

Patience on the responses, GrassHoppa. Instant gratification is only found in Ivan && Speedy's forum.

Neil Wig

Jun 22, 2000
I don't stretch before riding, I figure I'll do all the stretching I need to as I go over the bars (remember to tuck and roll)....a little handle bar yoga....



Nov 7, 2000
To stretch your shoulders hold your arms strait our with you palms faceing behind you. Your thumbs should be pointing down. Then have with you arms still extended move them as far back as you can and hold them there as long as you can. This will stretch the bicep and the shoulder. Also you can interlock you fingers behind you back and then with you elbows locked you lift you hands as far up as they will go and it will strecth your triceps and your shoulders. You can also have another person stand behind you and lift your arms up. I hope this helps you out.

94 dirt only DR350

[This message has been edited by Danman (edited 04-12-2001).]


Apr 2, 2001
Go to your local high school or fitness club and ask a coach or a trainer what kind of streches you should do. It will be a lot easier for them to show you than for the rest of us to try to explain them.

Otherwise just do an internet search on streching. You should be able to come up with something.

Streching like lifting is a very important aspect of your personal health care. The more you do of each the less susptatable you will be to injury.

If you still can't find anything let me know and I will try to help you out.
97 CR 250, 96 CBR 600
You Bleed Red so you might as well Ride Red

[This message has been edited by woody51 (edited 04-12-2001).]


May 24, 2000
Thanks guys. I would have asked the coaches at school, but they are jack >>>>> and they make fun of our sport. thank you so much guys.....i knew i hadn't stumped ya ;)

and I know that stetching reduces injury, you should have seen my case job at the Pontiac SX amatuer day! i only had a jammed ankle and bruised wrist afterward. It could have been worse I believe if not for stretching. Thats just food for thought.

Air is great, but they put knobbies on these tires for a reason!!

Tyler #28
When in doubt, WFO

'01 KX125


Mar 15, 2001
I know a few streches we do for track and baseball... the one danman said is good, and here are a few more. These will strecth your chest, shoulders, lats, biceps and triceps
-put your arm across your chest, like around your neck, and push your elbow back
-put your hand behind your head so you can touch your opposite shoulder, and push down with your other arm
-swing your arms around in cirles, start small, get larger, then go to full range of motion

My name used to be NewMotoXer, but I no longer consider myself to be "new" to dirtbikes. But my new name doesnt quite fit me just yet.. :)


May 24, 2000
So now I'm the "grasshoppa"?

Only you Gomer, only you. Why does everybody pick on me because I ride green?

Air is great, but they put knobbies on these tires for a reason!!

Tyler #28
When in doubt, WFO

'01 KX125


Dec 18, 2000
I had started stretching my forearms on the way to the track last year and flexing my grip while I drive. By doing this I have reduced the amount of arm pump I get. Also adding a steering damper has almost reduced armpump to zero.


99 WR400f, White Bros E-Series silencer and tapered head pipe. YZ seat and tank. Thumper rad guards, works frame guards, scots steering damper. Soon to be MX-Tech suspension. SETRA, AMA, Happy Ramblers MC.

97KDX220, FMF Rev pipe and silencer, renthals.

Courage is not the absense of fear. It is the judgement that something is more important, than fear.


Apr 2, 2001
Danman, is your lower back stiff or do you just want to stretch it? I have found doing some sit ups to be a good way to losen up my lower back.

Also you can sit on the ground, grab behind your knees, from a ball, and then roll back and forth on your back. This too will help loosen and stretch your back.

97 CR 250, 96 CBR 600
You Bleed Red so you might as well Ride Red


Nov 7, 2000
It is usually stiff to begin with and is stiff and sore the next day. It will fad though the week, but return after a good ride. I would like a good stretch before hand or something that I can do thoughout the week to inprove flexablity and lessen the chance of injury. I was thinking of seeking a sports type doctor for advice.

94 dirt only DR350


Sep 13, 2000
Danman - The best stretch for the back, that I've found, I believe is called the superman. Basically you lie flat on your stomach with your arms straight but pointing forward, then raise opposite appendages together, ie left arm & right leg. You are basically trying to raise you arms and legs toward the ceiling while keeping your stomach on the ground. I know this a bad explanation but an internet search could find some pictures.

2000 DRZ400S


Nov 25, 2000
Go take a free week or however long karate lessons, they do alot of different stretches for your whole body,they alone are a great workout. You will be loose!

1991 KX125
1991 KX60
1984 ATC 70


May 24, 2000
You all probably think I am going off the deep end, but I thank you for helping me. This stretching has totally changed my life! Even my boss thanks you (he doesnt have to hear me moan with my sore muscles and hear my stories on monday!) I am never sore after riding now and I feel like I have more energy. The funny thing is that now im more flexible than all but one cheerleader at school. Thanks guys, so so much

Air is great, but they put knobbies on these tires for a reason!!

Tyler #28
When in doubt, WFO

'01 KX125
Sponsors: Basic Bike Inc., Tambco Service Center, Royal Purple Lubricants, Lemonds' Kawasaki/Honda/Yamaha, Main Street Salon, Friends and Family

Thank you to all of you for making the year 2000 a success for P.R.O.!!


Apr 14, 2001
sore lower back

Get on you hands & knees and hump your back up like in an arch and hold it there, then sag it down and hold it there. Do this 3 or 4 times a day.


May 2, 2001
Does anyone here ever stretch or rotate your wrists to free them up? For some reason i keep spraining my right wrist all the time and im not falling on it or anything it just gets sprained somehow. I've sprained it just riding around on my mountain bike or even playing the guitar. It hurts on the top inside of my wrist and it hurts to move it up or down. Any thoughts on why this keeps happening? Its strange it keeps happening to just my right wrist though. I was thinking of getting it checked out by a doctor but it might just be something im doing wrong. Any help or suggestions would be nice. Thnx


N. Texas SP
Feb 19, 2000
It sounds more like tendonitis than a true sprain. It is chronic condition and once you develop it, you will have it on and off the rest of your life. I have that problem with both my wrists. Warming up, stretching and postride ice , Ibuprofen and rest is what works for me. I also use one of those spring steel grip excecisers every day and do 250 reps with each hand, every day.
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