Stupid Mississippi Rooster!!! (long)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Well I'm a Gas Gas owner now. Long trip from Kansas to Mississippi.
I left Ark City Kansas at 11:00 am Saturday. After a quick stop in Ponca City Oklahoma for fuel I made good time through Oklahoma and into East Texas. Another fuel stop and on through Texas into Louisiana. After yet another fuel stop, that stuff is 1.59 a gallon and my truck doesn't do the best. Anyway about Vicksburg MS,around 9:00 pm I saw a car on the side of the road, shortly there after I saw a woman walking. Being a gentelmen I picked her up thinking I'd drop her at the next store. Wrong!! I ended up taking her all the way to her house 20 minutes off of the interstate. Long detour.
Anyways I roll into the parking lot of a convenience store to sleep sometime after midnight. I figured only three miles from my destination good place to sleep. WRONG. After sleeping in the truck untill 4:00am, It happened. A stupid night shift rooster started crowing. I mean loudly fifteen feet from my truck. I mean he was so close I could hear him clear his throat before he crowed. After the initial crow which made me jump so high I hit my head on the ceiling of the truck he coninued to crow every 10 to 15 minutes. I eventually gave up around 5:30 and got around brushed my teeth combed my hair and made the short drive to the bike.
I woke gasgasbill up at 6:00 am, looked at the bike, test rode it, paid for it, loaded it up and headed out at 7:00 am for the long drive home. Made it home in 12 hours.
No doubt that the good Lord looked out for me to make that long of a trip and find an absolutely perfect 2000 EC 250. Sorry to bore you with the details of my trip. I've only ridden it on the test ride and a little around my yard. Great bike. I might have to take a day off this week just to go riding.
Oh, thanks gasgasbill, great bike, it's good to deal with someone thats honest.


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