Brandon Moss

Oct 24, 2001
In June, I paid for a subscription thru PayPal and still it does not show up/allow me to enter etc. Am I looking in the wrong place, or is there a password or something. I think this site is great but I am getting frustrated...


Dec 31, 1969
If you were one of the three people in the last year that did not use the same email addy at paypal, as you use here, you would have gotten an email asking for your screen name for we could update your account. Without your screen name or a matching email address, there is no way to know who you are.

email me with the email address you used at paypal and the email address you use on this site, I'll get you fixed-up.

When you become a subscriber, it's obvious. A lot of the site looks different, lot's more options, etc.

Welcome to DRN

No trolls, no cliques, no spam & newb friendly. Do it.

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