Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000
I think Boit and some others had posted some info on the side effects of refined sugar & carbonated beverages. Wondering if you guys have some good links, with honest info, to read up on the subject.

I'm 34, 6' 1" and have gone from 245 to 205 in the past few months. Weights 3 times a week, cardio twice a week. Eating pretty clean, but still doing a few Diet Cokes and more recently back into the ice cream & sugar stuff periodically. My wife & I have both talked about getting off the pop & sugar both, but we are taking it one step at a time. Now that the weight is off it's time to go to the next level and get off the refined sugars. Also curious about the carbonated drinks, even diet, I understand is not great for you (let alone the Aspartame.)

Thanks. Glad they added this forum! Too many guys spending WAY more time tinkering with their bikes instead of taking care of their bodies. I personally want to be one of those 65 year old dudes that everyone "can't believe he still rides like that!":eek:


May 20, 2001
If your "few diet Cokes" means a can or so a day, you have nothing to worry about. They have zero nutritional value, but I don't think there have been any credibly studies to show that carbonated drinks in moderation are actually bad for you.

Just keep it sensible and you'll do ok, unless you have some kind of a condition.

Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000
Thanks. Only 2-3 a day, sometimes none, just curious. Mainly the carbs & refined sugar are my biggest problem as far as moderation.

Waaay off topic here... Is there really a University of Helsinki? I ask because occasionally I see an ad for a new micracle product...cream, hair restorer, hair remover, age reducing, etc. and half the time they say it was developed by Doctors or Researchers at the University of Helsinki.


May 20, 2001
Yes, there is a University of Helsinki and it's actually the largest university in the country, with some 40 thousand students.

So it's not entirely unfeasible that the miracle products have actually been developed by people who have been researchers or gotten their doctorate at the uni. However, I think that Linux is the most famous product that has originated from the University of Helsinki.
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