suggestions for bike for little brother! 8 years old!


Oct 8, 2004
Hi guys, I ride a 2000 Yz 125 and my little brother sees me ride and he is itching to get on a bike. He is 8 years old, 49 1/2" tall and about 50-60 lbs. I want to get him started racing and riding young. I was thinking something like a KTM 65. I wan't something with power, yet not a pu@$y bike. I wouldn't mind a 4 stroke but I would rather have a two. Any suggestions? Thanks


Apr 9, 2003
Start him out on an XR or something first, just to see if HE wants to get started that young. If you jump the gun and get him a race bike, a couple things can happen, a) he'll love it b) he'll wreck c) he'll scare the crap out of himself. Going the 4-stroke route to start out will build the laods of confidence it will take to improve speed and skills. Start small, you can always get bigger.


Oct 8, 2004
Ya you or sombody else might have the money to go from bike to bike, but I dont. He loves to ride. I have my own track, lots of acrage, perfect learning spots. He would have to take it slow. I really wish I could go the small 4 stroke route but its alot of money.


Apr 9, 2003
I suggested the XR route because they are realitly cheap to find used, and have a really great resale value when its move up time. I know all about the money issues. Great things aint always free. But if you persist on it, get him a KX65 or similar bike, although they may be more at the initial time of investment, and tmae it down, and as he grows then open it back up and let him rip on it. It just may be frustrating or overwhelming learning how to ride, all the skills that go with that, and then add a clutch and gear selection on top of it all. Im not saying it couldnt be done, but you would get more out of the bike, but it would take alot more patience, practice and perservence. Good Luck on what you do decide and i apologize it i offened you in any way with my post, i know not everyone has a money tree in their yard, at least i dont anyway. Lol. But may i add that its great that you want to introduce him into one of the best sports ever!!!


Feb 19, 2002
I have a 2000 Husky 50 that I will be getting rid of as soon as I put a top end together for it. It also has a taller seat to put on. It's a 2 stroke but a single speed auto. I'm in St. Louis and I'll probably be asking around $700. Let me know if you think he'd be interested.

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