
COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Hey, I didn't know ProTapers have been around that long.
When that picture was taken, I don't think they had invented crossbars yet!;)

GSR- You go girl (like you need a cheerleading squad).
Nikki is waaay more adorable than Amber
Amber doesn't want to make me hurl ( not by a long shot), but she is not my definition of end all be all beauty.
I never could understand the Pami A. thing.
Now Alyson Hannigan, or Holly Marie Combs,:debil: (insert primal growl here) !:)

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Just guessing a bit..
but i think the G rating of the website is more of what HMC's post is really about.
I agree she has a point and apologize for any offense to anyone
with pics i have posted.

A time and place for everything , and this may indeed not be the time or place.

I guess to state my own defense a bit..and its simply my opinion which is worth little-
as far as "family" websites go-
I think any 5 year old kid walking thru the supermarket has seen as provocative pics on cosmo or any other mag regularly displayed in the check out line or that his or her mother may wear in public .
Doesnt mean DRN should follow suit..but it also isnt going to change the world either way.

People like to look at other people..
that wont change anytime soon..
I know the thought of offspring horrifies you Speedy but the real root of
"this deal " is Procreation.. the species wouldnt be around long without this character flaw in both sexes..LOL

Out of 474 photos -
3 so far that would possibly be considered "edgey" for a "G" rating?

In off-topic not one "girlie type" pic..

and thats how it should be..this site is for dirt bikes after all.

I guess I feel the good still FAR out weighs the occassional PC infraction.
but maybe thats because I am normally the one making the PC mistakes? lol

GSR -please take this in the light it was written,
you know very well that
Amber, although i can certainly see why the guys might like her
is not really my type..
I'm more of a Bridget Fonda ,Courtney Cox,Cindy Crawford or Liv Tyler...kind of guy..:D

Now if Cindy would just pose by the AF, then i could get in more pic trouble
and GSR might actually spank me :eek:
promise to? :confused:

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
hey! that amber link isn't working for me..:( not that i enjoy that type of thing, but darn it, i always seem to get in on the tail end of these things.....:mad:


Dec 31, 1969
Man... I've seen the slide shows speedy sends to Scooter. I better shut-up before I get in trouble? It would seem however that they enjoy looking at pics as much as anyone LOL.
Scooter: "Daaaaummm... Whoooohooo!"
Me: "Sheez" (comment based on BARELY clothed, superhero built studlies on the screen and the fact that no matter what I do, chicks will never be sending pics of me around the net :confused: ) . I do not complain about her looking at them. I don't complain that those guys are nothing more than female eye-candy beefcake in the form they are presented. I don't complain about what SHE thinks is attractive or the fact that she enjoys looking at the opposite sex.

Females complain about female pics, males complain about guy pics... it's supposed to be all in fun?

As far as the guys commenting on Nikki's pics? The difference is she's a real person here. She (unlike Amber) is more than just a pic made to get the pigs riled-up. She's also one that can ride circles around a lot of us, lol. It's just different. I'm not sure how I feel about the members posts on her pics "hot", etc. That probably stems from the fact that I (male) don't know if it's okay to comment on a woman's appearance any more. Besides all of that; have you met Red? He's a big ol'boy and LOCAL. :scream:

I'm confused about all of this stuff and readily admit it. :uh:

PS.. I do stand behind the fact that all the images on this site are G Rated. Well, the snow-blower dude may not be. I was certain it wouldn't raise any controversies though :debil:


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by AJ Waggoner
GSR might actually spank me :eek:
promise to? :confused:

GIRLS: A spanking! A spanking!

DINGO: You must spank her well and after you have spanked her you may deal with her as you like and then ... spank me.

AMAZING: And spank me!

STUNNER: And me.

LOVELY: And me.

DINGO: Yes, yes, you must give us all a good spanking!

GIRLS: A spanking. A spanking. There is going to be a spanking tonight.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
989 wants to know if Amber will be at Dirt Week? (that's my boy!):)


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Boys, Boys, Boys............ go back and re-read my post please. Did I accuse anyone of not being "PC"? Did I have any "complaints" about the picture even being on the site? Did I say it should be taken off or anything of that nature? Did I say I was offended? The answer to those question would be noooooo. Seems the only ones that easily "get their feathers ruffled" around here are you guys when someone slams your precious Amber. :silly: I simply jumped into the thread to state that I think she is NOT attrative. I even said it was my "opinion".

Wes, I was just joking. I know that picture is not you.

AJ, nice try but our little off-line convo, didn't have anything to do with this thread, and I didn't even mention your picture.... in this thread. ;) AND I already told you I was NOT offended. Geez, why are men so thick? :p

Papa Keith, except for that last post, since I have no idea what you're talking about, I knew there was a reason I liked you. Now you're talkin', Holly Marie Combs is beautiful!! :) Of course Ivan is right. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Okie, hey, can I help it if your wife likes to send me that stuff? ;) As far as the "eye-candy beefcake in the form they are presented" that's fine, but wouldn't you agree that Ambers pics are only a female version of the same?

It doesn't really matter though, I wasn't trying to 'debate' the merrits of the pictures posted or whether or not they should be here. I don't really care. Just take my post at face value please and don't read into it.
Last edited:


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
We have pics?

Amber is pretty hot in a "$50 gets you a lap dance" kinda way. I wouldn't kick her outta bed, but I wouldn't take her to a film festival either.

Jennifer Connelly kicks Amber's ass in every respect. :p


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
except for that last post, since I have no idea what you're talking about
The next line refers to inimate knowledge of the opposite sex of a divergent maner.:eek:

JP- I wouldn't throw her outa bed for eating crackers either. 'course, it all depends what crackers has to say about it!:) ;)

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Julius Pleaser
Jennifer Connelly kicks Amber's ass in every respect. :p

AMEN brother

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by gospeedracer
Geez, why are men so thick? :p

Cuz if we weren't women would make really mean golf pencil references at inappropriate times :eek:


An interesting point:

I think it's unfair to assume that someone who is attractive is not intelligent/can't ride, etc.

Take me, for example. (here we go) I'm so ugly, you just KNOW I gotta be faster'n all hell. right? Guess again!



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Re: An interesting point:

Originally posted by BigLou
I think it's unfair to assume that someone who is attractive is not intelligent/can't ride, etc.

Take me, for example. (here we go) I'm so ugly, you just KNOW I gotta be faster'n all hell. right? Guess again!


You weren't shaved and taught to walk backwards were you?

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
AJ, nice try but our little off-line convo, didn't have anything to do with this thread, and I didn't even mention your picture.... in this thread. AND I already told you I was NOT offended. Geez, why are men so thick?

get real HMC!! ;)

seems being thick isnt gender specific...
(and to assure a spanking i'll even say- some men prefer "thick" women)

on my WHOLE post i clearly stated it was simply a guess !!
and to take it in the light /context it was written..

wasnt trying to stir up a PC debate with the group, or with you
..was apologizing , in general , if the content was considered inappropriate, which you had brought up with me, even if it may not have offended/ dissappointed you.

quite simple.remember us men arnt very complicated?

obviously- from members posts present and past - this topic is a little deeper than wether Amber is attractive or not..

and most of us arnt thick enough to just ignore it.:p

maybe we should this thread is getting hot..

least thats what my "little voice" says..LOL
but you know i always ignore it sooooooo

actually its singing -
" I Get out of the kitchen ,when i ,cant take the heat---

but what you got cooking mama, is good enough to eat ---

In walk the Okiewan, with a ,boom boom boom ---

he say ..break times over boy , get back to pushin that broom.."

I can't take the heat, and the floor needs a sweepin so i'm gone ...

but hey I'll give "whats in my pocket",which is "nothing" ,
to the person that can name that tune and band..
and name the subject of the other reference in this sentance..:D

Xpred and big lou are normally good at that stuff?


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I've got that same cartoon taped underneath my desk blotter(yes, it's clear:silly: )! Although the sign outside the building seems to have changed a bit!:confused:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Lou - You need to change that sign from Men's to MENSA. ;)


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Here's what it read the day the pic was taken, before he had his smart friend hit it w/photoshop....


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